
Heart of Gold

Chapter one

With conviction Fortunate

"Grace, are you certain about this?" Jaden asked softly as they squatted behind the bramble, looking left and right.

"Obviously! Quit asking me" Grace answered in an imposing murmur.

"Interestingly, I begged somebody not to report me to my mom, but rather the landfill man actually went on to paint me dark. Along these lines, he wants to pay".

Jaden moaned, realizing she wouldn't have the option to adjust her closest companion's perspective.

Once more, Grace looked left and right, and when she affirmed there was nobody watching, she stood up and pussyfooted out of the shrub.

Philip's little house was directly before her and his tables of organic products were very much organized, drawing her consideration. Indeed, that was precisely exact thing she was setting out toward.

He was really a natural product dealer and she figured it must've taken him a ton of endeavors to organize those, however heck, she couldn't have cared less. He was a fiendish man and required to have been thought an example.

She got to where the table and with just enough exertion, she pushed it down, making the organic products turn over on the floor.

Philip emerged from the house right away and his eyes enlarged in shock when he found his table of organic products moving on the floor.

"What?" He jumped.

"Princess Grace?! Princess Grace?!"

Grace laughed and absent a lot of delay, picked two apples from the floor and ran back to the hedge.

"Here. How about we go" she gave one of the apples to Jaden and they began taking off right away.

"Hello! Stop not too far off!! How dare you?!" Philip called out pursued them, yet they were way quicker than him. Along these lines, he was unable to find them.

Grace and Jaden chuckled as they ran intensely and possibly halted when they sure Philip wasn't after them any longer.

"Wow! You're such a boss, Grace!" Jaden giggled so particularly hard as the two of them fell on the floor, leaning their options somewhat limited.

"All things considered, yes. That man is so mean. The very day I'd become more acquainted with he'd whipped his better half and driven her out of the house over a minor contention, that was the second my disdain from him expanded. Gigantic moron" Grace snapped and took an enormous nibble from her apple

Thus did Jaden.

"Whatever, Grace Your dad's cautioned you to quit creating problems around. At any rate, how could you be ready to let the castle be? I believed he's allowed a few gatekeepers to you?" Jaden inquired.

"Indeed, I offered them drinks. Be that as it may, obscure to them, the beverages were harmed" she stopped and laughed. "They're sleeping soundly in my room right now".

"What the...Are you messing with me, Grace?"

The two of them busted into loud chuckling.

"In some cases, I keep thinking about whether you're really a princess".

"Come on! Screw eminence. It's exhausting" she feigned exacerbations.

"Do you have any idea about what my arrangements are?" She stopped and took one more immense chomp from her apple.

"In a brief time frame from now, I'll take off from home. I'll go far to where I can carry on with the sort of life I need - as a free woman. I'll ensure father doesn't get to know about my area so he doesn't irritate me with his exhausting inquiries" she feigned exacerbation.

"Huh? Is it true or not that you are messing with me? Shouldn't something be said about your mom?" Jaden pushed her.

"Gracious... That is valid. Mother could never consent to go with me" she put her hand on her jaw in considerations.

"In any case, I'll consider something" she finished up and kept eating her apple.

Ahhh! On the off chance that she had known, she'd had taken more than two.

"Incidentally, Grace. I heard my dad examining with one of the Lord's bureau today" Jaden said following a couple of moments.

"They said...Master Xander's bureau is searching for a lady of the hour for him. They had really mentioned for one from your dad, however your dad turned them down, saying he was unable to wed any of his little girls off to somebody like Xander"

"Hang on" Grace clicked her tongue. "Xander is that brutal Expert, correct? Who's lost 2 spouses?"

"Indeed, yes. Precisely".

"Huh? All in all, he's searching for another spouse?"

"All things considered, By and by, Xander wouldn't need a spouse. In any case, having a beneficiary means quite a bit to the local area. Thus, he really wants to. He isn't in any event, putting forth any attempts about it as his cupboards have been the ones doing the pursuit".


Grace turned around to eat her apples.

"What befell his late spouses, at any rate?" She inquired.

"All things considered, I don't have the foggiest idea. No one does and I get it's a secret. Yet, that Xander is truly charming. Simply that...he's actual mean. I heard his kin are very terrified of him. Furthermore, I heard he's never lost a fight. He's an extremely influential man". Jaden enthused.

