
The Master of Time Spirit

In this world, countless monsters in the form of the righteous and demonic exists. Feng Xin reincarnated in such a world where the strong eat the weak. As for the weak, they can only go against the world to change their fate of being eaten. Feng Xin is one such person, a weak person who only has time as his ally but in this world, the one who is the master of time is the absolute one and Feng Xin will do his best to be the absolute one as the master of time! ..... PS.: This work is heavily inspired by Reverend Insanity/Master of Gu. PPS: The cover is not mine.

Average_Villain · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Masterpiece Timepiece (2)

Feng Xin looked at the bag containing his spirit stones. Currently, he only possesses 178 spirit stones altogether.

He is quite poor and the number will only go lower and lower as time goes by as he uses it to improve his cultivation.

Even then, Feng Xin is not afraid to use these spirit stones for the improvement of his cultivation.

A spirit stone that he will not use to invest for himself will only be a waste in the future if he does not use it now.

Feng Xin naturally understood that the starting stages of cultivation are the ones filled with the most difficulty as it needs a lot of resources. If someone does not have a way to get those resources then he will not be able to advance his cultivation in time.

"I can't fall behind anymore. It will not be good for my cultivation otherwise."

Feng Xin muttered as his eyes became resolute as he is holding the bag of spirit stones in his hand.

Ever since he came here, it has become his goal to be a lord above all, naturally, he will do his best to become one.

Feng Xin entered his soul space again, this time with the bag of spirit stones in his hand.

This time he tried to activate the Time Immolate Spirit with ten spirit stones as part of the test. Finally, the spirit showed some reaction. Seeing the reaction, Feng Xin wished it would bring him good results.

The hands of the timepiece started showing golden light, it pointed from the twelfth dial and moved and finished a single rotation in a clockwise rotation, with the twelfth dial being the starting point and the endpoint.

At the same time as the timepiece rotated, the Raven Feather Wings who remains quiet due to their fear of the mysterious Time Immolate Spirit suddenly got clouded by a golden light.

The Raven Feather Wings spirit started to transform. From approximately six centimeters tall to fifteen centimeters tall. It was obvious that the spirit started to grow under the influence of the golden light brought about by the Time Immolate Spirit.

"This can actually make the Raven Feather Wings mature faster! Spirits can mature fast alongside their owner but with this doesn't this mean that I can make my spirit mature even faster?"

Feng Xin got extremely excited as he saw what happened. If that were truly the case then he have struck gold.

"Let us not be overly excited. It is called Time Immolate Spirit, I used ten spirit stones to activate it which enhanced the maturity rate of the Raven Feather Wings Spirit. Just from its name alone, one can already infer the reason for the fast growth of the Raven Feather Wings Spirit!"

The Time Immolate Spirit can manipulate time if he willed it! Able to accelerate any growth and achieve instant success.

Feng Xin already thought that its power must be related to time as it is very obvious but he just doesn't know how it works and its full effects.

Now that he saw it, he can only be happy.

"All right let us see the Raven Feather Wings Spirit. Initially, it is 6 centimeters tall but now it is 15 centimeters tall. Naturally, its width also got bigger. If I estimate it right then this should be the growth rate of Raven Feather Wings Spirit after a month of cultivation!"

Feng Xin calculated according to his knowledge of his spirit.

"That would mean that 10 spirit stones are equivalent to a month's growth!"

The math isn't hard to do. Feng Xin still has 168 spirit stones, and with him knowing the effects of the time spirit, he felt excited and used it again but this time he directly used 50 spirit stones leaving him with 118 spirit stones.

The Time Immolate Spirit hand's rotated five times and its target is still the Raven Feather Wings Spirit.

After it completed all five rotations, the golden light surrounding the Raven Feather Wings Spirit disappeared and what is left from the fifteen-centimeter spirit is a seventy-centimeter-tall spirit.

The chick has now become a mature spirit!

"A mature spirit! This is just miraculous going against the natural laws of common sense!"

Feng Xin can only cry out in happiness as he saw the results.

Although he spent fifty spirit stones on it and it was extravagant, for the current Feng Xin this is more than worth it.

The spirit can give various effects to the user, his Raven Feather Wings Spirit can give him a speed surpassing the norm passively. Now that it has matured, the speed it can provide is twice its natural speed!

Twice his current speed now will be a huge help since most of his peers can't even react fast enough if he strikes with his natural speed. With the addition of this speed, it will be hard for his peers to react when he attacks them!

Feng Xin wanted to know the changes in his speed so he left the house and he runs to a secluded mountain near their house. It took him half an hour of a journey but no one would see him here at the very least making it his hideout.

"If it was in the past, it would have taken me an hour to get here just by running but now the time has been halved."

Feng Xin muttered as the speed in his run was quite fast. That is just a passive effect of the spirit brought by its maturity. If he actually activated it then Feng Xin will not only be fast but will also be able to fly at a low altitude.

Feng Xin wanted to know the limits of the changes in his speed so tried to run at his top speed and he realized that he can now cover 100 meters in just ten seconds. It is not as impressive compared to the records of Earth's best athletes but when taken into consideration that he is still a mortal and at 14 years old at that, it is already a good result.

"This is a great improvement in my speed! I am afraid that none of my peers can match up to my speed now."

Feng Xin said as when it comes to speed among his peers, only Yang Liwei is actually the one who has a chance to match him as the spirit that he awakened, the Wind Green Raven Spirit is also a speed-type spirit.

It is very good at enhancing its user's speed but it cannot fly, unlike Feng Xin's spirit.

Even then, when comparing the amount of speed the two spirits can provide to their user, the two-star Raven Feather Wings Spirit will naturally pale in comparison to the three-star Wind Green Raven Spirit.

"With my Raven Feather Wings spirit being matured and adult now, the chick Wind Green Raven Spirit of Yang Liwei will not be of comparison to me."

Knowing such a thing, Feng Xin tried to use the Raven Feather Wings Spirit. In his back, black wings that are about half a meter tall are summoned.

Feng Xin tried to flap those wings and he suddenly flew two meters off the ground.

He did not dare to go any higher as he is still a noob when it comes to flying. It will be a disaster if he chooses to be courageous.

Feng Xin tried to move around with it and his speed is unmanageable to the current him. The feeling of flying at a fast speed is exhilarating but at the same time, he still chooses to be cautious and he deactivated it for the speed is too much.

At the same time, the spirit essence in his soul space is already gone, with there being only 10% left and he just used the spirit for nine seconds.

"The consumption of this spirit to the current me is way too much. I am afraid I won't be able to use it very often."

Feng Xin sighed. The spirit consumes too much in comparison to the Time Immolate Spirit who doesn't even use any of his spirit essence.

Also, the speed is too much, the current him cannot handle it properly. The consumption of spirit essence is way too high, it will be hard for him to use it properly in his current state.

His flying skills are also very noob. He almost crashed into many trees.

There are still many problems with using the Raven Feather Wings Spirit.

His main concern for now with that spirit is his flying skills. With the speed that the Raven Feather Wings Spirit can provide, it will be a good help when escaping but in consideration of his flying skills he cannot use it for such uses.

"If I want to use this Raven Feather Wings Spirit then I will need to practice its use and master it. I am afraid that it will take me a lot of time."

Feng Xin muttered under his breath as he sat beside one of the tall trees.

"Right, time. If there is anyone in this world not having a problem with time then it is only me!"

Feng Xin smiled as he suddenly had another idea.

Since the Raven Feather Wings Spirit is not harmed by the Time Immolate Spirit then wouldn't that mean that it will not hurt him too?