
The summoning

“Strip.” The colonel only said that one word.


There was some sort of incense in the air. Slightly aromatic, slightly burning on the throat.

It was windy outside the tent and noisy too. Just three more hours and the mission, the mission of war, of life and death would take place, and yet-

“I said strip. Don’t make me repeat myself. Strip, entertain me and I’ll make you Sergeant, Corporal Marianne.” The man was seated on his chair, hands on his chin and he was checking out the girl- Maria with a lot more than just passion.

Maria grimaced and on instinct reached for her gun. But she was perhaps a bit slow to realize that everything was going according to the plan of the colonel.

When her brother first sold her to the military, she thought her life was over. But she trained hard and after two full years of misery finally got her official post. The whole world was plagued in war and she was about to head over to her last mission before her vacation: after working relentlessly for six whole months, she was finally going to get some relaxation- or so she thought. But she suddenly got called over to the tent of the colonel. They took her weapons before letting her in and she was also alone in the tent.

She should have seen this coming and if she didn’t have this burning 103-degree fever, perhaps she would have.

It was hard being a girl during menstruation.

She got careless.

She trusted the military- she trusted men. She trusted men even though her own brother sold her to the military.

“Come, we don’t have all day.” The colonel stood up and started to unzip his pants.

Black leathery underwear.

“With all due respect sir, I would like to stay a private rather than become your woman.” She wasn’t afraid of being demoted.

“Become my woman?” The colonel repeated those words with a snort. The man was in his late forties. He laughed hard. “What are you smoking woman? This is just a one night stand, you don’t have to worry about anything. And if you get pregnant, I’ll grant you leave. Now, come on I’ll try to pull out as early as possible.” He assured her.

Maria gritted her teeth but she still went forward. She knew if she made a wrong move, she’d die.

She was a bit better looking than average. But in a camp of nothing but muscular women, she perhaps looked a lot more appealing than any other women in the world- at least to the men.

But she wasn’t just going to let this happen either.

If only she had her gun. If only- wait, the colonel still had his.


Maria went forward, unbuttoning her shirt by two buttons. Her bra was visible but it was intentional. She hated men, but even she had to admit, men were simple. As long as she knew what buttons to press, she could win.

She stood just in front of the man and pressed her lips against his, hands slowly climbing down his waist. The man kissed her back and their tongues rolled. She could almost gag at the man’s scent but- she gently traced her hand over the man’s pants.

“Well, look at you, you can be obedient.” The man’s grin was radiant. “And already so hot and bothered-” And he was a bit too late to realize her steamy panting and that blush wasn’t from being hot and bothered.

“Of course.” She smiled and took a step back, placing a gun over the colonel’s head. “Very obedient.” And chirpy too.

Her body burned. The fever was too much.

But her grin was dazzling.

“You wouldn’t dare.” The colonel took a step back and though he was grinning there were sweat on his face.

“Oh, I would.”

“Then what? You’d be executed and-” And she’d be treated as a foreign spy, a traitor.

“At least I won’t be defiled.” Her words were true and her words were stern.

Yet, she couldn’t catch her breath.

The fever was getting worse- as was the pain below her abdomen. Not just that, her back too-

The colonel clicked his tongue and went for his second gun but before that Maria pulled the trigger.


Warm- ‘What the-’ Eyes going wide-

Her left side felt rather warm, red liquid slowly gushed out, and then- pain shot through. “ARGH!” She screamed and fell on the floor: blood scattered. She tried her best to cover the wound but- it wasn’t working. Panting, she couldn’t-

She looked at the door and there were two men, holding rifles.

The scent of blood- a metallic scent lingered. Her scent- the scent of her death.

And the colonel? He was fine. “You think I’d keep a gun with loaded bullets on me knowing what even a novice like you can do to me?” He chuckled. “Sweetie, I didn’t make it to this level without actual talent, you see.” He bent down and traced his fingers through her hair. “Such a waste, before your life trickles out, let’s have a bit of fun and maybe I’d be willing to save your lif-.”

Maria used the last of her strength and kicked the man’s crotch. “I’d rather die.” She spat.

More blood spilled out- almost drenching the ground-

She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t help but groan, but- she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

The man rolled on the floor, and painfully looked at the two men by the entrance. “Kill her!” He proceeded to grimace in pain, holding his precious.

Shots were fired and the bullets blazed through the air- but before they could reach, a large bright red circle with loads and loads of intricate patterns and exotic symbols appeared right beneath Maria and she disappeared. The bullets hit the empty floor as the three men just stared at the empty space.

All three were mesmerized. But then one managed. “What the hell happened to her?”

After all, all that was left of the girl was her fresh blood and stained uniform.

“Sir, they’re on the move!” Another soldier barged in.




Blood and screams.

Maria felt everything. It was almost as though thousands of people were pulling on her soul. Thousands of memories started to enter her head and as she screamed in pain, not a single sound came out.

It was painful, it was really painful and yet, some part of her felt proud of what she did. What did she do? She couldn’t remember- she couldn’t focus, it was too painful, but she was proud.


She saw a light. She went for it and everything just disappeared.

The world around her was different and she wasn’t in the tent anymore: the very air was different. Her ears ringed and she heard these weird noises.

There were creatures in the vicinity and they were clearly not human. And were those things… snakes? ‘Hell?’

The sky was red and there was something coming down toward her. ‘Oh, I died?’

And a second later she started to lose consciousness. But- before she could fall, someone caught her, someone pretty. At first, she thought it was just noise, but a second later the words made sense. Gasps, words of astonishment.

But within that noise, one voice reigned supreme. “It’ll all be alright my child.” A rather feminine and soft voice echoed in her mind.

She didn’t know why but- the sound was rather soothing and as she rested in the arms of this unknown woman, she passed out.