
The Master's Pet (GirlxGirl) canceled

A new world has begun where humans were no longer at the top. The vampires have taken over and have put everyone else at the bottom. Hatspehut and her older brother Odin end up being captured and sold into slavery as body guards for the vampires. Hatspehut quickly decides that she will not be anyone's slave and plots to escape. Will her plans go up in flames when she meets her new master, or will her wolf sprit tell her to run? First written in the summer of 2013. A tip from me: Don't read a book just for the sake of reading it. Read to understand why it was written and reflect on what and who the characters are. Note: There are many stories like this out there on the web, but this one is mine. If you see similarities then you see them. It is not necessary for you to say it in the comments because I already know. We all take inspiration from somewhere. Just because two genius writers have the same idea does not mean that one copied from the other or vise versa. It just means we are geniuses. Be mindful and respectful of writers because we all put in our best efforts to give you amazing stories. These are our creations and we adore them. Please keep that in mind. -------- story by Luna

random_person11 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 42


After I leave that boring ass meeting, I walk around looking for Odin and Apollo. I have not talked to them in a while so I would like their company. Saryia is acting very happy lately. She is real excited for the party, so am I. I really want to go into the ball room and see what it looks like, but Saryia told me not to. I groan thinking about it.

I walk down the hallway then feel a cold twinge. I turn my head and see Mercy standing a few feet away from me. She smirks then crosses her arms. I growl and take a few steps back. Mercy smiles and takes steps forward.

"What do you want Mercy?" I growl at her. Mercy lightly chuckles then uncrosses her arms. The shirt that she is wearing shows too much clevage for my taste. Mercy stares me up and down, then grins.

"I dont understand something about you pup." She uses her speed to push me into the far wall. My bones are shook by the impact.

"First it was Jamie then Saryia. You relized what you have done by being here?" Mercy's eyes glow light green and her fangs extend out.

"You have made the two of them weak and vulnerable. You know, I'm feeling a bit thirsty." I gulp. Mercy smiles then eyes my neck. No one is drinking from me! I pull my legs up and use all my strength to kick her in the stomach. Mercy files back a few feet then gets up.

My eyes turn pitch black and a rush of energy flows through my veins. Mercy hisses and I growl back. My wolf is ready to kill her, and I am ready to get rid of this bitch too. Before we could attack eachother someone grabs us. I am back against the wall and so is Mercy.

When my vision returns I see Odin holding me back and Apollo, holding Mercy by her throat. She struggles and chokes attempting to pry off his hand.

"What in the hell is going on now?!" I heard Saryia yell. She storms over to the four of us. Odin lets me go, but Apollo keeps a hold on Mercy.

"She tried to bite me!" I yell.

"She is full of shit! I did nothing, she just kicked me out of nowhere!" Saryia smirks then tells Apollo to let go of Mercy. Saryia instead pushes Mercy back against the wall.

"I have developed a very special power, a power that not even the original vampires mastered." Saryia's sharp fangs come out of her gums.

"Our memories are stored away in our blood. I will find the truth out the tastiest way I can." She smiles before biting down into Mercy's neck. My wolf is freaking out thinking that Saryia is marking her.

"Relax you idiot! Marking is more of a sexual act remember?"

"Oh yeah." I shake my head and shut my wolf up. Saryia retracts her fangs and goes ballistic. She strikes Mercy in the face then mounts her. Saryia screeches like a hell cat, hitting Mercy several times. She looks exactly like the Saryia I first met. I guess that part of her is the very angry part now.

"How dare you! You do not put your hands on her! I'm going to kill you!" Saryia is about to punch Mercy in the face again but her fist is stopped in mid air. Mercy is just staring at Saryia's fist. Saryia's hisses and backs off. Mercy stands up and brushes herself off. Saryia walks over to me then she grabs my hand.

"Mercy you are banned from Haty's party! If I catch scent of you, you will die!" Saryia hisses one more time before she speeds us away to another part of the mansion that I have never been. We are in a enormous library.

"Saryia what did she do? Why didn't you hit her?" Saryia looks at me the her eyes soften. She sighs and pulls me into her embrace. Saryia rest my head on her chest and caresses my back. I listen to her heart beat slow and return to a normal pace.