"Goodness! No big deal either way. In any case, for what reason did father turn down his royalty? He ought to have been hitched Rebecca to him. That witch should accompany a demon"

"What? You're not kidding" Jaden bumped her and they bursted into giggling.

"Indeed, regardless of how Famous and strong Xander was, individuals are as yet frightened to wed their daughters out to him. I heard before his past spouses passed on, he was extremely spiteful to them and never showed love to them - not in any event, for once. That man is truly alarming, you know? A great many people moniker him - the attractive friend" Jaden stopped and laughed.

"In any case, I expect the..."

"They are right there! Get down!" They out of nowhere heard a voice and went to see Philip running towards them with some young men.

"What?? Grace!" Jaden shouted and they spangled on their feet right away and began taking off.

"Ensure you get them! I really want those rascals alive!" Philip thundered out of frustration as the young men ran in front of him.

Gracious! He truly couldn't stand by to lay his hands on them - particularly the princess

Grace and Jaden really found it entertaining as they got running far from the young men.

They ran into the commercial center, unintentionally destroying individuals' merchandise as they found them.

"Goodness! Great sky!

"What's going on?"

A portion of the market ladies winced as their products came colliding with the floor.


"Please accept my apologies..!

"Excuse me...!"

The two women apologized and snickered as they took off.

They chanced upon a paint man and various shades of paint got poured on their countenances - particularly Grace.

Hers was from her hair to her legs.

"Wow! Grace, you seem to be a comedian!" Jaden giggled so hard at her.

"They're coming. Please!" Grace encouraged and they ran.

At long last, they quit running when they ran into a carriage.

The other individuals around were really standing to the side with their heads bowed, however Grace and Jaden were too wrecked and when they could see, they were at that point remaining before the Illustrious carriage.

"Gracious goodness" Jaden shook her head and made a few strides back when she understood it was the Ruler!

The Ruler was perched on one of the ponies and couldn't accept the obvious reality when he saw his little girl, seeming to be a neighborhood promote.

Also, tragically, it was past the point of no return for Grace to take off.



Episode 2

With a supernatural conviction Fortunate

Grace paced though and fro in the room, feeling so anxious.

She was unable to accept her dad had secured her in a cell!!!

Not precisely a cell, but rather a room that seemed to be a cell to her!

She walked furiously, her loose dress influencing left and right with her

Ahh! She was in a difficult situation. Indeed, she could feel it.

Yet, for what reason did she need to chance upon him in any case? Like... for what reason did he need to ride through the market out of every other place on earth and at that specific time? He simply needed to cause her problems, huh?

Ugh!! He was looking so distraught at her! Furthermore, without a doubt, he must've become more acquainted with she sedated the watchmen so she could escape the castle.

Goodness!! This is actually a wreck! What is she going to do?

Not long from now, she heard the entryway opening and quit strolling, getting it was him. Or then again perhaps, her mom.

She observed distinctly as the entryway opened and suddenly, it was Rebecca and Martha - her step sisters

Ugh! Truly?

"What's more, she is right here" Martha laughed as the two of them remained by the entryway.

Hang on... for what reason did the watchmen give them access, huh? Grace thought furiously.

"Goodness! Martha, see how she's seeming to be a comedian" Rebecca said faintly, yet noisy enough so that Grace could hear.

What's more, the two young ladies bursted into chuckling.

"This woman is most certainly not my sister. I mean... which princess in her right sense could act along these lines?"

"Hello! In the event that you realize you have nothing else to do, I'd propose you go feed the canines before I transform you into one myself" Grace lashed out at them and they chuckled generously.

"You truly have no disgrace, isn't that right?" Rebecca jeered. "You're such a shame to the family - continuously moving around like a promote".

"You truly need to know how capable promote acts? All things considered, I can show you...".

Grace was tied in with going to her when the entryway opened once more and one of the gatekeepers strolled in.

"Princess Grace, the king needs you in the royal chamber" he said with his head bowed and Grace took in a full breath.

"Good gracious! You can simply call her Grace. She doesn't merit the title" Rebecca said mockingly and left the room, chuckling with her sister.

Grace glared hard at them, making a respectable attempt to remain calm.

