
The Master of Time Spirit

In this world, countless monsters in the form of the righteous and demonic exists. Feng Xin reincarnated in such a world where the strong eat the weak. As for the weak, they can only go against the world to change their fate of being eaten. Feng Xin is one such person, a weak person who only has time as his ally but in this world, the one who is the master of time is the absolute one and Feng Xin will do his best to be the absolute one as the master of time! ..... PS.: This work is heavily inspired by Reverend Insanity/Master of Gu. PPS: The cover is not mine.

Average_Villain · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Another Day, Another Scheme

Feng Xin's brutality and thievery are still present in everyone's mind.

Only a day has passed, naturally, their fear of Feng Xin will not just disappear suddenly.

'I managed to achieve the effect of making them work harder which is why I did not stop Feng Xin in his fight last time but if they still continued to fear Feng Xin then this will be a heavy setback on their cultivation. It will not be good.'

The academy elder thought of that. In the meantime, he wanted everyone to realize the importance of strength and not get bullied so that they will not slack in their cultivation.

At the same time, such a method also caused a disastrous blow to their confidence. If left untreated it will be the cause of their inner demons, which will affect their inherent nature.

"In the battle stage, anything you got from it as a reward for winning a challenge will be yours alone for you to use. The academy's influence will make sure that your rewards are safe!"

Seeing everyone's worries, the academy elder added a rule. As the current leader of the academy, his words are naturally the rule hence they all felt secure.

The reason for their hesitation is their fear of Feng Xin robbing them again. Naturally, with the words of the academy elder, they all fell at ease.

"I see, with this, there is no way for Feng Xin to rob our hard work again!"

"With the influence of the academy elder, Feng Xin will not be able to do any despicable things again!"

"I knew it, good still prevails over evil. The academy has not turned a blind eye to the actions of Feng Xin."

Everyone suddenly regained some confidence in them. At the very least they will not feel discouraged over the fact that they will have to fight only to give up their earnings.

"You have to prepare yourself properly! Severe Injuries in the battle stage are unavoidable as you are allowed to use any spirit! Also, since it has already been two weeks since you awakened your spirit, it is now time you have a supporting spirit that can complement your spirit!"

The academy elder announced and everyone got excited.

Other than cultivation and fighting attainments, another important thing in gaining strength is the spirit that will be used itself!

Usually, a spirit cultivator will awaken a spirit. Their awaken spirit will be the core spirit in their life so they will have to build a set of spirits complimenting that spirit!

Everyone's excitement can be justified as receiving another spirit means an increase in their strength!

It is very important to choose a spirit that complements their awakened spirit as it is the most efficient and can give the highest increase in fighting strength.

"Although the spirits that you will choose will not give you any significant changes to your body like your awakened spirit does, having another one still means a significant increase in fighting strength. Everyone must think this carefully!"

The academy elder who saw everyone's excitement reminded them as he remembered his youth when he is also just like them, excited to receive his first complementary spirit.

"Ah, I have already decided the spirit that I will choose. It has to be a defense spirit as my awaken spirit can give an increase in defense and attacking power. With an increase in defense, even Feng Xin will not be able to hurt me."

"I have to go with speed, I like dodging more than receiving attacks."

"Going with attack spirit is still the best! Not having sufficient attacking spirit is a disaster"

Fervent discussion followed suit and the academy elder smiled at such a scene.

"Follow me to the storage! The spirit that you can choose is only one-star spirits if you wanted to get two-star spirits or even higher you have to work for them and contribute to the clan. That is the only way for you to get it!"

"Am I understood?"

The academy elder looked at everyone as he explains to everyone. Everyone is listening carefully, even Feng Xin who just woke up.


"That's good. You will be given a minute to go inside and choose your spirit. Remember you only have a minute to look around. Three people will go at once!"

The academy elder nodded as he commanded the first three people to enter. Since everyone is in line, naturally, the first three people in line are the ones who will enter first.

The first one is of course Feng Xin who uses his reputation to be the first in line.

"Go inside now. Don't forget the time."

Hearing the words of the academy elder, Feng Xin quickly entered followed by Yang Liwei and BaiGu Fay.

Feng Xin did not spare them a glance, and he quickly observed the spirits in the storage room.

The room is quite big and there is plenty of spirits sealed in their hibernating state. He quickly looked at one particular spirit and the moment he saw that spirit, Feng Xin did not choose to hesitate and pick.

One-star spirit, Feather Blade Spirit!

Among the Raven Clan, it is one of the most popular offensive spirits. This is to the point that almost everyone has it.

Its strength lies in the fact that it is a ranged attack, something that most spirit cultivators lack and it is easy to use!

The only downside to it is that its offensive power is rather lacking but in terms of accuracy and usage of spirit essence, it is quite a good spirit making it popular in the clan.

'What I lack is an attacking spirit. With the Raven Feather Wings Spirit, I will be able to fly. Combined with the Feather Blade Spirit, I can kite out my enemy in the sky as a flying spirit is rare.'

Feng Xin thought about it. He has been considering his fighting style ever since he awakened his spirit.

With his ability to fly, his enemies will have trouble fighting him. Coupled with ranged attacks, his enemy will fall into a passive state not having any initiative to launch an attack unless they also have ranged attacks.

With his flying spirit, he will have the initiative to attack and retreat. It was his ideal fighting style for the future.

'Such a fighting style unfortunately is not plausible for the current times. My spirit essence is very low along with its natural recovery due to my talent. Now that I know the consequences of the Time Immolate Spirit, I can't just use it to recover my peak state without a solid reason that outweighs its consequences, for example, my life is in danger or a huge possible profit.'

Feng Xin thought as he picked up the Feather Blade Spirit.

'At the very least, this spirit is unique to the clan. It is artificially produced by the refiners in the clan and the chances that I will meet someone using the same spirit outside of my clan is very low.'

He thought as he goes out.

Since he entered at the same time as the two heirs, he also saw what spirit they picked.

Feather Blade Spirit!

It was the same choice and Feng Xin does not need to think about why they choose such a spirit as their reason is pretty much the same as his.

'Now is the time that my plan continues. The method of earning a quick buck is over with the academy elder's words. It is time to proceed with my main aim, the battle stage!'

Feng Xin thought about it very carefully as he reached the gates of the academy. He looked at one of the ten mortals guarding the gates, when their eyes met, Feng Xin's mouth opened.

"Go get me a table, a chair, a quill, and a scroll!"

Feng Xin ordered the guard and he saw him flinch. Seeing the reaction, Feng Xin naturally knew that commanding them isn't as easy as it actually looks likes.

'Who do you think you are to command us like this? Although we are mortals, we are servants of the academy elder and you treating us like this shows your attitude to the academy elder! Such disrespect to our master! Do you really think we will follow your command?'

The guards thought as they scoffed at Feng Xin. They have duties and they must follow their duties according to their master.

Their master is the academy elder after all, not Feng Xin. Naturally, they can't just take orders from him randomly.

Even then, Feng Xin is a true believer that with enough benefits, anyone will be moved.

With that in mind, Feng Xin threw half a spirit stone at him.

"This! I will quickly finish it and return under a minute!"

Seeing the spirit stone, the mortal quickly runs at a very fast pace. As a mortal, who wouldn't be moved by half a spirit stone when their own salary with their job totals half a spirit stone in two months of work?

That money is two months' worth of their salary! Naturally, they will be moved.

'With enough benefit, even a person with the most stubborn personality can be moved!'

It is the words that Feng Xin lives by.