"There is something you need to know about Mercy baby." She walks over to one of the ladders against the high bookshelves. She climbs up and grabs a large book. She slides down and puts the dusty book on the large desk. I sneeze because of the dust coming from the book.

"When you live for over three centuries and you are addicted to history, you learn everything about the history of the world, both human and non human." She opens the book and flips the page to the 1600's.

"Here is the truth about the Salem Witches. During the witch trials there were only two witches in Salem." She turns the page to a portrait of an old looking lady, "Mistress Hobbins was one, and she was the worst type of witch. She used dark magic to curse the towns people, and one night she was caught. You know how that story ends." I nod and Saryia flips the page.

"Who was the second?" I ask. Saryia sighs and sits down in the chair.

"You first must understand something my love. As you know if I tried to turn you into a vampire it wouldn't work. The same with fairies. The reason is that you do not share the same blood code with humans. Witches and humans are the most alike. Witches just have special powers, they are pretty much human. So if I wanted to turn a witch, it would be too easy." Saryia studies my face for an expression.

I don't understand what she is trying to say. What would a witch benefit from becoming a vampire? Why would she even bring up turning a wit-- No fucking way!

"Yes baby girl, the second witch of Salem is Mercy." She flips the page to a portrait of Mercy. Her hair is back in one of those bonnet things. My eyes explode from my sockets.

"I thought that the witch part would go away, but it didn't. Apparently she has gotten stronger over the years. She was a very weak witch in Salem, that is why I could have killed her, but Jamie begged me not to."

"You should have done it anyway. So, is she stronger than you?" Saryia shook her head no.

"I am the strongest vampire in the world. I could take over single handed if I want, but no I am fine being a lady." Saryia stands up and goes to another bookshelf. She grabs a slightly thinner book. This book has a wolf on it, it must be about my people.

"Even though Mercy is a hybrid, you and your brothers can overpower her." She flips the page to a picture of a large wolf.

"You and your brothers are what is called Lupo immortale, Italian for Immortal wolf. There was one in the late 1800's, but he was destroyed unfortunately." I study the wolf an the page. He looks menacing, he could probably beat the living mess out of anyone he wants.

"He was killed because he almost killed all the vampires in his region, including his mate. His mate was killed for making him immortal. His mate at the time was the second strongest vampire in the world, I was the third. His mate had a severe bloodlust, and she passed it on to him. He is the only recorded wolf to drink blood. Blood made him go nuts and kill." She turns the page to a picture of the wolf and his mate. He was nice looking in human form. He was young too, no older than Apollo.

"I suspect that since you already have vampire blood and the strongest wolf bloodline flowing through your veins, you could be a very powerful wolf if you drank blood." I snap my eyes at Saryia. I don't want to drink blood, that is disgusting.

Saryia turns the page to another picture of his wolf. He looks unstoppable in this picture, fresh blood drips down his snout. I feel my wolf cower at the sight of this wolf. He must have been very strong. For some reason I feel connected to him.

"Honey, this wolf is apart of your family tree. He was a rouge, but he left his mark on your pack. Your great great great great grandfather I believe is his son. He got a female wolf pregnant while he was an immortal. It was already in your blood to be an immortal, that is why your family is the strongest wolves in the world." My jaw fell. I couldn't believe that I am related to this wolf. It was already in my blood to be an immortal.

"Your saying I am this guys descendent?" Saryia smirks and nods. I am in awe.

"But why did you have to make me drink your blood, if I was already immortal?"

"The immortal gene was in your blood, but it was not active. It had to be activated by someone with a strong bloodline. I'm the strongest vampire in the world, I have a mild bloodlust, and I wanted you to be with me forever." I smile at the last part. I sit in Saryia's lap and kiss her lips.

"I'm telling you this because, now that you have my blood you can be unstoppable like him. It is a power that you will have to summon from deep in yourself. I want you to use it just in case Mercy tries to hurt you again. You are stronger than her too, but she is still a threat." I nod and cuddle with Saryia. I rest my head on her shoulder.

"If you wish to learn more, this library is open to you. I must ask you to though. Here are some books on hybrids. You might want to use them to your advantage." Saryia gets me off her lap and takes out four books about hybrids. She puts the Witch book away then kisses my head.

