
The Mc is a Omniscent

He saw a book falling and it was in front of him floating and he picked it and esakai in another world

DaoistTsAPmX · Fantasy
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back to Normal world

Wei en and the 2 was walking through the exit but there was a lvl 30 3 headed dog. the 2 was shock wei en wasn't the 2 started attacking and the Wei en used fire meteor that is huger than the 3 headed dog and the 3 headed used paw and it doesnt do anything and kills the 30 lvl dog and the guy was shocked and afraid and the girl was amazed by his skill and the girl blushhed and Wei en was going to the exit and saw he was in the normal world and the 2 dont know where he was now and as he got closer outside he was in the normal world now and a timer appeared it was 1 day before a dungeon was gonna open and the people are not worried and he saw a school called the power of academia And he enetered but the guard said do you have a card student he said no i wanna get enrolled here the guard let him in and wei en got enrolled and he entered his classroom everyone looked at him and the teacher greeted him in and wei en introcued himself and the classroom was still quite and wei en picked his seat "1hour later "it was reeces wei en sits into a empty table and a girl came joined with him named Lei anna same as the girl Lei anna an half elf but he was different so Wei en asked do you know what will happen

At the timer? The lei said" it just some monsters that will appear and is stronger any human being lvl 5 is starter mode lvl 10 is expert mode 50 is just an legend And lvl 100 is an mythic mode the first guy that got 100 is now lvl 120 he died in a tragic acciendent he was killed by a raging magic element " oh thats bad and the wei said the lunch is over now another "1 hour later" the 100th dungeon was opened a falcon 100 lvl was seen flying and getting chased by a hero named Hench hench attacked !10 styles!

The falcon got dammage it has 1200 hp now and Wei en was just watching them and a 30 lvl wolf crystal attacked him but he said domain barrier

And the wolf cant move and the wei en said "Arrow" and it kills the lvl 30 wolf and Wei en used target falcon and shoots it with his power "water blast" and the hench was shocked because the falcon was dead and hench saw a Wei en he saw is only his uniform not the face so hench got to Wei en school the princinpal said go to the court theres an important guess Hench was in the court and wei en was still nervous that he will be found And hench said whos this guy his name is Wei en oh Wei en come with me

Well hes already found hench and Wei en were in princinpal office the principal john gave hench a tea wei en said why am here ?? Hench said dont pretend Wei i know i saw you do it Wei reply idk what youre talking about

Hench said ok i saw you name tag and your the only has a tie Wei en was panicking hench said if you wanna join my guild you can if you dont wanna then i dont know but join hench left and Wei en was panicking A second dungeon appeared now theres a 200 lvl beast called giant orc chief and other orcs attacked the humans and there were a dragon it was called ice dragon lvl 300 and hench was shock but Wei en said dont panick i can do it

And wei punched the dragon and used holy sword and stabbed the dragon and killed it hench was suprised but the orc was towards hench, hench used dawn light it hits the orc and damage it now it only has 3200 hp Wei attacked used clear at the orc the orc died and Wei en hench was celebrating Wei en goes home and hench was just celebrating and wei was training his power and he said time travel!