
Hard Work Pays

"You have made a deal with a robot. I'm sure of it." Lewis said standing in the greenhouse area, and next to him was Dassen. They were both staring at Adeline who had picked a spot there with the wicker table and bench seat. She had papers all around it, and was sitting with the computer in her lap. She completely absorbed in it.

"I'm thinking you are right." Dassen told him, and thought for a second. They had made their agreement three and a half weeks ago. Adeline made good on everything she promised and did. She was the one that came most of the time, or did what was needed off site in regards to the company. 

Adeline came, asked what he needed done, then sat down and did it. She didn't seem to take breaks, and they'd all seen the woman working into the night. They were pretty sure that she sat in her room until who knew when, doing the work. He couldn't really complain because she did twice the work than half of those that worked for him.