
The Mate You Give

Wealth, fame, power, Alpha Davien is the stereotypical playboy who has both the looks and commitment issues. Leading one of the most powerful packs in the whole of New York, life couldn't be much better for him. That was, till his father made an announcement that changed his all so perfect life. With his father stepping down from chairman and their company merging with their number one rival. Davien was left with no choice but to agree to a marriage between himself and the heir of their rivals to preserve the peace and keep his inheritance. Infamous for rejecting three mates in a row, Davien is certain that his so called marriage would end as miserably as any other of his entanglements. However, on the night of his engagement party to Silvia, the eldest daughter and heir to the company, a surprise guest arrives at the event. Kian Saint. The nineteen year old rebel son of the rival company, rumoured to have gone to prison abroad and was deported. Tension rises when Davien and Kian both discover that they're actually each other's mates! Determined not to lose his inheritance, Davien offers Kian a large sum of money with the intention of rejecting the mate bond. Things go south when Davien hears what Kian has to say... "Do I look stupid? Why should I accept this small amount when I can become your husband and have all your money to myself?" Conflicted, he tries to approach Silvia but is left stunned at what she has to say. "I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked myself, but I'm glad Kian has a mate! As long as you keep my brother happy, I won't run your company into the ground." Left with no other choice, the playboy Davien marries an omega seven years younger!

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
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267 Chs

Chapter 11

Davien P. O. V

He walked out of the room, leaving my mind completely blank as to what he could have meant by that statement.

Not wanting to mull over it too much, I quickly forwarded the list on my screen to Gwendolyn, and instructed her to do a discreet background check. She'd have to go all the way to the sacred archives and go through the registry of all the names mentioned.

A twinge of guilt pricked me, knowing fully well that as a rogue, she wouldn't have it easy. Those she wolves were vicious and the males couldn't pass off the chance to be dickheads and try prey on her. I would've sent Oliver, but I didn't want to have his hopes up for smoke.

And of course, I could always go, but…

"This is a mess." I huffed as I took off my glasses. My legs were numb and my sides sore, I turned off my computer and stepped outside to get some shut-eye.

Tomorrow, if what that pup said was reliable, I'd go have a word with that bitch, and make her suffer for shaming my pack. And if it did turn out that her father's pack did have something to do with the trafficking…I needed to have a word with father.

"Don't you have anything else in your fridge aside frozen pizza?" Kian's unequivocal voice sang from the kitchen area, abruptly reminding me of his presence.

He stepped outside, holding the box of pizza (I had ordered yesterday and completely forgot) away from him, his lips curled in disapproval.

"By it's stench, it's no younger than a day, isn't it?" He pulled out a slice from the box, "You don't plan to eat this later, right?"

I rolled my eyes at his judgemental tone, swiping the slice off his hands, I raised it over my head and ate it all at once. Kian in turn quickly averted his eyes, unable to bear this barbaric behavior.

"See, it's perfectly okay to eat a day old pizza," I reached for the box to further prove my point, only for Kian to raise it over his head.

He sighed and shook his head, "Insufferable Alphas." He cursed under his breath and shook his head. "Having a strong immune system doesn't necessarily mean you should place strain on your body for fun."

This little piece of…

I took two steps forward bridging the gap between us, towering over him, I couldn't help but smirk fully.

"Hold on, could it be that you omegas can't handle much? I know when it comes to strength, being bottom of the barrel is one thing. But…I wonder, can you even have alcohol?" I teased, getting a kick out of this.

He however retained his composure, "How typical, a big bad Alpha trying to assert dominance over a helpless omega. Should I help you get off?" The flatness in his tone threw me off.

I just couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic!

"Just take it." Kian huffed, pushing the box into my hands. "I'm going to bed, tomorrow we can discuss what we'll do about the auction." He said, attempting to walk away.

Without thinking twice, I threw the box on the ground and grabbed a hold of his wrist. Shit, his wrist looked slender, like it would snap, I fought the unconscious urge to pull him to myself.

"Sleep? What the hell do you mean?"

He stared intensely at my hand, if it wasn't for the thick fabric of my hoodie, I would've…might have…probably let my fingers roam through his skin.

"You don't need to get physical over every little conflict, let go of me." He wriggled his wrist, in a pitiful attempt to free himself. Seeing him struggle this much while putting up a strong front made me want to push him to his limits.

Perhaps see him try so hard that he'd cuss me out for it and finally lose his composure, I involuntarily bit my lower lip imagining the sight.

"I'm not deliberately trying to touch you…"

"You're not, I couldn't tell." He sharply retorted, "You don't put up a convincing argument."

I clicked my tongue and let go of his hand, "You said you were planning on sleeping here." I pointed out, watching him massage his wrist with venom in his eyes.


"Don't. I've never had a woman sleep over and I sure as hell won't let a man be the first." He raised a slight brow before straightening my hoodie.

"It can't be helped, you were the one who manhandled me and brought me here against my will. If you have a problem with it, then you can drive me home." Kian spat out, already turning to leave, hinting he was done with the conversation.

I followed.

"I can call you a taxi-"

"I don't want to be inconvenienced with having to give him directions." Kian said, cutting me off, sounding like a spoiled brat.

"Can't you just listen to other people. I don't want you intruding-" before I could finish speaking, he cut me off yet again.

"Would you prefer it if your mate imposed himself on another man then? Would that do it for you?" He glanced over his shoulder and zoned in his eyes on my crotch area, making an innuendo, I found appalling.

"Your place has more than one room, it isn't like we need to sleep in the same bed." He went on to say, placing his hand on a door knob.

He pushed open the door and walked inside, I attempted to follow but he hastily slammed the door to my face and locked it from the inside.

"What the hell! Open the fucking door." I yelled with one hand on my waist, and the other banging on the door.

But he didn't respond, my ears caught wind of his footsteps gradually disappear from the door, as he settled in nicely into the bedroom… my bedroom.

"By sleep in separate rooms, you didn't mean this, right?" I couldn't bring my head to imagine why he would want to sleep in my bedroom out of all the rooms.

Didn't he realize it was mine?

I stood at the door for a good minute, but Kian never came out, nor did he reply to my calls. I ran my fingers through my hair, short on ideas on how to get him out. Whereas, Ralph just wanted me to rip the door open and have my way with him.

I nearly thought of doing it, but whenever I imagined the sadistic grin on his face, at the realization that I latched onto him first, my resolve was steeled instantly.

"Fine, keep the stupid bed." I grumbled to myself, letting him have his way just this one time. Just like he said, the place was big, and more importantly, it was good he did this to me alone, rather than some random stranger.

Although I hadn't rejected him yet, as my mate he had a reputation to live up to, I couldn't let him spoil my name so easily.

All this was just for my image…