
The Medieval King

What will happen to Pragya, a 25 spoiled princess of the 21st century, when she travels back to 235 BC, to a ruthless king of Qin, King Jing Zheng? Will she survive in his world with his cruel leadership?

Betty_N · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 36. We will never make up Again.

Pragya's POV.

I went to him and aggressively took my son. "Mom, I missed you. Where have you been?" asked my son. I wonder what he said to my son.

"How surprising, Pragya Singh Rathore. Are you really his mother?" Zheng said. I don't know why, but anger spread through my blood. I thought he was kidding me. I saw him in his eyes. His little eyes are still deep, but I don't see in them the love I used to see.

I said clearly:

"Jing Zheng, how nice to see you again. Yes, he is my son." I answered urgently.

"Your son told me that his mother's name is Feng Li. Did you change your name or hide…" I cut him off before he finished what he was about to say.

"It's none of your business. You kicked me out. of your palace and life, right? Then why are you worried now? You chose to be without me and I also chose my way. Now I am married and a mother. So you better go," I didn't even realize that my son was with me. I was furious when I saw Zheng there, especially with my son.

"Pragya, you can't, you can't lie to me, lady Pragya. I know you can't love anyone but me. You are only mine. You can love no one but me," he said.

I was shocked to death when he said that. I could feel he was reading my mind. I know I can't love Feng Leng despite his good behavior because of Zheng. But I denied it.

"Well, you're wrong, your majesty. That was ten years ago. Now I have a man who loves me and cares for me. I don't need you anymore. Feng Leng loves me and I love him. And besides, I think you know that I come from a very civilized and liberal world. So, the day you threw me out of the palace, I decided I would never come back to you.

"I am Pragya Singh Rathore. I hope you haven't forgotten what I can do. You know that if I want to, I can destroy you and destroy your kingdom in an instant. So you better stay away from me." I even threatened him. But he didn't seem to change. There was no fear in his face. I walked and couldn't remember anything to say to him.

"Take this as advice. After all, this is my last advice. Stop this war, okay? Because they will destroy you before you destroy them. And I don't want your madness to affect my family in any way. I wish you all the best in life and also in the war," I said and carried my son and set off.

I couldn't see behind me. I wanted to, but I resisted the urge to see him one last time. Because I didn't, I don't want him to have the slightest hope of meeting me again. I got sick. Really sick.

I wanted our good times back. I wanted to hug him as soon as I saw him and kiss him hard on the lips. Just like we kissed then. But things are not the same these days. I know Zheng. I know him very well. He will do anything to bring me back to him and his palace. However, it is impossible. This is the marriage I started with Feng Leng. And marriage is a huge promise on which a family is built. How can I destroy it for my personal interests? I broke my promise and lost my love for Zheng. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. And this time it's about my son. I can't take his father away from him. Let everything go like this. It is the best for everyone. No one is hurt like that.

When. When we got home we found they were all worried about me. Feng hugged me tightly. "Where have you been? Where have you been? Do you know how much I cared about you?" he didn't give me a break to explain myself.

"I'm fine, Leng. don't worry I'm doing great. And look, our son is back. Isn't it great?" I reassure him. Then he hugged and kissed Dong.

"Where did you go early in the morning and where did you find him," my mother-in-law asked me.

"I found him by the yellow sea with an unknown soldier." I lied to everyone. I can't tell them it was the king and I know him. This confuses me a lot.

"He is not a soldier, mother. He is a young master. I was with him all night. He is a good man." Dong said. I wonder what they were talking about all night.

"Whoever he is the most important, our son is back." my mother-in-law said and did it. Leng nodded and said:

"Hey, you didn't sleep all night. So go and rest. I'm going to the store. Since Dong is here with us, there is nothing to worry about." After that, Feng Leng said to the embroidery shop.

My mother-in-law took Dong to her bedroom to play with her. And the grandmother went to rest. And I went to our bedroom to to rest, but I couldn't. My mind is thinking about Zheng. His face was bright when he saw me on that field. There is hope on his face, the hope to meet me again. But I dashed his hope again. What can I do? A curse must follow me to steal from me all the good. What terrible luck I have! My fate is so terrible that it took the life of Qi. I wonder how painful it would be for Jing Ke. I saw how great their love was. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't met Jing Ke and Qi er.

Thinking about the events, I didn't even know how I fell asleep. I know myself when Feng Leng entered my room. I didn't even hear him open the room and enter. I felt someone's hand on my leg. I jumped up and sat properly. I couldn't believe what I saw.