"Where are you going?" She turns around and smiles.

"I have some things to do in my office. When you are done in here ask one of the maids to help you go back to our room." I nod and watch her leave. She closes the door behind me and I open the witch hybrid book first. I want to see if there is a way to kill Mercy.


Well that explains a lot! Witches are humans they just have abilities that other humans do not. If Mercy was still a witch I could kill her easily. Now that she is part vampire, part witch, she is a lot stronger. I flip through the pages and I am amazed at what hybrids can do. I am somewhat of an hybrid myself, I can start drinking blood if I wanted to, but no chance in hell!

I walk to one of the shelves and pick out another book. I had to have read about fifty books by now. My brain is getting a bit overwhelmed by all of this cool stuff. I have to say this is all very interesting. I pick out another witch book.

There is a lot of dust on this one too. I couch after I blow the dust off of the leather book. I open it and begin to read. I feel something hard in the book. I turn the pages until I come face to face with a amulet. It is the most stunning blood red jewel I have ever seen.

"Mine?" My wolf asks. I chuckle and pick up the amulet. I wonder what this is doing in a book. Saryia must know what it is. I look at the page that was cut out it doesn't look like it has anything to do with this amulet.

I stand back up not letting this pretty amulet go. I feel and odd power coming from it, for some reason I feel like it is already mine. Of course I'm going to keep it, but I want to know what this is first. Then something hits me. I rush back to the desk and take out a werewolf book I was reading earlier.

I anxiously flip through the pages until I am face to face with the first werewolf. The amulet is around her neck. I look for something to tell me what is so special about this amulet. I find a few paragraphs and read it out loud to myself.

"Mor is the mother of all werewolves. She was raised by wolves, but always knew she was human. When her mate was killed by hunters, she prayed to the moon goddess to give her the strength to avenge her love. The goddess granted her the power to transform from wolf to human at her leisure. Mor, used her gift to kill the entire village, only leaving a few that she wanted to turn.

The goddess however wanted something in return. Mor took the diamond off the chief then stabbed her paw. Putting her bloody paw on the clear white diamond she swore to the goddess that every wolf from her into the future would belong to the goddess, or the special gift would go away forever.

The goddess was pleased and accepted Mor's offering. The once clear diamond turned as red as Mor's own blood. The goddess told Mor to wear it and she and her descendants will always be Alphas until the end of time. The red diamond became known as the Amulet of Mor. It's power can only be used by a female of Mor's bloodline."

I sit back in the chair and move the amulet through my palm. My wolf is screaming that it belongs to us. I remember that father told us that we come from a long line of Alphas, Apollo said it too. We couldn't possibly be from the first werewolf's bloodline could we? I bring the red jewel up to my face. It feels right in my hands, but it is impossible that I am from Mor's bloodline. Then again she only had one pup, or so we have been told.

"Go ahead put it on, see for yourself!" My wolf screams. I growl at her to calm her down. I gaze at the amulet and feel the surge of power flow through my hand. It is too amazing for words. I sigh and finally give in to my wolf's begging. I walk over to the mirror and hold it up in front of me.

"Goddess help me if I am not the one. If this thing kills me it's your fault." I growl at my wolf. She sighs then tells me to put it on. I slowly put on the amulet and tie it in the back. A strong force of power flies through me. It doesn't hurt, or anything, but it feels amazing! I look back in the mirror and I am stunned at what I see. My wolf's eyes have purple rings around her irises.

"So it is true." I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I turn but no one is there.

"Look in the mirror pup!" I snap my head back to the mirror and fall back on my ass. There is a woman standing in the mirror. She has my wolf's eyes. I slowly stand up and take some cautious steps to the mirror.

"Who are you?" I ask shaking. The woman laughs then points at the amulet.

"I am Mor, and you are my child. As long as you wield the amulet, my power is at your fingertips my child." Her hand reaches out of the mirror to touch the amulet. Soon as her fingertips touch it she is sucked into the amulet. My jaw is hanging on by a thread. I don't really know what to do but get the hell out of here, and I'm taking the amulet with me! I run out the library flaring my arms up in the air, screaming like a crazy person. I don't even bother asking for directions. I run around till I'm out of breath then I go to look for Saryia, she is never going to believe me about this.