
The Mate You Give

Wealth, fame, power, Alpha Davien is the stereotypical playboy who has both the looks and commitment issues. Leading one of the most powerful packs in the whole of New York, life couldn't be much better for him. That was, till his father made an announcement that changed his all so perfect life. With his father stepping down from chairman and their company merging with their number one rival. Davien was left with no choice but to agree to a marriage between himself and the heir of their rivals to preserve the peace and keep his inheritance. Infamous for rejecting three mates in a row, Davien is certain that his so called marriage would end as miserably as any other of his entanglements. However, on the night of his engagement party to Silvia, the eldest daughter and heir to the company, a surprise guest arrives at the event. Kian Saint. The nineteen year old rebel son of the rival company, rumoured to have gone to prison abroad and was deported. Tension rises when Davien and Kian both discover that they're actually each other's mates! Determined not to lose his inheritance, Davien offers Kian a large sum of money with the intention of rejecting the mate bond. Things go south when Davien hears what Kian has to say... "Do I look stupid? Why should I accept this small amount when I can become your husband and have all your money to myself?" Conflicted, he tries to approach Silvia but is left stunned at what she has to say. "I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked myself, but I'm glad Kian has a mate! As long as you keep my brother happy, I won't run your company into the ground." Left with no other choice, the playboy Davien marries an omega seven years younger!

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
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267 Chs

Chapter 24

Davien P. O. V

I could pick up the faint stench of clean linen, cleaning products and conditioner off of Kian. To an average person these were common scents, but for a man who spent most of his time under the sheets, I was no fool.

He just got back from another country, and I doubt the antisocial Kian had a lot of friends he could turn to and stay over. And, after hearing about his relationship with his pack, there was no chance in hell he was over there.

That could only mean…

"Here, I have something for you." Kian said, pulling out a brown envelope from the black and white Tote bag he carried back.

I narrowed my eyes at the print on the front, it had the initials HD on it written in Italic font. There was no mistaking it, my fists curled at the idea that this pup had just come back from a hotel.

"That makes two of us." I closed the door and sauntered over to the sofa, eyeing his body, searching for kiss or bite marks, since he had on a grey crew neck sweater, I couldn't spot any so easily.

Did he go there to meet someone? They don't just give out complimentary hotel Tote bags on the street, he definitely just got back. If I probe him about it, I wonder if he'll admit it or get angry.

It was at times like this, that I wanted to know what he was thinking, a desire fuelled by Ralph's want to deepen the mate bond.

"What?" Kian's straight to the point voice drew me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing." I answered too swiftly, I reached for the box to open it, but Kian intercepted that action, placing a hand on mine. My eyebrows arched in stun, I traced his delicate wrist to the exasperated expression on his face.

"Are all Alphas so easy to read? You've been dying to ask me something right from when I walked in, haven't you?" He asked, sporting an all knowing look.

I chuckled and withdrew my hand, "Not all. I unconsciously wear my thoughts on my face, I've been chewed out for it. For it not being too Alpha." Father and most of the elders were keen on that rule.

As an Alpha, I couldn't let other people know what I'm thinking, my expressions were too obvious, and left no room for imagination. It was something I tried working on, but in the end I couldn't master it.

"You really are an idiot." He noted, I withdrew my hand, and reached for my phone instead, Oliver would be sending an update on things at the packhouse since I couldn't physically be there.

Taking out the printed pages from his envelope, Kian muttered to himself, "Your simplicity is your greatest charm."

A grin crept onto my face, not because Ralph was excited from receiving a compliment, but because he was the only other person in this world who thought of my expressiveness as charming.


I straightened my back and opened the box, I didn't know how he would react to dust, so I had it cleaned thoroughly before he got back. Taking out the documents inside, I passed them to him.

"I went to the address." I told him.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't." He said and stole a glance at what he was holding. Barely had he read through, when he picked up on what exactly he was reading.

He neatly dropped the document on the table, "What do you know, you aren't just an impulsive brute." He said in an unequivocal tone, ruining the mood.

"That's all?"

"Do you want a pat on the head?" He retorted sharply, raising his palm as though he really would. I shook my head, and reclined into the sofa.

"These documents are the proof of true ownership of the land we've been struggling to purchase. This is the true deed, stating that the Fabri family had already sold this land to someone else a century ago. That was why Ceaser was so keen on getting his hands on this, the damned land was never his to begin with." I spat out, vexed that I spent that much money on the damned painting!

Kian pinched his chin, "That would explain why he quickly sold to Silvia, he's trying to exploit her, under the probability that he may or may not have found him out. Three hundred million is in no measure a small amount."

