
The Medieval King

What will happen to Pragya, a 25 spoiled princess of the 21st century, when she travels back to 235 BC, to a ruthless king of Qin, King Jing Zheng? Will she survive in his world with his cruel leadership?

Betty_N · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 35. Warrior!

King Jing Zheng's POV.

When we approached Jilli, I ordered my soldiers to kill everyone they found. "Do not pity them, we do not know whether they have mingled with the people or not. So whether he is a young man or an old man, a girl, a mother or a grandmother, do not spare anyone. Not even a baby, I don't care if it's a baby or a newborn or even in the womb. They wanted to oppose me, didn't they? Show them the consequences for trying to fight me. Attack!" I ordered. I know they are loyal to me. They keep my word.

Once a soldier came with a boy. The boy was not older than 10 years. I stopped him right in front of the boy. "Stop it," I yelled. I don't know why, but I couldn't let the boy die. I felt strange. Even though I don't have a child, I felt like killing my child.

"Bring him," I said. The soldier brought him to me and left.

"Hey, why are you here?" I asked the young boy.

"I'm here to see my mother," he replied. His voice was very familiar to me. But I couldn't remember it. I remembered my childhood when I was his age. I really hate that children get into wars like this.

"So where is your mother?" I asked him.

"I couldn't find her. Are you Zheng the great warrior?" he asked me. I was surprised by his question. No one dares to ask me that.

"No, why do you ask?" I hid my identity, I wouldn't scare him. I know people don't say good things about me. I forgot about Pragya for a moment when I started talking to this cute kid.

"But you look like him," he said. He was really sweet. I wanted to be with this child longer. So I invited him to my royal tent.

"Hello young man, have you had lunch?" I asked him.

"Not yet, young master," he replied. Young master! I smiled and said, "Come, eat with me, and then we'll go to your house," he agreed and we went inside.

"So, tell me what the great warrior Zheng looks like," I asked.

"He is like you, young master," he replied.

"Really? Who told you?"

"My mother, my mother told me about him",

"What else did your mother say about him?" I asked playfully. I didn't know that those people had a good opinion of me.

"She told me many things. She said that King Zheng is a great and brilliant king. He ruled his people wisely like King Solomon. And he is also my great fighter. His name is written on a silver sword. Before he became king, my mother told me that he was a great warrior when he was 10 years old, just like me. Then he defeated all his enemies and became king.

"Young master, I want to be a great fighter like him. Do you know where he lives? Can you take me to him?" he asked.

"Hmm!" I couldn't say a single word because I was taken aback by his words. "You'll be a great warrior too," I said seeing the pure and sweet smile on his face while he was eating his food.

But, I was lost in my thoughts. No one but Pragya knows these secrets. She is the only person who knows so many details about me and my childhood.

"Hey, warrior, what's your name?" I asked him. I am sure he is the son of Pragya Singh Rathore.

"Feng Dong," he replied.

"Nice name. Who gave you that name?" I asked. I really wanted to know about his mother. I waited for him to say "mother".

"My father," he answered. I began to worry. Did Pragya really get married?

"What about your mother? What's her name?" I asked impatiently.

"Feng Li and my father is Feng Leng," he replied. I was relieved that he didn't call out Pragya's name. But I don't know who she is. Who is it that knows so much about me?

While we were talking about random things, we didn't notice when it got dark. I made him stay with me for the night.

"Hello, warrior, it is already night. Stay here for the night, with me. I will send you to your mother early tomorrow morning," he readily agreed. So we were together for one night. I was glad to save that child from death.

Pragya POV.

I couldn't control myself when Xi'er said Dong was missing. I felt like I was going crazy. I asked people in the store if they had seen him or not. But nobody cared about my son. I screamed as if he was in my line of sight. I waited to hear his voice. But there is no answer. What a stupid thing to say! I thought I was going to lose my son. I thought for a moment that I would never see him forever. My child disappeared for a whole night. Everyone in the house, Feng Leng, mother-in-law, and grandmother-in-law, everyone was worried about Dong.

I had a sleepless night that day. I finally lost all hope of getting my son back. I went out on the porch. I looked at the dark sky and cried a lot. For a moment I imagined how my parents would react when I came into this world and they were left forever. The cold wind hit my face and reminded me of the beating I received from Zheng when he sent me packing from his palace. I suddenly felt warm. It was my husband who made me use the blanket.

"Don't worry my dear, our son will be back tomorrow," he said. I know he just said that to calm me down.

"Leng, it is my fault. Everything is mine. I should have taken care of him, which I didn't." I said regretfully. He came to me as I sat down. I spent the whole night there sitting without blinking my eyes even for a moment.

It suddenly clicked in my mind that he was going to the Yellow Sea, as he usually does. I remembered the news that I heard in the morning. Someone told me that the king's troops would check Jilli's departure early in the morning. I ran to the sea to save my son. But when I got there, I saw the impossible. I kept them apart for over 10 years, but it seems the time for separation has passed. I saw father and son together. Intimately! I wanted to leave them like that. Both were happy, although they did not know the secret. I smiled for a moment. I wished things were different now, so I could tell them the truth both of them.

Zheng is the only brave hero of Dong. I can imagine how happy Zheng would be if he knew he had a loving and stubborn son like him. I couldn't hold back my tears when I saw Dong, laughing in Zheng's embrace. But my happiness was short-lived. My son called me and woke me up from my dream.

"Mother!" he shouted. I came to my senses. I know I was mentally stupid when I was with Zheng. But not anymore. He doesn't care if he sees me or not. He doesn't care if I survived or not. So why should I care about him? But honestly, when he saw me holding Dong, I could read the shock on his long oval face. He obviously didn't expect to see me. Maybe he forgot me.