
The MEEK ME, turned into FIERCE ME.

A cold but lovely wife, and loving husband. She was loved by her parents and siblings. Becoming a successful mysterious billionaire, she fell in love with a man but she was so proud to say that she loves him and she needs him. "Darling, I want to you all to myself," he said. "___" she was speechless seeing his coquettish expression. She was addressing the wound on his hand when "wifey my little brother is also hurt mend him for me." again she was speechless -_____- "Nada, Do you love me?" asked Theo. "Hmm," she answered. After hearing yes from his wife he was on cloud nine. He knew that she loves him but she is too proud to confess, so he will make sure she says that she loves him. ~Joshua Wyatt Grayson, a famous Casanova in the eyes of the world. A kind and innocent man to the people who knows him well. He fell in love with a girl. "I love you," said Joshua. "I love you too." This was the reply he got. He swore that he will make her happier. He will steal her pains and give his happiness to her. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a double love story. Assist the Two lovely couples on their voyage of love. I don't own the cover. All rights reserved to the owner.

flyerHz · Urban
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61 Chs

"They are your biological brothers."

Back in the hospital, Isla was still unconscious and Ivan was sitting beside her bed. He was taking care of her and doing his work side-by-side. It has been ten hours and Isla was not showing any signs of waking up. Ivan was getting impatient. He so wanted her to get up quickly. So that he can tell her the truth. He checked some files of other patients and then called Nada.

After calling Nada he sighed and said to himself.

'Oh, Baby Isla get up quickly. I can't take it anymore. I want to hug my sister quickly.'

He caressed Isla's face and said,

"Get up princess."

Isla frowned slightly. Ivan noticed it and a smile bloomed on his face. He instantly observed her pulse. He waited patiently for her to wake up and sat back in his chair.

Isla's dream world,

In Isla's mind, she found herself in a house. She was wearing a red coloured overall which had white petal print on it. Isla frowned.

A question popped in her head.

'I'm back in my childhood?'

She then said thought,

'No, I'm dreaming... Maybe?'

Baby Isla gazed around her and saw light coming from a room. Isla remembered that it was her mother's room. And she was in her mother's house. Isla walked towards the room and entered it. She saw her mother sitting by the window.

Isla smiled and went towards her mother. She was not sure why she dreaming about her mother. She couldn't remember what was going to happen. So she decided to go with the flow.

She came to her mother and lightly pulled her dress. Her mother turned to her and gave her a smile. Isla smiled in return.

Her mother spoke,

"What is it, Isla?"

Isla heard her mother's voice and her eyes became teary. Baby Isla hugged her mother's leg and cried hysterically. It has been ten years since Isla's mother died. So now, when Isla saw her and heard her voice, even if it was just a dream; her emotions were a mess and her tears flowed out one after another, just like raindrops.

Her mother lifted her up and sat Isla on her lap. She wiped Isla's tears and said,

"I'm here, I'm here. My lovely baby, don't cry. Mama can't see you like this."

Isla cried even more hearing her mother's consoling words. Isla knew she was dreaming but there was a hope that maybe, just maybe it can be real.

But no one can defy the laws of nature.

'Dead never comes to life.'

Baby Isla looked up at her mother and said,

"Mama please don't leave me. I can not live without you. Mama please, always be with me. Stay with me forever. Mama, I love you the most. I have no one else, please don't leave me. sob* sob*"

Her mother's heart fluttered and she hugged Isla tightly in her embrace. She kissed Isla's head and whispered,

"My child, my love, You're not alone. I'll never leave you. I'll always stay with you."

Isla broke the hug and said,

"But what if you suddenly vanish and I couldn't find you. What will I do then?" Isla said while she sniffed.

Her mother smiled and patted her head. She said,

"My cute baby Isla, even if your mama is not with you you have your brothers and baba."

Isla frowned her cute little eyebrows and pouted her lips.

She said,

"No, they are not my brothers. They are that woman's sons. I am not their sister."

Hearing these words coming out of eight-year-old's mouth Isla's mother was startled. She then sighed and rubbed her forehead. She stared at Isla's adorable tear stricken face and told her,

"Who told you that they are that woman's children? They are my flesh and blood. They are your biological brothers. And they are only your brothers. No one will steal them from you."

Isla was stunned after hearing what her mother said. For the last three years, she always thought that they were not her brothers and that they were the children of that woman. Never in her wildest dreams, she imagined them to be her brothers.

Her real brothers. But how can this be that woman told her that they wey were her sons.

She looked in her mother's eyes and voiced out her thoughts.

"Mama but last time when I went with Papa that woman came and said that Ivan, Harry and Peter are her children. And Emi also said that they are her brothers, not mine," Isla blinked and waited for her mother to answer.

A dangerous glint flashed past Isla's mother's eyes. Although she quickly composed herself, Isla saw that sudden change in her mother's eyes.

Her mother said,

"Baby Isla no matter what she or her daughter say never believe in them. Never means never. Do you get it?"

Isla nodded her little head.

She then asked her mother,

"Mama, are they really my brothers?"

Her mother ruffled her hairs and replied,

"Yes, princess. They are your brothers and your guardians."

Isla smiled brightly. She was ecstatic knowing that Ivan, Harry, and Peter were her brothers. She hugged her mother and gave her a kiss. She immediately ran out after giving her mother a kiss.

Her mother laughed at her adorable gestures. She knew where Isla was going. She only shook her head helplessly. She prayed,

"I wish all my children can live a peaceful life."

She ran towards the garage and asked her driver to drive her towards the Augustus house. The driver did what his little master told her to do. He brought Isla to Augustus house and returned to Isla's mother's house.

Isla went inside searching for her brothers. The guards of Augustus didn't stop her as they were aware of her identity and let her in. Isla first went to the garden but no one was there. She then went inside the house. She searched the lounge but it was also empty.

Isla frowned and went upstairs.

Isla's dream went on.

She opened the door to Ivan's room and found it empty. She also checked Harry and Peter rooms but they were also empty.

She then heard some voices coming from another room. She went towards the room and heard the voice of Linda. Isla frowned and moved forward towards the room. She stood by the door and heard her.

"Have you killed her?" Linda spoke.

Isla thought,

'Who is she trying to get killed?'

"I told you to finish her child too. What's her name uhh Isla," Linda said to the person on the phone.

Isla widened her eyes. Her mind went blank,

Her thoughts were a mess,

'Is she talking about my mom. Is mom alright?'

Isla muttered,

"No, no."

Without caring if Linda hears her voice or not. Isla ran out of the house. Her boots clicking on the floor making a crisp sound.

She shouted,

"Wan take me home."

Wan was the chauffeur of the Augustus family. He also knew Isla's mother. He was a loyal servant. And he always despised Linda.

She called a driver from Augustus' and went back to her mother's home.

After a thirty-minute drive when baby Isla entered the house. She saw the scene which changed her life entirely. Wan, the driver followed her behind and was struck to his place when he saw the scene in front of him

The first thing he did was to cover Isla's eyes.

Dear readers, don't get confused it is Isla's dream. Her dream is not completed yet. The reason she is having the dream of her childhood will be explained in the next chapter.

Thank you for your patience.~

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