It was so easy for her to pursue them, pull them by the hair and give every one of them a positive beating. However, she's driven the Ruler mad enough as of now and didn't have any desire to add to it. At any rate, not yet.

She took in a full breath and followed the watchman out of the room.


Getting to the royal chamber, she tracked down her mom, the Lord, and two men and one lady also. They were all recognizable.

Grace twisted her head in penitence as she probably aware planned to occur. Those individuals were most certainly there to lay grievances on her and knowing how terrible she had vexed the Ruler today, she realized it was anything but smart.

She showed up before the privileged position and took a glace at the residents.

"Great day, father" she went to the Ruler and said, however he didn't answer.

Her mom was wearing a bittered look too.

Gradually, the Ruler went to the principal man and said:

"Go on".

Your Highness" he bowed. "I don't intend to annoy you, however the thing happened is truly debilitating and I simply have to express it out. This moment, my child is lying on the bed, wounds allover his face on the grounds that the princess had pummeled him barbarously'.

Grace's cheeks got warmed right away. Damn it!.

The Ruler frowned at her and checked the subsequent man out.


"Your Highness" he bowed. "The princess had nearly torched my farmland. In spite of the fact that, she didn't, yet she took steps to return around evening time and do it and I simply believed you should please, My Lord, converse with her so she doesn't do that danger"

Grace squeezed herself gradually. Without a doubt, these individuals were fiend sent.

"Furthermore, you?" The Lord shared with the last grumbler who was a lady

"Your Highness" She started. "The princess really pushed down my merchandise while running prior on at the market today. Everything got stirred up with the sand and became destroyed! I realize I ought not be annoying you, My Lord, yet I needed to auction my significant gems just to fire up that business. Furthermore, now that it's gone, I truly don't have the foggiest idea what to do" .

Grace's head was bowed the entire time, not having any desire to check the Lord out.

Goodness God! She was finished.

It required some investment before The Ruler shouted out.

"Watches!" He called and two gatekeepers came abandoning in.

"Your Highness" they bowed.

"Take then to the monetary secretary and let him know I need a few pay given to them" he requested.

"Indeed, your highness".

"Goodness! Many thanks, your Highness! Many thanks!"

"May you live lengthy!"

The residents welcomed cheerfully and left with the watchmen.

"Hungry things" Grace agreed furiously in her viewpoints.

"Grace!" The Ruler's voice bankrupt into her viewpoints, creeping her out.

Goodness! Hell! Furthermore, here it comes!

"What precisely do you maintain that I should do with you, huh? How might you go around, causing destruction like a nuisance?! You've caused ordinary citizens to have a long list of motivations to visit my castle at whenever they please. You've transformed my royal chamber into a room of grumblings and joke!

"Different Lords make joke of me - examining among themselves that I have a little girl who acts like a promote! How is it that you could circumvent whipping individuals and torching their farmlands?!"

"Caleb was to blame, father" she said with her Head bowed. "He had tossed a stone at me and that is the explanation I pursued him and beat him up. What's more, with respect to the next man, it was only a vacant danger. I can never torch his farmland. I won't ever do something like this to anybody by any means. And..."

"Quiet down, Grace! Quiet down?!" He thundered and her mouth braced shut right away.

Goodness! She's never seen her dad that irate.

"Could the one who's products you demolished?" He asked, yet she didn't let out the slightest peep.

"What about Philip's natural products? Also, what about the gatekeepers you medicated! Might it be said that you are so keen on carrying disgrace to me?!"

A paralyzed quietness stepped in.

"Your different sisters act developed. They do right by me and have procured a ton of admirations from extraordinary Experts and rulers. Yet, you, all you've brought to me is only disgrace and shame. Not so much as a solitary ruler has at any point kept in touch with you, or make any type of headway towards you. Also, with this, it's despicably conceivable you're simply going to become old here in my castle while never getting hitched! Is this the sort of life you' need, Grace?!"

One more quietness stepped in.

"I've decided, Grace" he proceeded, his voice sounding more virus. "I'm weary of having you here in my Castle. Also, I won't rebuff you any longer since I'm fed up with it too!!

"You're leaving this family, Grace. You're leaving this royal residence. No doubt about it".

Grace's eyes diminished.


