


“ Ma - matchmaker? You mean like in the movies? “ I scowled.

“ Seriously lady, do I look like those skimpy women who try to teach you how to get boys? Dressing up, using downright flirtatious gestures? Yuck. " I shuddered.

“ You’re not trying to make him fall for you with that. You’re basically screaming, ‘I wanna have sex with you! Do me and let’s have fun all night. " I mimed. She looked offended.

“ That’s not what I’m trying - " I give a dismissive wave of my hand.

“ Said it, not said it. I don’t care. Our goal is to make that asshole learn his mistake. And believe me, if you trust me with this. I’ll make him beg on his knees, crying out for you - but only if you cooperate. " I said as I held up a finger. She pushed her drink away and cast down her eyes.

“ I-I’m not sure about all this. " she hesitated.

“ If I can have his love through forced means, then I’d rather not have it. I love him. So I will give him freedom. It’s his choice to love me or not. Whatever his decision is, I’m okay with anything. “

Her voice was soft when she said it. Her tone is a bit lonely and subdued. But the feelings present, the emotions she holds, are so woeful and desolate it conveys the irrevocable and hopeless love she has for that horse bastard.

This won't do. I need to act. Now. I dug my wallet in the sling bag I managed to slid in and slam a hundred dollars on the counter. I grabbed the girl's hand and hauled her from her seat.

" Come on. We're leaving. "

" Wa - wait where are we going? " I ignored her. I shove my hand on my sling bag and fetch my phone. I keyed Iyesha’s number and dialed. It took three rings for her to pick up.

“ Hello? " her slurry voice answered. I can hear the bottles chunk in the background and Akemi’s drunk singing of Spongebob’s theme song. I remember Iyesha mention something about a celebration for top ranking or something. I didn't know Akemi is invited.

“ Where are you? "

“ Who you? Editor? Fan? “ she garbled.

“ You drunk idiot, it’s me. "

“ I don't know any 'Me' ~ Ms. Me. Wait your name is Me? I'm Me too. Wait, are we Me twins?! That is so freaking awesome! " If my hands weren't occupied and I'm with her, I could have chug those bottles down her throat till alcohol became her drugs. I pulled the phone away from my ears.

“ People should realize never to mix alcohol and stupidity together. It has unimaginable catastrophic effects. How come people never realized that? " I snapped, directed to the girl beside me, and shake my head.

We got out of the clubhouse and stands by the porch.

" Hey BL megalomaniac. You're with Akemi, right? Hold her down. Let her stay with you till morning. And turn off her phone. Did Michael know she's with you today? "

" Huuuuh???? Akemii??? How'd you know about her??? Yoou ~ stalkkeeerrr?! "

Never attempt to get something out from a drunk. It won’t do you any good. A valuable lesson I should have taken heed to. How stupid.

" Just stay there and get drunk. Turn off your phones! Wherever the hell you are, don't go home until sunrise, you hear me?! "

On the other line, I can hear Akemi singing Dora the Explorer theme song on top of her voice. Noises like thuds of pillows overthrown, glasses shattering, and unfamiliar beats of rock instrumental music pulsate like a heart-thumping for blood. They’re drunk as a skunk. At this stage, they can’t answer a single question without slurring and burping like pigs. This will do… I think. Michael can’t contact them like this. I ended the call.

Now it’s time to move on to my plans. I hailed a cab on the roadside and dragged the girl to got in. Telling the driver her address, we sat at the passenger seat in silence. Me thinking about what should I do to jeopardize that bastard, her sitting uncomfortably beside me. Stealing glimpses, unsure what to make of me.

For twenty minutes drive, none of us talk. When the driver pulled up on the pavement of a high rise condo with sliding glass doors at the front, I realized. She’s filthy rich. All the more reason not to use her. I grit my teeth.

I search for my wallet but the girl stopped me and paid for the fare. After saying thanks, we got off and the driver is on his way. We stepped on the stairs/

“ I forgot to ask, what’s your name? " I asked, breaking the silence.

“ I’m Katherine. Katherine Samson. “ I stopped walking.

“ Samson? Not that leading brand for cosmetics Samson Industries? “ she hesitated at my question.

“ Yeah. My dad owns that company, but I’m currently living with my mom and it’s been 10 years since I last saw him. “ she fidgeted on her thumbs.

“ I see. Does Michael know? About your status I mean? “ she inhaled deeply.

“ Yes. I know what you’re going to say next - but don’t. " she held up her palm. I shrugged and we get inside.

We take up the elevator on the left and she pushed the 5 button. When the elevator ding and open its empty room, we stepped in and go up. Katherine is pretty, rich, kind of like a silver platter type of girl. She’s nice too. Maybe a bit too much on that. Which is opposed to Michael’s jackass crap.

The elevator opens up to a well-lighted corridor with red carpets and white decorative walls. My breath hitches. I’m just a knocked up girl who lives in a cafe. I certainly don’t belong here.

“ Come. " She inclined her head to go on. With our treading footsteps that echoed in the quiet corridor, I noted the walls and names plastered below the room numbers. These are names of famous company owners or people with successful careers.

On the last room on the left, she swiped the key card and twist the doorknob. Revealing a full flush of white curtains, white walls, and white cabinets. Good thing the tables, sofas, tv, and other decorations aren’t white or I might go blind with all this whiteness. I roam around and explore each door. Two separate rooms with king-sized beds. One leading to a kitchen, there’s a sliding door that opens to an overlooking balcony. And a bathroom with white walls on the right. Then the living room with the flat screen tv and sofas.

“ How long have you been living with each other Katherine? " I asked when I got back.

Two months.

“ Two months. “ she answered promptly.

“ And how many nights did you see him bring a girl here? “ Every night.

“ Umm, it’s for umm " she stalled. “ Every night. “

I sighed. I already know the answers to my questions thanks for the string. So why bother asking?

I just want to see how she responds. I can measure how much pain she endured just by seeing her eyes. And I’ll make sure that horse bastard pay tenfolds.

“ Hey, Katherine? “

“ Yeah? “

“ Do you have paint and fishing line? Nails and hammers too. “

“ I - uh I have a hammer and nails but not paint or fishing line. But I can ask the guard at the front porch to lend me some. Why? " I grin maniacally.

“ It’s time to punish the bastard. “