
The Master Of Demonic Sect

#That night when I died was confusing. I always thought death would give me respite from life's shenanigans, but I was wrong, so very wrong. Life hadn't been fair to me. Or, more like, god? I didn't know. Not really a believer. Oh well, that aside, It all started with me stepping a foot outside my house that day and flicking my wrist to check the time. I'm late, I thought, sighing. Shaking my head and sighing until I reached the convenience store I worked at, I got ready for the day as well as the nagging I was about to get for being late. - Male protagonist - System Quests - Strong MC - Reincarnation - Master-Disciple Relationship - Sexual Content - Strong language &Gore

Daoist_6879 · Eastern
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19 Chs


Die—I will die.

[Herald of Flags] giving a warning for a Red Flag was very sudden and frightening. I instantly grew cautious wondering if it would happen now or later. I didn't want to die. Although the flag hung over me constantly, I Ignored the Quest as well as the Flag for now. Taking a deep breath, and with my emotions strangely under wraps, I hummed.

They're already cooking something… they didn't even think to ask my opinion.

I did not particularly care, but this meant that I could be in danger anytime, and I needed to be prepared. All this could be speculation only, and the Elders were just late when I got impaled by that damned sword, but I couldn't risk it. Better safe than sorry.

"When is it?" I asked.

Wu Ryujin, the previous guy, who had not particularly been interested in taking in Disciples, but I had no other choice but to do so because I had no other way of protecting myself. However, how much some kids could protect me remained rather debatable.

"It is on the coming New Moon, Elder Wu," he said, all polite and proper, as was the custom of this sect. Although I had lost my cultivation, I was still somewhat respected, not something I'd expect from a Demonic Sect, to be honest.

New Moon? Six days huh…

"I will be there," I nodded at him, making sure to sound as close to Ryujin from my—his memories, as I could. Demonic Possession was very much a thing in this world, and I did not wish to give them an excuse to fuck me over.

Jin Ruo left. He had been surprised by my answer, but he'd schooled his expression in a moment. Well, Ryujin wasn't really known for attending the Disciple Selection Ceremony.

I shook my head and got ready to sleep. Before I could even close my eyes, though, I was interrupted, once again.





The cat that I'd tested [Identify] on arrived. She seemed to think it owned the place, hopping onto my bed without a care in the world before it got comfortable near me. I shot it a side-eye, unsure of how to feel about its presence. Sure, I didn't despise cats, however assholes they were—had my fair share of experience—but I wasn't exactly a cat enthusiast either.

Letting out a weary sigh, I reached out and cautiously rubbed the top of its head. To my surprise, the fluffy little demon didn't react with its usual feline hostility. No swatting, scratching, or teeth-baring drama. It just sat there, content, while I gave it some head scratches. The fur felt ridiculously soft, and its flat face and light blue eyes gave it a peculiar charm. I had to admit, in its own weird way, the cat was rather adorable. However, I had no intention of swooning over it. I had other things to worry about than forming a bond with a furball.

The cat yowled at my pets, but then it rolled over, exposing its fluffy belly, practically begging for scratches. Well, how could I deny it? I wonder how I know that—

Unnamed Cat wishes to form a bond with you.

Due to the nature of the system, the bond has been changed.

Would you like to accept it as your First Disciple?


My eyes widened, Interesting.

Of course, I chose [Yes] and named her Biscuit when the system asked for a name and then tried to check her around and see if there were any changes. Finding none, I gave up and slept till late in the morning.

I was awakened by the little ball of fur that ended up as my disciple. Yeah, that's right, I'm now a teacher or something like that.

I shook my head. I'm not sure if she was into me or just tolerating my existence, but right now, as we were outside, I decided to release her to see how she'd react and to test her intelligence. Turns out, she didn't seem to hate me. In fact, she was acting pretty fond of me in her own weird cat way.

Coiling around my legs and scratching her head on them, meowing, tilting her head, and looking up at me with those cute, big blue eyes of hers.

I had to admit… not liking a cat was sort of impossible. Especially when said cat was this cute!

I chuckled and rubbed my chin as I made my way back inside the house and to my bed, pondering about her intelligence. Well, she's got brains, but it's like they're selectively switched on. Smart yet dumb. After some tests, she was just yowling away in my lap as we sat on the bed now.

There she went again, the corner of my lip twitched as in front of my eyes, she rolled over, exposing her belly and practically begging for scratches. Her eyes shone bright and big—I… I couldn't resist. Who am I to deny her that pleasure anyway? So, I obliged.

The moment I scratched her exposed belly, she let out an unmistakably content purr. It was as if I'd unlocked some secret pleasure button that made this creature go all mushy.

Humming as I continued petting and scratching her, a thought struck me.

Even a cat can be my disciple, huh? Doesn't that mean I can make any animal my disciple? There are many reasons, the major being… loyalty. But now the question is, how useful can they be? Only time would tell it seemed. With those thoughts swirling in my head, I finally gave in to sleep that night. The damn system had given me stuff, but without any cultivation, those Techniques and Scriptures it provided seemed utterly useless. I had no cultivation, how would those Techniques and Scriptures help me at all?

The following morning was just another day, and I observed something strange about Biscuit. Turns out, she has a knack for munching on spirit herbs. Not sure if they were safe for her, but she seemed fine, so I'd let it slide for now.