"That bloody coward!" I curled my fist, he had conned Silvia and thought he could get away with it. But the second I handed this over to the press, his little strategy would be finished in seconds.

"Leave exposing that bastard to me, I'll take care of it." I said, dialling my sources, they would definitely enjoy getting such a huge scoop.

"But, do we really need to get involved?" Kian asked all of a sudden.

"What are you saying? If we don't Silvia's going to get in trouble later on, won't she?" Considering the fact Fabri never owned the land, Silvia was wasting millions on a project that would bear no fruition.

"If we leave things as they are, Silvia will pour all of her effort and investments into that land. Saint Incorporations will definitely be betting on it to make up for the three hundred million they spent." He took a pause, allowing me to paint the picture in my head.

"At the peak of her success, just when she thinks she's figured it out, what do you think would happen if the truth spilled out then? It wouldn't be Ceaser taking most of the blame anymore now would it? We could take out Silvia in one move, and finally have her kicked out. Better, she could even be sent to prison." Kian explained, his eyes cold and distant while he spoke.

Everything he said only reminded me of his initial goal, the one which sparked everything. He wanted Silvia out of the company, and out of the pack. I had no idea what exactly transpired between the siblings, but seeing the way Kian spoke, I instantly knew my stance on the matter.

"If that is how you want to go about it, then forget about it. I'm not interested in working with you if that's the way you operate." I announced, standing to my feet.

I walked into my wine cellar, he followed.

Slanted against the door with folded palms he said, "Don't you think you're being too softhearted? As an Alpha that isn't a good thing."

Looking through my vodka selection I replied, "It's not about being softhearted."

"Then what? Do you like her?" The word like was uttered with Kian's version of disgust, which was more of spite than anything else.

"From what I've seen she hasn't given me any solid reason not to, but then no one in your family is just about who they say they are." Right from his parents down to my mate standing at the door. They weren't being honest.

Unlike me, Kian was the direct opposite, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and his expressions were stoic for the most part. The only one who I believed I could understand was Silvia, but then again…

"Silvia could've done her own investigation before diving first into accepting the deal. She's not your responsibility, she's your rival in case you haven't noticed." Kian stated in a matter of factly manner.

Taking out a bottle of brandy, I corked it open and poured it into a glass, "You don't think I know that? She's the Alpha of my rival pack and Saint Incorporations could finally pull far ahead if this deal pushes through successfully."

Kian marched inside, "One point for awareness." He scoffed, I narrowed my eyes. "So if you understand, why won't you take my idea?" he asked, standing at my left by the bar counter.

I took a sip of the alcohol, then poured some more into another glass, I offered him one, but the way he flattened his brows was a clear indicator he wasn't interested.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I won't lie and call myself some kind of saint. Hearing you talk about taking over your family's business makes me quake in excitement. But there are certain things I won't do, things that hurt my pride are out of the question." I told him plainly.

"Pride?" He voiced out, "This is all because of your Pride? Alphas never seize to amaze me."

I faced him directly with levelled eyes, the moment his bored gaze met with my serious glare, I could tell he had picked up on what I was saying.

"There is no greater feeling for an Alpha, like pinning down an enemy. But if the enemy was already weak and beaten before the fight, then it makes it boring and lackluster. What I want is to crush my rival, and to do it in a way that feeds my ego. If doing things your way goes against my conviction, then forget about working together. Do you understand? Pup?" The latter part I said with a hint of mockery, but Kian either didn't pick up on it, or he chose to ignore it.

He bridged the gap between us and leaned in, bringing his head closer to mine, capturing my full attention. He took the glass I had offered him, pushed it to his lips all while maintaining eye contact, and then slowly drank out of it.

Once he finished he ran his tongue across his lower lip and dropped the glass. My chest tightned at the clank sound made when the glass kissed the counter surface.

My eyes focused on his lips, the thought of grabbing the back of his head and having his lips meet mine crossed my mind. I know he thought it too, the scent he gave off, was sweeter than usual, more erotic.

In a quiet tone, almost like a whisper Kian said, "You're doing it again."

My hand snaked to his waist and pulled him closer, until our foreheads touched.

"Doing what?" I whispered back, slipping my hand underneath his sweater. A grin plastered itself on my lip to discover nothing but skin underneath.

He stared intensely at me, "Your eyes can't hide what you're trying to say." he said, straddling me.

A grin plastered itself on my face, "And what do you think they're saying?" I asked, he parted his lips to answer but bit hard when my hands snarked up his mid back.

"Damn it." He groaned holding onto my shirt with both hands. He raised his head, revealing an expression…a side of Kian I had never seen before. One I would rather die than have anyone else see.

"They're saying…kiss me."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and send gifts! See you in the next one.