
Chapter 5: Cut Wood

"I am back," Ryan announced his arrival as soon as he entered the home.

But, he was shocked to find his home empty. No one even came to congratulate him or even greet him. He searched for someone by craning his neck while standing just inside the house but, found not a single living being except some plants.

Ryan was discouraged and he thought that his Dad and Mom went to work without waiting for him and his sister went outside. He was very sad at this development and felt his whole life was a lie. He didn't want to live anymore.

Ryan absentmindedly went towards his room and opened the door. What he saw surprised him and made him happy.

In his room were his Dad and Mom along with his sister, Alice who was sleeping soundly. His Mom and Dad came near him and congratulated him without making much noise as Alice was fast asleep.

Ryan looked at the sleeping beauty and shook his head helplessly.

When he looked around the room, he found out the reason why Alice was sleeping. She was very tired of all the hard work she did.


Just after Ryan left his home to the 'sacred place'....

"Mom, we must make arrangements to welcome him. We must give him a huge surprise as I am sure he will awaken his Mech today!" A sweet and melodious voice of Alice rang in the house.

"Yeah, I am getting ready. I and Mary are on kitchen duty making food for Ryanm I'm making dishes to give him a wonderful treat."

"I understand Mom. Where is Dad? He and Stephen aren't seen anywhere here. Did he go out?"

"He went out with Stephen to buy some items for cooking. I gave him the list of necessary items. He will be back soon."

"Oh okay! Then, I am alone in the decoration works. I will do it as I wanna make big brother happy." Alice cheerfully said and started decorating Ryan's room.

In the kitchen, Misty(Ryan's Mom) sighed at her daughter's nature. She knew that Alice loved her big brother so much and would go to any extent to make him happy.

(A/N: Stephen is the Mech of Tony(Ryan's Dad) while Mary is the Mech of Misty(Ryan's Mom).)

"I have brought the necessary things, my dear…" Tony announced as he entered the house along with Stephen. He directly went to the kitchen and kept the shopping bag there. He learned from his wife that Alice was on decorating duty and she was looking for him

Tony nodded in understanding as he too knew Alice's behavior and went towards Ryan's room along with Stephen to lend a hand.

Alice hugged Tony and Stephen as she considered both of them as her father. Stephen loved and cared for Alice as much as Tony did. After the 'hugging' session, the trio went to work and did the decorator duty diligently.

The decoration was completed just an hour before Ryan came. As there was an hour, Tony told Alice to rest as she had done more work and was tired. Alice agreed reluctantly as she wanted to be the one to greet her brother but, she quickly went to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Misty too entered Ryan's room and saw Alice fast asleep. She went near her and patted her head. Alice mumbled something in her sleep which was inaudible to them. This is when Ryan entered.


Current scenario….

Ryan went near Alice and slowly awakened her by patting her back and calling her in a low, melodious voice.

Alice opened her eyes hazily and as soon she saw her brother in her view, she jumped from her sleepy state and said.

"Congratulations big brother for your Mech!"

Just as she said this, she started to fall like a 'cut wood' and was caught by Ryan. She fell because of the jerk that the brain wasn't able to process and the backlash of it. All of them smiled at her reflex response to her brother.

They didn't bother about her falling off as even if she fell, there wouldn't even be a scratch on her as the human bodies had become much stronger than before due to the Mana in the atmosphere.

(A/N: The term - "Cut wood" refers to falling like how a tree would fall if you slice it in a single chop. It's an unofficial term.)

After this little act, they started partying as Mary and Stephen brought out the dishes made by Misty and Mary. The table was full of dishes and the air had a delicious smell of food.

Ryan didn't think about table manners and started digging into the food as he was very hungry. The others chucked at his behavior but, didn't tell anything as they knew he was hungry. They too started eating slowly unlike Ryan.

Stephen and Mary too joined them. They also enjoyed the food while chatting with Ryan and his family.

Mechs don't need food. They can eat but it isn't a necessary thing. Mechs can feed the partner's Mana or atmospheric Mana(if they have a high bloodline.)

The meal was completed within an hour. After cleaning the dishes, everyone went to their respective room to rest. They were tired today, especially Ryan, and needed good rest.

Even though they were curious about Ryan's Mech and wanted to meet him/her, they didn't force him as he seemed to be tired. Even Stephen and Mary were interested in their new 'companion.' They too wanted to see him/her and be friends so that they can go on a little adventure themselves.

Ryan's room was next to Alice's room. He entered his room and dropped like a 'cut wood' on his bed and fell asleep.

[This Stephen and Mary are interesting. I think I have seen them but, I can't put a finger on them. Hmmm… When Ryan wakes up, I will see them in real and then I can understand who they are. Since I think I know them, they must be from one of the close circles.] Sarah said which wasn't heard by Ryan as he was already with Lady Sleep and talking to her kindly.

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