
Chapter 28

As far as parentage, for all Dianne knew, her mother had been a willing participant the day she was conceived.

And now her father was dead. Did he even know why? Had he too watched Kelvin rub between her legs?

Guilt, disgust, and shame left the Omega white as a sheet. Dianne knew she had to answer, had to give Sergeant David something or else a punishment might follow, so she muttered. “Alphas keep Betas safe.”

David was pleased, a smile in his eyes. “Well done, girl. You are learning.”

She was learning. Every day she learned Alphas were closer to monsters than men. “What is my lesson today? Shall I sit in the chair and watch the screen?”

“No.” Genuinely exultant, David took her by the elbow and offered clothing. “Today we leave this room so that you can be introduced to those in the fleet with an interest in knowing you better.” It took less than ten steps outside her room for Dianne to discover that the Alphas’ ship was incredible. In contradiction to her smooth-walled prison, the halls were etched, carved with jagged geometric shapes unlike anything she had seen in the settlement. Light seemed to emanate from the very metal each glowing panel appearing warm to the touch. But the instant her fingers reached out to explore, her wrist was caught in a vise.

“Eyes forward, Dianne. This is no place for an Omega to linger.”

But why? After all those days tucked away, with the first inkling of excitement she’d felt since waking up in the sleeping pit, why could she not enjoy this? “I thought” “Don’t think. Walk.” Her guardian was stiff, marching her forward with an air of menace he’d never displayed, even at his angriest in her room. What happened to the reserved authority figure?

This aggressive warden—who held her wrist in a harsh pinch and yanked her to keep pace with his relentless gait—wasn’t the aloof Sergeant David he portrayed in private. Proof again that Alphas were never what they seemed.

Murderers, thieves, rapists… liars.

Trotting in an effort to keep up with the larger man, Dianne knew better than to complain. After all, he was dragging her to meet potential suitors, and had already told her that when it was time for rest, Corporal Kelvin would be allowed to do more than use her hand to give himself pleasure.

No matter her feelings on the subject, Kelvin was going to rape her. Thrust over her flattened body like the Alpha she’d watched rutting the Omega on-screen.

Bunching shoulders, pinned wrists… slick or no, no matter what Sergeant David claimed, Dianne would never welcome such attention.

The man had ordered her mother’s face to be branded. The same man treated her as his plaything.

Act in any way these Alphas might term as insolent? She would face lessons.

Mention her mother? Earn herself a caning and her mother a public whipping.

Walk too slow? Her arm would be yanked so hard her shoulder ached.

Stay silent? Be rebuked for not speaking.

Speak? Dark looks and castigation for failing to amaze.

They murdered a stranger because of one retort spoken in anger…

These Alphas didn’t want Dianne at all. They wanted the part of her David referred to as a cunt. A cunt that dripped slick and was attached to a machine that made noises and did as it was told.

In the settlement, women did not leave their hair uncovered. They certainly didn’t let men touch them without permission.

Rape was punishable by immediate execution.

Not here. Here Alphas did as they pleased.

Walking down those glittering corridors, Dianne let that concept sink in. Don’t think. Walk.

Don’t complain. Obey.