
The masters son

His second name is Death. Anyone who tries to get too close to him loses their life. He was cursed with the blood of his dead brother, and till he found the killer of his brother, he'd forever be bound wbythe curse. He's avoided like a plaque, but he even loves it that way. He's so addicted to solitude and being alone. He's a bloody supernatural being, an unusual wizard, the only child who was born under three red stars on a gloomy night 25 years ago. The demons fret at the smell of his scent, and evils flee. He has no shadow even in the dark. He's soulless. Orion Alaric, that's his name. The son of Duran Alaric who owns Mystic Institute, a school for supernatural beings, located in the deep fogs of Mount Delos. Mystic Institute takes in over five hundred disciples yearly, and of the five hundred, Orion was determined to find his brother's killer that year, so he joined the school as a Superior. There he sat on his throne, and as expected, she came. Samara Hercules is a Whitehead witch who's the exact opposite of everyone around him. Unexpectedly, she's not the one he's hunting for, but her white hair reminds him of the killer each time he sets eyes on her, and that builds a toxic hatred in him for Samara. He was even ready to get rid of her so he wouldn't have to see her face anymore. Let's stop here... Now are you ready to jump into the book and see how things go? Will Samara ever escape from him and his torture? Will romance ever bloom between these two? Will his curse ever get lifted? Will the real killer ever show up? And are you in for the steamy romance, fights, jealousy, betrayal, and series of dramas between the supernaturals? Demons and dark forces?

billbanky63 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

He's in bed, f**king with his wife when Orion appeared in his room.

"Who the hell!-ahhhhh!!!!" The Honourable and his wife screamed at once 

Orion dropped the son's head on the bed, and the wife fainted.

"Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Honourable screamed.

 Orion vanished.



P*ssy tight like a nun!

 Counting hundreds up with mah thumb! ...

Samara was rapping loudly, dancing wildly in just her white towel as she entered the bathroom 

Even after unwrapping her towel from her body, she still continued singing loudly, whining nakedly under the shower.

She was breathing heavily when she stopped singing, and she smiled knowingly before spreading her palm.

An hairpin from her room appeared on it, and she sank it into her palm immediately, hurting herself with it 

"F**k!" She hissed, but she only had to wait one second, cos the wound healed immediately.

"Whoa!!! Real hard girl shit!!!" She screamed.

She gets overjoyed like this anytime she uses her powers. 

She has been this way since birth, just like her mother, but she hasn't learnt the use of her powers yet, and that's why it's only effective in the bathroom for now.

"Yes!!!! Yes!!!" She jumped around as she finally began showering.

She was done after some minutes, and immediately she left the bathroom, her mum was the first person she saw, waiting by the door.

"You scared me mum!" She held her chest.

"You need Mystic Institute my dear! You have to learn the use of your powers so you'd use it anywhere apart from the bathroom" Mrs. Hercules said, walking behind her.

"I already told you I'm not in! Mystic Institute? Somewhere in a local city where I won't use phone? What'd happen to me if I don't listen to Megan Thee and Cardi B's songs? What'd happen if I don't go clubbing or outing? I'd die mum!!!" She shouted, removing her head wrap.

Her long white hair fell on her shoulders, making her look more gorgeous.

"This time, I don't need your opinion, you're leaving tonight" Mrs. Hercules said, and her eyes widened.


"Pack your things" the woman replied and left the room.

"Mum no!!!!" Samara screamed.

"Daughter yes!!!!" Mrs. Hercules screamed back from outside, and Samara's phone rang on the bed.

She went for it, and she quickly picked when she saw it's Ruthie, her redhead bestie who's a witch like her. Her mum is also friends with Samara's mum.

"Sam! Mum is insisting that I leave for the boring institute tonight!" Ruthie shouted.

"Same thing is happening to me currently! I think they planned it together, let's escape and meet at the soda store" Samara replied.

"Deal, in twenty minutes" Ruthie replied, and Samara hung up.

It only took five minutes for her to dress up hurriedly in a short jean skirt and a s*xy net top

She opened her window and got a ready rope from her wardrobe which she tied to her body and the edge.

She jumped down successfully and smiled.

"Mission accomplished!"

She ran out of the villa.

When she got to the soda store in 25 minutes, Ruthie was already waiting, and they stuck hands.

 She's wearing same thing as, her red hair looking adorable.

"Clubbing?" Samara winked.

"Clubbing!!!" Ruthie replied, and they boarded a taxi which drove them to their favorite clubhouse.

"Whoaaa!!!!!! Booze!!!!" Samara screamed when they came in to meet streams of people dancing.

"Yes!!!! Booze baby!!!" Ruthie screamed too, and they went to the bartender before anything.

"Sidecar with extra shots of grand Marnier" Samara told him.

"Of course!" The bartender replied, grabbing all kinds of stuffs to start mixing their drinks.

He was smiling knowingly as he mixed, and when he was done, he handed them their cups at once.

They took it and had a sip at once, but immediately they did, their eyes started closing.

They couldn't say another word before crashing on the ground, sleeping off.

"Come out please" the bartender said.

Mrs. Hercules came out from a corner with Mrs. Reed, Ruthie's mum.

They have their packed bags with them already, and they exchanged glances.

"Don't miss me too much, Ruthie" Mrs. Reed smiled.

"You need this, Samara" Mrs. Hercules said, and they dropped their bags beside them.

Together, the mothers recited some spells, and the girls vanished.



Samara felt the arms of someone around her when she woke up, and she squinted.

"Mum, when did you enter my room last night?" She muttered sleepily.

"Shut up Sam, I'm sleeping here" Ruthie's voice replied, but her sleepiness didn't make her realize it.

Ruthie hugged her tighter on the bed, and she smiled.

"Mum you smell different, not pomelo anymore, it's baby powder now" she muttered.

"I'm sleeping I said keep it down!" Ruthie replied sleepily too, and that was when she realized...

She spranged up at once, and Ruthie did the same.

Their eyes widened, and they faced each other when they realized they're in a strange room.

They jumped down from the bed at once and rushed to the door, but it won't open.

"The bartender last night!" Samara shouted.

"Have we been kidnapped? Will they sell our organs?" Ruthie's eyes widened, and Samara slumped on the ground.

"My future husband will be lonely for life! What about the three kids I planned to have! My Cardi B and Megan Thee!!! No I can't die like this!!!" She shouted dramatically, holding her head.

"Hol up, let's try teleporting first" Ruthie pulled her up.

"Are you serious right now? My powers work only in the bathroom!" Samara retorted.

"Then hold my hand and let me try it" Ruthie replied, and Samara held her hand hopefully.

They closed their eyes, and Ruthie whispered some spells for three minutes.

"I'm done, let's open our eyes at the count of three" she said.

"Sure" Samara replied, and after the count, they opened their eyes at once.

They're still there.

"We didn't disappear!!!!!" They screamed at once.

"Will they sell my b**bs too? Brand new, no one has sucked on them before!!!" Samara said dramatically again.

"There's a window!" Ruthie finally noticed, and they ran to it at once, pushing it open.

They peeped out, and a different air blew their red and white hair respectfully, but they saw something.

There's a large board in the middle of hibiscus flowers, and on the board, it was written...


Their eyes widened madly immediately they read it, and they faced each other slowly.
