
Chapter 59

The words sent a chill over growing gooseflesh, Dianne’s eyes on the male’s bared chest. The closer she crept, the more obvious his effect on her became. It was not just the way she inhaled deeply through her nose, it was her eyes. The blue was disappearing, being eaten up by a black pupil. “I’m not ready…”

There was a buzzing between her thighs, and he had not so much as laid a hand on her in weeks. As if he knew, the man drew in a deep breath, fought a groan. “Your estrous will arrive soon…”

Finding that she’d taken another step, that one whole foot was over the line, Dianne blinked. Heart beating fast, the whoosh of blood in her ears almost louder than his purr, she said, “That is what they have told me.”

Voice low and suggestive, the lazing Alpha tried to coax her nearer. “What else have they told you?”