"Furthermore, it's to no one else except for Expert Xander", the Ruler added.

Chapter Three

With a supernatural conviction Fortunate

Grace panted and checked him out.

What the...What's he referring to?

"What?" Her face folded up quickly. "I don't...I don't have the foggiest idea".

Indeed, even her mom was looking obviously stunned.

"You heard me right, Grace. Prepare in light of the fact that first thing toward the beginning of the day, you're leaving for his house" the Ruler addressed conspicuously, yet Grace actually needed to let accept she was getting him wrong.

No; she certainly wasn't hearing him plainly.

She saw her mom who was stunned to the teeth, her eyes expanding.

"Father!" She turned around to the Lord. "You can't...you couldn't really be serious, isn't that so? That is to say, this is absurd! You can't simply wed me off to... to that Dominate? It's unrealistic!"

"All things considered, it's conceivable, Grace and it's occurring tomorrow. Monitors!"

Two watchmen came leaving in right away.

"Escort the princess to her room and ensure she remains in there" he requested and the gatekeepers bowed and grabbed hold of Grace's arms.

"Father!" She wheezed. "no! You couldn't realistically do this to me! I'm not getting hitched! No!"

"Remove her;" the Lord said furiously and the gatekeepers powerfully hauled Grace away.

The Sovereign was in shock. Her little girl was getting hitched to that beast?

"My King..." She called however out of nowhere ran out of words.

She didn't actually have the foggiest idea what to think or say and the Lord made no endeavor to help her.

She took in a full breath and rushed out of the royal chamber, pursuing her little girl.



Later at night...



The Sovereign strolled into the Ruler's chambers, grasping the little plate.

"My King..." She bowed and dropped the plate on the table.

The Lord had been perusing.

"Hapitha" he called, saving her a look.

"Goodbye, your Highness. I apologize for annoying you. I just felt you may be requiring some organization"

"Goodness! It's alright, Hapitha. You can sit down" The Ruler answered and she grinned daintily and sat down.

Something in his guts let him know she was there for her girl.

"Um...I made you some tea, my Lord. Trust you'll like it" she drew the plate nearer to him and the Lord moaned and took the cup from it, taking a taste.

"Much obliged to you" he murmured.

A short quietness passed with the Ruler simply perusing his book and the Sovereign gazing at him. Then, at that point, she concluded she needed to pour out her justification for being there.

"Your Highness" she started. "I..I figured you would have rather not given any of the princesses to the Xander people group?"

There was an interruption, then Lord Moreh moaned and answered:

"I would have rather not, Hapitha. However, your girl's activities has made me alter my perspective".

"Gracious! Your Highness!" She shouted delicately. "I realize Grace is very difficult, yet there are such countless ways of rebuffing her".

"My focuses precisely" the Ruler cut in, taking his eyes off his book. "Grace is very obstinate and needs a man like Xander to tame her".

"Your Highness... he'll kill her".

"Then, at that point, so be it. Assuming she esteems her life, she'd change for him. Be that as it may, to bite the dust, she can feel free to act difficult towards him. At any rate, the Makers would realize I made an honest effort for her".

"My King..." She called regretfully. "I understand what Grace did was terrible, yet she doesn't merit such a day to day existence. Xander...Xander is excessively merciless. He doesn't actually know the significance of affection or sentiment. What's more, to think...to believe he's lost his past wives...Oh, dear God! I feel so terrified for my little girl".

The Ruler didn't answer as he flipped over another page on the book.

The Sovereign sniffed and chose to utilize the last choice she had on the grounds that it was clear the Lord won't adjust his perspective.

"Your Majesty..." She started.

"Since she's been a lot of a shame to you... grant me to take her nowhere near here. I've addressed her as of now and she's guaranteed to change. she gave me her statement. We... we can go extremely far and fire up another life. In any event, that'd be preferable over having her wed that man".

"That is unimaginable," The Lords voice was cold. "Grace" never going to change and regardless of where she goes, she's just going to continue to raise such a lot of hell. In this way, I really want to give her another name - another personality. Also, wedding her to Xander would do all that. She'd be known as Xander's significant other and the disgrace and obligation would lessen radically" .

"Gracious God..." The Sovereign twisted her head and wailed delicately.

Her girl's life was ill-fated. It was totally ill-fated.

