
The Meddlesome Fox Senko-san s2

Your point of view

SenseiWriter_999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Episode 04 - Conflict


What happened with Sora made you feel conflicted about what you wanted.

You went back to Senko and ate the meal she prepared.

You two were sitting where you both always ate.

Senko had just finished and looked at you with a curious expression.

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(Y/N's POV)

(Setting: Living Room)

(Senko) : Say... What were you up to in there?

Y/N: Uh... Nothing I just... Was struggling with a level on my phone...yeah a game thats all.

I don't care what happened between me and Sora, all I know is that I will stay faithful to Senko.

(Senko): Hmmm, well I'll go get you some fresh clothes when you're done eating.

[She sat infront of me. The sun shined into the window creating a clear rays of sunshine. Sometimes I think Senko is like the sun, warming you up after a cold day and greets you into a new day after a tough yesterday.]

Y/N: Hm thank you Sen.

I smiled, how could I not? Senko always makes me feel happy to be alive, showing me why living through tough times is worth it. I couldn't live without her.

The mood quickly changed though.

(Senko): Wait, <sniff* <sniff*. [she sniffed the air then stopped when she looked into my direction] You smell... different.

I nervously gulped

Y/N: Different? I should probably get that bath started then. [I stood up frantically. I headed towards the bathroom until.]

(Senko): Hey wait.

[I froze.]

(Senko): Get back here.

[My face burned, my heart was beatboxing Rapgod. I slowly turned around then sat next to her. She frowned at me with puffed out cheeks.]

(Senko): I smell Lady Sora's scent. Question is... Why is it coming from you?

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i told Senko what had happened. She wasn't pleased. i spent the night at another hotel. i still remember her blank expression.

i feel terrible.

Senko... i'm sorry...