

Shirley came down from the stairs slowly. She sat silently and adjusted the throw pillows to suit her. She rested her back on the pillows and reached for the TV remote on the glass center table; she switched on the TV and dialed to different channels. When she did not find anything to her interest, she picked up her phone and started going through all her social media handles. A particular picture caught her eye, and she swiped down on her phone to check it out. She smiled intently at the photo and then closed the app and dialed a number.

"hello" came the familiar quiet voice from the other end

"Hello old friend" she said jovially

"Shirley, how are you doing?"

Shirley frowned "so doctor, Dr. Tony has forgotten all about us"

There was silence for a moment then his quiet voice replied "I would think that I should be the one telling you that"

"I am sorry, so sorry Tony, can you forgive me?" she laughed but there was no reply

"So reserved you are! anyway, I just saw a picture of you on Facebook. I never knew you were in the United States"

"How would you know?" he asked sarcastically

She laughed "Tony, I am sorry"

Tony sighed, "just went there on training…. I might be relocating there soon"

"So, you are going to leave us in Lagos, in Nigeria"

"don't worry, I would not mind if you joined me"

"Thanks, thanks so much. Tony, I once again wish to appreciate you for that other time"

There was no answer making Shirley worried "are you still there?"

"Just lacked a reply to your multiple appreciative gestures and remarks since that day" he replied

"You saved my life…. how would I not appreciate you. You and I know that you are a very busy man. I know you are my friend, but you made time for me even in your busy time schedule"

"It is fine, how is your husband?"

"He is doing well thank you"

"My regards to him then. I need to go now"

"That is fine, it was nice speaking to you today"

"Thanks so much, it was also great speaking with you today. You have made my day" he said quietly as usual

"aww" Shirley said, and Tony sighed at the other end of the phone. She imagined him rolling his eyes just then



Shirley dropped the phone on the table, smiled and resumed her TV watching

She fiddled with the window. It just didn't budge talk less of opening. She sat down on her bed exhaustedly; the door and the windows would not open. How was she supposed to get some fresh air? The house was cool, but she still needed the feeling of outside. She remembered her previous wish to escape the house and how it failed. She got up suddenly, if he keeps her imprisoned without her dying then he certainly cares for her wellbeing.

She went out from her room, "honey" she called but no one answered

She continued to call on her husband while checking every room in the house. She stopped in the living room and was about to leave when she got no reply but stopped abruptly and walked toward the center table. Her husband must have been here a moment ago, she thought as she looked over his jacket on the chair, a wine glass and an empty wine bottle on the table. She glared at the bottle, no matter how much he drank, he never got drunk. She bent down to tidy up the table and lifted the wine glass. There was a silver key under the glass! She was stunned for a brief second, she gasped in relief as she envisioned herself finally leaving the house and escaping her husband. She reached down for the key but halted immediately and quickly turned around to check if anyone was around.

"Hello dear…" her husband said.

She was more than stunned "hello honey... I have been looking for you" she shivered as she looked into his eyes. They held a certain wicked gleam, but he did not seem furious or mad with her.

"Is that so?" he asked while making his way to the center table where she stood. He faced her and she swallowed hard. His gaze went from her and then to the table. He sat down with a sigh and picked up the key from the table.

"Why were you looking for me?"

"I wanted to ask if I could open up the windows of my room. I tried so much but I cannot bring it to open. I was wondering if…if you could help me" she eyed the key that was now in his hands

"And why do you want to open the windows?"

"I just…just need some fresh air" she said, and her husband replied with laughter. He laughed out loud for a long time.

"Really... Fresh air? Darling!" he laughed mocking her and she lowered her head in silence

He looked at her for a moment when he was done laughing "that's fine honey... do you actually need fresh air?" he jeered at her

she nodded

"Okay then... I will install two fans in your room for you"

"No…no honey, I don't want you wasting money. Just the windows will be fine"

He stared at her as if he was startled that she had the confidence to tell him no. she continued to look down and admire her feet but was amazed when he started to laugh once again. The laugh was more enthusiastic this time around.

He turned a stern face towards her" look here lady, you are neither going nor seeing the outside of this house"