Goodness! For what reason did this need to happen to her?

She had a go at utilizing her tears however tragically, the Lord was somebody that was never moved by tears. In this way, she just needed to surrender - totally.

"I'll.. I'll be on my way now, My Ruler" she bowed regretfully and left .


She got back to Grace's room and tracked down her on the floor and when Grace detected her, she jumped up on her feet.

"Mother" she called tensely. "How did things turn out?"

"Please accept my apologies, Grace" the Sovereign shook her head remorseful. "Be that as it may, the Lord is resolved and wouldn't change his see any problems. You're getting hitched to Xander"

Grace felt all the blood channel from her framework as she gazed at her mom.

Her hands became powerless and she ventured back.

"This is all your shortcoming" The Sovereign questioned. "if by some stroke of good luck you had paid attention to me and just disapproved of your business, absolutely no part of this would happen Grace. None of these"

"Thus, is that enough motivation to send me to my demise?" She half shouted, guiding her finger toward the west.

"For what reason doesn't he simply guillotine me all things being equal? Does he incline toward a sluggish demise?"

"Grace! Stop it!" The Sovereign heaved. "You mustn't talk that way about your dad. Frankly, this all your shortcoming".

"All things considered, I would rather not get hitched, mother! I'm not prepared for marriage; not to Xander, not to anybody!"

She walked indignantly to confront the window.

Argh!! How could he be like that? How might he venture to rebuff her this way over a few little offenses?

She wasn't prepared to turn into anyone's significant other in light of the fact that without a doubt, she'd make the most horrendously terrible spouse of all time!



Chapter Four

With conviction Fortunate

Jaden remained at the entry of the corridor, actually attempting to persuade the gatekeepers.

"Please..." She asked. "You need to give me access. Come on; I won't take long".

"You're simply burning through your time, Jaden. Regardless of what you do, we aren't giving you access. The Ruler has provided explicit orders not to let anybody - particularly you - into the princess' Chambers" one of the watchmen answered gruffly and Jaden panted.

What?? The Lord had provided such request??

She tinkered with her nails and looked left and right. Goodness! How can she respond? She had been truly stressed over her

That was whenever the Lord first had found her in the act and she realized he'd be extremely frantic. Thus, she needed to understand what discipline he had given her this time around.

"But...how about you simply pass a directive for me?" She went to the watchmen and said.

"Simply tell her... I came to determine the status of her and... Please accept my apologies for anything that discipline the Lord must've given to her".

"We're not conveying any message, Jaden. Get out" The subsequent gatekeeper answered grumpily and Jaden glared hard at him.

"You..." She pointed her finger at him. "You so inconsiderate" she muttered lastly left.




Grace sat before the mirror as they dressed her hair.

Her face was for such a long time and depicted outrage and disappointment. She felt so bittered.

At long last, she was getting hitched - getting hitched to somebody she's never met.

In spite of the fact that, it was exceptionally normal in their way of life for arranged union with occur - it was workable for two aliens to simply get attached by their folks and get hitched the next day, yet she's constantly couldn't stand it. Definitely! Indeed she did.

She's consistently longed for getting hitched to a person she'd - at any rate - like, notwithstanding love. She's for the longest time been itching to get hitched to a man of her decision and in addition to some peculiar brutal expert with a terrible picture.


She had even begged her dad to post pone the gathering so they could get hitched in two days time, yet the elderly person wouldn't tune in and demanded wedding her off that very day and ite was not terrible, but not great either irritating!

"I'm finished, Princess" the stylist said and Grace looked into the mirror.

The hair had been styled and enhanced with some jewelries.

She was putting on a wedding clothing and couldn't completely accept that she was really the one looking that developed.


"Do you like it, my princess?" The beautician said delightedly yet Grace just glared hard at her.

"You need to know reality? It's revolting" she addressed obtusely and feigned exacerbation.

The beautician panted in shock, contemplating whether the princess was talking reality or she was just being irate.

She was certain she had worked really hard.

The entryway opened presently and a gatekeeper appeared.

"Princess Grace, your carriage is prepared. Now is the ideal time to leave" the gatekeeper said and Grace wanted to vomit.


"Princess Grace" the gatekeeper called again when she didn't answer and she feigned exacerbation and stood up.