Days passed, and I focused on my recovery. The wounds on my body had healed, but the real issue was my shattered Eclipse Heart. Healing was crucial if I wanted to get back on my feet and go out into the cultivation world again, which was necessary given that this was, well, a cultivation world. I didn't want to be toast after all.

I'd tried cultivating once, and that had ended in me screaming out in pain. It had been akin to a heart attack, and I definitely did not want to experience it again.

That experience alone had been enough to cement a fear of cultivating again in me, not until I found a cure. Afraid that I'd simply perish, I didn't dare even try to sense Qi.

However, something else bothered me even more. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. It was as if eyes were constantly on me, lurking in the shadows. It had been giving me the creeps, and I couldn't ignore it. There was definitely something going on, and I needed to be cautious.

- Small Time Skip -

A knock on the door interrupted my time with Biscuit, and Disciple Jin Ruo entered the room upon confirmation from me. "Greetings, Elder Wu, this disciple pays his respect," he said, bowing respectfully.

Already? I frowned slightly, I hadn't expected it to be this early today, but I guess it was time for the Disciple Selection Ceremony, considering it was the New Moon today.

I glanced at him as he kept his head lowered. "This one is here to escort Elder Wu. The Disciple Selection Ceremony is about to begin."

"Ah, I see. Let us go then." I quickly got ready, giving Biscuit a few scratches as she yowled at me, displeased with my departure if the hisses and scowls she threw Jin Ruo's way were of any indication. Now, we had to make our way to the Crimson Misty Peak near the Inner Sect areas. The problem was, I couldn't fly there anymore, not with my current condition.

However, it seemed like Jin Ruo had a solution. He offered to give me a ride up above on his big sword, which conveniently appeared behind him. "Now, if you would, Elder Wu," he said with a bow. Wow, the cultivation world sure is as crazy as I imagined.

I mustered my courage, holding back any fear that threatened to surface. Jin Ruo wouldn't let me fall, I reassured myself. Besides, if he truly wanted to harm me, there was little I could do in my current state. I carefully stepped onto the sword, and an icy shiver shot up my spine as I looked down. The coldness seemed to seep through the soles of my shoes, sending a chill through my body.

Jin Ruo spoke up, reassuring me, "Elder, as you cannot use Gu anymore, this one shall help to the best of his abilities!"

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over my feet, and it felt as if something disgustingly prickly and repulsive wrapped around my feet and legs, pinning me in place.

Gu is… disgusting, I thought. My discomfort grew as the weird sensation intensified when I thought about its disgusting nature, almost as if the sensation was reacting to my thoughts. Thankfully, Jin Ruo appeared to have good control over the situation, sparing me from further discomfort, as he stopped Gu from harming me.

As we soared towards the Crimson Misty Peak, my mind couldn't help but wonder, and I found myself lost in thoughts once again. Sigh… how I wish I could use Gu or Qi right now! I thought. If I could, escaping this situation would be a piece of cake. I'd leave all this chaos behind, maybe start a peaceful farm or some shit, have a simple life, and enjoy the company of some animals. I'd fatten them up, eat the edible from time to time, and maybe even… start a family. But now, I am stuck with this whole situation and can't do anything. I truly felt hopeless. What was I to do in this world of Cultivators and dangers?

By the time I had finished that thought, we had already passed a fair share of distance and were nearing the peak. Crimson mist enveloped us, making the air thick and eerie. The name "Crimson Misty Peak" seemed fitting now. As we ascended higher, the air grew increasingly thick with an eerie crimson mist. The Crimson Misty Peak stood tall and imposing. The mountain itself had a sinister aura, which I reckon was due to Gu giving off an unsettling energy that sent shivers down my spine.

I was no longer a Demonic Cultivator—or a Cultivator in general—so I couldn't shield myself from this… whatever this was.

"This one's apologies, Elder Wu!" Jin Ruo said, and something washed over me, repelling everything away. "It had left this one's mind!"

I sighed but said nothing. The Crimson Misty Peak was notorious in the cultivation world for being a demonic mountain, home to all manner of malevolent beings and sinister forces. This was true, sort of, given that it was home to the Crimson Mist Sect, and they were undoubtedly demonic even though a lot of people appeared that weren't "evil".

The terrain of the mountain was treacherous, with jagged cliffs and steep, rocky pathways that seemed to challenge anyone attempting to reach its summit. Grotesque, twisted trees with red leaves clawed their way out of the rocky soil, their branches contorted into menacing shapes—some even seemed to be moving. The ground was littered with strange and eerie formations.

I wondered what these formations were.

The closer we got to the peak, the thicker the crimson mist became, almost enveloping us entirely. But we pushed forward and finally arrived at our destination—the heart of the peak. This place was bustling with activity, with buildings clustered together like there was no tomorrow. It was here that the Disciple Selection Ceremony would go down, determining the fate of all those young cultivators.

Elaborate pavilions stood tall, with their intricate carvings and mystic symbols, dotted the landscape. These structures emanated a malevolent aura, just akin to everything else. Banners and flags bearing the emblem of the sect fluttered in the breeze.

As we landed, I refrained from gulping. The Elders awaited, and the Red Flag I'd gotten gnawed away at the back of my mind.

"We're here, Elder Wu," Jin Ruo said, bowing respectfully. "Please allow me to lead the way to the Disciple Selection Ceremony."

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