
The Meathead Little Noble Like To See Number Goes Up!

My name is Baral Fou Hari, the third son of Duke Hari. Since I'm the third son, I'm not the heir of the marquisdom and Second Brother have already accepted the position as the family's finance handler, so I'm free to pursue whatever I dreamed off, thanks, bros! So, I decided to become a Hunter, basically a fancier mercenary that usually dealt with various Demonic Beasts across the land, for glory and adventure. But before that, I have to graduated from an Academy, place that they trained future Hunter, first so I trained really hard and I think I fall down a cliff during one of my training session. But miraculously, I survived! But...I am starting to see this weird rectangle screen that no one can seem to perceived, with the content written in language that I've never seen before but it also used the same number system as our, very fascinating! At first I thought I was hallucinating since it occasionally pop-up from time to time...until- DING! STR Up! 10 —> 11! !!! With that, something click inside of me. I don't know what that is...but it felt good! So my trained even harder, but the numbers also increased by learning about something new? New skills, new techniques and so on. Hahaha, wow, this is really addicting!

Scrimblo · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Prologue. The Meathead Third Son and The Incident

"Hah! If you all are only this fast then there's no way you all can hope to catch me!"

An energetic boy with flaming red hair is grinning from ear to ear as he sprint across the forest like mad. He duck and slide underneath one of the root that arch upward, high into the air, knowing that a man has block his path. But instead of finding another path, the redhead rush forward with vigour and perform a double-dropkick which surprised the man in front of him, taken him by surprise, allowing the boy to keep running. Despite wearing a rather plain-looking clothes, closed observation can tell that he's a noble child due to the quality of it.

"Team 3! To the left flank, cut off his escape route! Dammit, Team 2! Ready to make a mad dash, young master Baral is just a several dozen pace away!!"

The old man shouting and leading the group was the Knight leader of the Hari's manor. And as one would have guessed, the men and women chasing after the flaming red young boy is also knights too. But why would they be chasing after their young master? It's quite simple. Greed.

Young master Baral may not be the brightest amongst the three but dangling a reward in front of someone would allowed them to do something that never thought they would, and in this case, the reward for catching the redhead young master is 300 Golds to whoever catches him first, the Golds reward is equivalent to a monthly salary of an average noble household. Even so, such actions from the knights would warrant some sort of punishment if the lord found out...if this was any normal noble family.

The little redhead hearing the command from the old man grit his teeth, he could only outmanoeuvre them so many times before they all collapse onto him and hiding definitely wouldn't work either, so his only choice...is to make a break for it! And with a wicked grin sporting on his face, he put all his energy into his legs and sprint.

The new recruits that chasing right behind the young master couldn't believed their eyes, he is getting away from them! Despite the terrains of this forest being very hard for a full sprint due to various roots and tree being densely packed together the young master have no problem sprinting across the jungle as if he lived here for decades! And he hasn't even reach his teen yet! Now they understood why the Knight Leader immediately commanded for them to form and move in team, if they do not move in group they definitely couldn't catch up to their young master. They all now understood that the rumours about Hari family weren't simply something made up by the current head.

"My sons is just like me, a natural born freak. So expected to get beat up a lot, alright?"

The Haris. The youngest noble house to joined the rank of duke despite it's establishment was only three generations old. The sudden rise could be pointed at the current head of Hari, Phenex Von Hari. A war hero, dragon slayer, genius amongst genius, emperor of the great marsh, a mad dog of the emperor and a complete lunatic according to most nobles. His strenght of characters, surprisingly great insight, his sheer eccentricity and his bold attitude along with his undying loyalty to the emperor allow him to rise through the ranks in a single generation. And it seem like those qualities were given to his youngest child in full force.

What sort of kid would be able to outran a knight otherwise?

But as they were chasing him...the young boy suddenly disappeared from their sight as if he was turned into air. The excited chase came to an abrupt halt, and for several seconds, silent descend onto the forest...


The Knight Leader shout his order to his men.


I'm falling? But that's odd, I was being chased a second ago?

Was I? No, I definitely did, then why am I falling off a cliff?


I don't even have time to properly recognise my situation before my body hit the ground.


"Damn, how far away is the damn mansion?"

I said to myself, struggling to breath.

But that's not true. The one speaking isn't me. I'm right here, I can feel "myself" talking and standing up. But it's definitely isn't me.

"Fucking hell, can't believed that shitty isekai trope is real. Just because I comment about NTR villain..."

I don't get it. What am I saying? No, that's not me. I don't even understand half the stuffs I'm saying. It's wrong. It's wrong. It's wrong.

"I" am walking but I couldn't feel my legs. "I" am speaking but I am uttering words that sound foreign to me. What's happening?

"Oh well, guess I'll be living his life now...well it couldn't be too bad, as long as I don't mess with the protag. And I even get to chance to ruin this shitty family too."


SHUT UP! This is mine body! My life! My family!


I shout as I start choking myself. "My" eyes widen in shock. My fear of death is inconsequential to the fear of being replace by this, this! this! weird!... Ghost!

"Wh-achk! WHHHHAGGHH!!"

"I" try to struggles against my grip, but it's useless. I can already feel my consciousness fading away...this ghost definitely have no good intention for sure, even if I were to die here I wouldn't mind! This ghost have no good intention for anyone in mt family!

"I' kept struggling, rolling onto the ground. The pain from the fall is still there and that pain is compound by the choking sensation...but I refused to let's go...I feel weak, so weak now. But it's fine, my brothers, mama and papa have given up so much for me...so I'll do the same for them too.

...It's cold.

I blacked out.