
Asking Why They Hold Her.

26th of Eliza, 300 M.K.E (2 days later...)

The Maybale family was peacefully dining amongst themselves with their family. The dining table was occupied by various pots and plates filled with all kinds of meats, fish, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, and so much more! 

As they ate, the Maybale family liked to converse with each other, to catch up on each other's day. Normally the parents would throw in questions to their children, and the children would try to answer them as truthfully as they can, while sugarcoating a lot of it just so they won't get yelled at.

"... And that is about it I am afraid. Not much else is going on at the academy," Reena spoke. 

The academy was this giant school built in the middle of the capital, housing the greatest mages and teachers throughout the entire kingdom. Although as to why the academy was built ,Howard reasoned it was built to serve the royal family; a tool used to strengthen their allies and weaken their rivals. 

"This is wonderful Reena! You have done a wonderful job gathering a new ally for the family. Your father and I are very proud of you."

The mother's praise caused Reena to smile, happy that her parents were continuing to praise her. 

"And what about you, Kant? What have you been doing?" Malinda asked Kant next, who was sitting just next to his twin sister Reena. Just before Howard opened Kant's mouth to talk, he gulped the large piece of bread in his mouth with a cup of water. 

"I have been reading some books Miss Suzan provided me. They have been very helpful. There is just this one thing that has been bothering me…" Howard stated. 

"What has been bothering you? Are the books not good?" Malinda asked, a little curious.

"No, no! They are wonderful! I just… I think I should ask about it later. Alone. It's about the eh… plan," Howard replied, sending the parents a little hint. Howard was sure the siblings knew about the upcoming "death", but he was not sure whether they knew about the further details on where he was going. 

He wanted to know how many people know about their plan, and to what extent. If any of these people speak their mouths, anything but good will come out of it. Worst case scenario he gets exposed and finds out and learns how it feels to die twice, and Howard REALLY didn't want that. Thus, Howard wished to know how many know, and who these people are.

"That is a topic we should discuss later," Danial replied, his tone stern and strict. 

"What else have you been doing these past few days, other than reading those books," Malinda asked, quickly changing the topic back to something else. Howard went along with it, taking their deflection as a "No, they still don't know the full story yet and we do not want to talk about it now." 

"Not much, mother. Other than painting, there isn't that much to do inside the palace. All I could do was read those books Miss Suzan gave me," he answered. 

"Could you tell us more about what you have learned? Please, enlighten us with your new found knowledge," Malinda asks.

"If you say so, mother…" Howard replied. Howard began giving her an oversimplified explanation of everything he learned. His conversation till the family had enough stuffing their bellies with food. Now that breakfast is over, Howard was able to talk to Kant's parents alone, without the ears of the siblings around.

"Why did you bring that up? Why now?" the father asked Kant. Howard can sense a little bit of anger in his voice, but still he kept a cool and calm facade. 

"I had no choice, father. You two were out for most of the day, and the only time I can conceive of us being able to talk in private is during breakfast. Plus, I remained as vague as I could, so I doubt anyone other than us knew what I was referring to," he answered. 

Danial took in a few deep breaths, to try and calm down. Given Kant's reasoning, he was able to understand why the child did what he did. 

"Alright then, make it quick. What do you want to know? What is there to ask?" he queries. 

"It's Miss Suzan Lezley, the head librarian. She told me that you informed her that I was going to Lukeword! Then, when I get back to my room, my personal maid makes a comment about my "departure"..." Howard makes an air quote sign as he speaks.

"I have to ask, how many people know about your plan? You two do realize that the more people who know, the more likely someone is going to say something…" 

"Everyone in this palace knows you are alive, but only a select few know the full story. The only people I have entrusted with this information are the ones I have known for my entire life, and are close to my inner circle?"

"How is Miss Suzan in your inner-circle? She is just the head librarian…" 

"Do not speak of her like that! I told her everything because she wanted to know!" Danial yelled out in rage, taking Howard by surprise. What is the deal with him? Why was he so sensitive when it came to the librarian? 

"Danial! Don't scream at our boy like that! He doesn't know! At least tell him who she really is!" Malinda spoke up, defending Kant. Danial stayed silent for a minute, taking his time to calm down again. Once he lets out another deep breath, he gives Kant a little explanation.

"Suzan is the daughter of Iker Lezley, the man who had trained me to become who I am today. He taught me everything I knew, and even sacrificed himself to save my life. As his family lost their only source of income, I gave his daughter a job as a librarian.

Over the years, she has proved herself to be a very valuable and very trustworthy member of the royal library. Sure, she might slack off sometimes, but I promoted her because I thought she was the best fit for the head Librarian. That is why I have entrusted her with this information."

Howard remained silent, pretending to take some time to process the information he had received. Although he cannot be certain, Howard was sure Danial's judgment was clouded by this connection to Iker, and his daughter. 

According to Kant's memories, Danial himself was a strict man, someone who expects near perfection from everyone of his staff members. If he applied his standards for Suzan, she would not be the head librarian. Although Danial denied it, he clearly had a bias favoring the woman.

"I understand. I will try to keep my faith in Suzan, just as you have," he lied, trying to appease the parents. Howard did not want to waste time arguing with the parents, and decided the best course of action is to move on and acquire information about the others. 

"Who else knows about the full details of the plan? Have you told the maid?" Howard continues to question. Malinda and Danial shook their heads.

"We didn't tell her the full story. We told her that you will be leaving the capital for security reasons. We did not tell her where you are going." 

"Security reasons?"

"It is just an excuse. Don't lean too heavy into it."

Howard felt skeptical that it was just a silly excuse. For them to use that particular excuse on the maid and expect her to believe it, the maid must know about something that could be a danger to Kant's life AFTER he was healed up. If there wasn't any threat, then there shouldn't be a reason for her to believe it.

Then again, Howard might be overthinking this. Maybe he is giving the maid a little more credit that she actually deserves. Maybe she does not know about anything to know if Kant was in danger, and just believed Danial's words at face value. He was known to be an honorable king, after all. What king would lie to his servants on important matters? 

The man still did not know why the parents were faking his death, only some theories with barely any evidence and a lot of assumptions. As such, any piece of information coming straight out of the mouths of the masterminds had a lot of weight to it.

"Listen, is there anything else you need from us? We can't be here forever!" Danial interrupted, trying to pivot the conversation somewhere else.

"There is one more request, father," he spoke up. 

"That is?"

Howard wanted that list of people who are involved with him. However, upon taking an examination on his current state, and the way he spoke with Kant, Howard figured he might not be able to get that list, not for now at least. Instead, he had a different request in mind. 

"Can I meet up with a priest before my departure? It would mean the world to me". As Suzan was unable to find any religious texts in the library, Howard had no option but to try and contact a priest. 

His plan was to meet up with a priest and have him preach whatever he or she will. This would hopefully stimulate his brains and unlock new memories which he can use to gather more information about the religion of Angelisism. The dominant one that is.

"Do you want to meet him as yourself, or your other identity?" he questions Kant. 

"I am fine with either. I just want to listen before heading out to Lukeword," Howard elaborated.

"Sure, that can be arranged. You may leave the room now. Your mother and I have business to attend to." 

Howard got up and went towards the door. Before he left, he turned his head to face the parents, and spoke to them one last time. 

"Goodbye Mother. Goodbye Father," he told them, just before he left the room. 

Thank you for reading.

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