
The Master, Winter and Hero Series II

Made By TheUnknownBoy Written By TheUnknownBoy Series 1 In the year 2030, The human race had begun adapting to technology around the world but to their surprise, Technology took over and rebelled against their creators and as they were captured by the millions while Killing the Weak and Innocent. They seek a worthy specimen that can stand by Technology as their Secret Weapon to which they have found 8 Specimens that could be worthy of their technology. On Earth, they had conquered all of Earth to which it was no longer Earth to them and considered it as their weapon. They had ruled the world for almost 70 years since then, they began to explore around the universe to Control, Command and Conquer. And in the Year 2099 They left Earth, never looking back and to prove their carelessness for their Home, they planted bombs that almost destroyed all of Earth. Leaving it as burrowed waste while many of the surviving people who had been enslaved were left to die. As they were gone, a meteorite came falling to Earth and as it did, came alive and infected the whole of Earth but not to kill it as it was to the humans that they were revived but no longer humans but were people that could change into both Humans and Animals. They had abilities to change into animals and as humans but forgot about their knowledge but fortunately, they still retain their memories, they decided to accept their fates and rebuilt their home without Technology. The Year 4000, When Technology was meant to become incredibly advanced and increasing to the human race but all that was on Earth were human-like animals who named both themselves Antroians and renamed the Earth to Antroia. Species where almost lots of animal-related beings now reside. But little did both the people Antroia and the machines of Technology. An outcast named Aiden has advanced Intelligence that even the machines weren't that smart enough to counter him and as he rise from his long slumber after being supposedly dead by the machines, he was sent to Earth where he was able to survive the blast. He had been frozen in time and as he woke up, he didnt seems surprised by what has happened but one thing that he knew was that he knew that Technology had done this and now he wanders around the world of Antropia originally looking for his fate until he meets Alicia, a Siberian tiger who was very young but was also pretty and her childhood friend, Tun, an East Asian Crow who acted seriously but was always messing things up. And Finally Sera, A Dolphin whose family were born in separate countries in North Asia. She also has a crush on Aiden Masters but we may see that changing soon. Series 3 In the World of Netroit, there are two things that only occur in it, HAVOC and DISCRIMINATION and these are the sort of things that are considered lawful. WIth many threats happening to both man and child... they need to be prepared for what may soon be their last breath. HAVOC (Heavily Aggressive Vigalantes Official Corporation) Being described as "the protectors" of Netroit when many of them have influenced themselves to what they consider as unimportant... they don't care who or what happens but all the civilians know is that they shouldn't trust the likes of these corrupted beings. DISCRIMINATION (Destructive Influencers Sinners Capturing Retribution Minor Incorporate National Activities Towards Intimidiate Online Necromians) Those Initials took a long time to think but Here we are, they are only in Netroit to recruit and then sacrifice them to the one they call "God" ... "The Child Of DISCRIMINATION" and they won't rest until they have been promised their Utopia from this false god but for what? That's a mystery for another time. In this world, there is no such thing as heroes ... well not all of them are heroes but ... they ... want to end the bloodshed that is Netroit. But who is there to stop them?

MrRejex · Sci-fi
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301 Chs

X Treme

"Almost 2000 years ago, our ancestors told us stories about the world of technology, they told us how much it was advanced and how it could help the world.

But then tragedy struck when this technology took over and enslaved the human race, for almost 70 years people couldn't find the freedom they deserved.

But then technology abandoned our ancestors and left them for dead. That was also when they were supposedly revived by this, the Green Flash that they call it.

We were thankful for what it has brought to us, it gave us life and the freedom that our ancestors knew that they along with all of us wanted.

And without it, our race may never have been born neither it existing.

They also talked about this planet that they had renamed from Earth to Antroia and they speak of their lives as human before undergoing their transformation to being what we are today, Antroians".

X couldn't have believed what he had heard, he was in Earth and many of the people around him were different.

"The Year 4000, When Technology was meant to become incredibly advanced and increasing to the human race but all that was in Earth were human like animals who named both themselves Antroians and renamed the Earth to Antroia.

Species where almost lots of animal related beings now resides. It's truly incredible, it really is, it's more perfect than Earth...."

But then his head started to ache. He went to the ground as it was hurting him quite rapidly and he didn't seem to control it.

"Mr X, are you okay?" Tun and Alicia along with Huratio went to check on him. They saw his eyes were glowing Crimson, X was remembering what had happened.

He became unconscious for 5 minutes leaving both Alica and Tun to worry about him, as he woke up, "I can't believe this". They were both confused on what X was saying.

"This was what I was always dreaming about, a world where technology was gone for good and this was all my doing".

They were even more confused than they ever were and because of how much X didn't make sense, they wondered if he was truly human or not.

X then bowed down and seemingly apologising to the people of Antroia, hey were confused by what was happening to him.

"Uhm X sir, what are you apologising for?" Alicia asked and to his reply, "I remember what had happened and how I got here, you know that Green Flash, Meteorite or whatever?"

Alicia nodded at him, "I sent that along with me here". All of Antroians were shocked by what they were hearing and it came to X to tell his side of the story.

"At the year 2099, I was only around 5 at the time and I was escaping with someone that I didn't even recognize his face but all I knew was that he told me to help them.

He then pointed at Earth which was all light and shiny, moments later the ship had set charges around the planet, leaving it to be destroyed with parts of it still intact.

The ship was about to leave the orbit and this guy took me to one of the capsules and gave me a green necklace and said, 'We'll see each other again soon'.

After I was departed from the shuttled, I accidentally opened the capsule and I was choking to death and it was that moment when I dropped it.

And I watched it grow and grow until it was incredibly big and it made a destination to Earth, I was able to shut the capsule but I also turned on sleep mode.

It may have been centuries for when I was able to revive myself in my chronical sleep and to how much it was enjoyable but all that I can sat was that.

When I woke up, I checked the age analyser and checked out that I was around 17 years old now and I found it incredibly curious when ..." Alicia then butted in saying.

"Wait, you're 17 now? Wow so cool, just like me and Tun right here ..... Sorry continue". X then carried on explaining his story.

"I had checked the name of the capsule and it read 'X Treme' which I decided to take because my memory data is still repairing but I'd still retained an ability.

The reason I was there was because I was implanted advanced intelligence along with others but were receiving different advancements.

Advancements such as Super strength, Super Vision, Super Intelligence, Super Speed, Super Stealth, well the list may as well go on.

And that's my story, and I want to say again that I'm truly sorry for what they have done and I'll...."