"I heard you the initial time, Alright? You don't need to holler at me" she snapped and left while the watchman followed.


She left her chambers, her face getting most obviously terrible and when they got to the carriage, she found her mom sitting tight there for her.

She brought her look down to the floor and tinkered with her nails, not having any desire to check her out.

"Grace" the Sovereign called with a murmur. "I comprehend that you're furious, however there's nothing any k us can do right now".

Grace didn't let out the slightest peep and the Sovereign grasped her hand into hers.

"Recall all that I let you know the previous evening. Be amenable to him, delicate and who can say for sure? You'll have the option to endure it".

Grace just sneered.

"My dear" she proceeded. "I realize we've heard a ton of bits of hearsay about this man, however it's possible..."

"There's no requirement for this, mum" Grace cut her off, amiably though. "Regardless of what you say, it won't change the reality that I would rather not get hitched to anybody by any means! I simply can't stand this"

The Sovereign moaned and contacted her face.

"I will miss you, dear. Good luck" she maneuvered her into an embrace yet Grace didn't respond.

"It would be ideal for you to go at this point" the Sovereign said when they withdrew from the embrace and unobtrusively, Grace turned towards the carriage.

Also, as she was tied in with strolling in, she detected her step sister, gawping and sniggering at her. Clearly, they were glad for her incident.

She chose to disregard and just strolled in, the drapes being shut a while later.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage was moving, making her shake a bit.

That man - she thought furiously.

She was certainly going to ensure they separate.

Indeed - she'd drive him so mad to the degree he'd need to send her back home. Precisely! That would have been her arrangement!


In a dim room...

Ace Xander remained before the three men who were kneeling down, restricted in chains.

Their whines reverberated in the quietness, going with the moist smell that filled the spot.

The day was brilliant, however because of the reason for the room, Xander made it dull.

"I will not ask you in the future" he said after such countless seconds, his sword in his right hand.

Three of his gatekeepers were in the room with him.

"Who do you work for?"

"Nobody... Please...we work for nobody. All that we did...was by our own will..." The principal man lied once more, his voice shaking

In a brief moment, Xander lifted his sword and cut through his neck, making him fall down and die on the floor..

Dread filled the eyes of the last two. Just his gatekeepers didn't actually jump since they were utilized to the view as of now.

Xander checked out at the second man kneeling down. He didn't have to rehash the inquiry.

"Please, My Lord..." He shuddered. "We are not..."

Another sharp strong was heard quickly as Xander cut through his neck, making him fall down and die on the floor

The last man...fear was a word excessively little to depict how he felt and he didn't allow Xander to see him prior to pouring out reality.

"It was Royce!" He said out loud, his eyes widening so brilliant.

"Royce... Royce sent us!"

There was an interruption.

Xander was somewhat astonished. Royce?

He looked at the floor, then leisurely took his eyes to the man

"Satisfy my Ruler! That is reality!; I've come clean with you as of now! Please!" The man gibbered and for a couple of moments, Xander was quiet.

Then, in his typical virus tone, he said:

"You shouldn't have burned through my time".

Also 'swipe!" Went the sword on the man's neck too.

Xander dropped the stained blade on the floor and began leaving subsequently while two of the watchmen in the room set off to deal with the bodies.

The third followed him.

His means declared power as he walked towards his chambers, completely wearing his shield.

Every one of the house keepers and watchmen he'd go over quit strolling and bowed to offer their appreciation to him. Lastly, he got into his chambers.

"My Master!" One of his gatekeepers came running in right away, yet he didn't go to view at him as he focused on removing his protective layer.

"I simply needed to illuminate you that princess Grace's on her way as of now"

Xander stopped and went marginally to check out at him from his shoulders.

"Who's Grace?" He asked and the gatekeeper wouldn't agree that he was amazed.

"Um...the woman you're getting hitched to" he answered and with a similar devoid articulation, Xander turned away.

"Today's?" He murmured as he strolled towards his nearest and that was the part that made the gatekeeper laugh hysterically.

He had really failed to remember his own wedding date!

"Indeed, my Master. The letter was gotten yesterday" he answered at any rate, with a bow.

Xander totally removed his weighty clothing's, then strolled into the washroom a while later; not saying another word.