
The Master's Pet (GirlxGirl) canceled

A new world has begun where humans were no longer at the top. The vampires have taken over and have put everyone else at the bottom. Hatspehut and her older brother Odin end up being captured and sold into slavery as body guards for the vampires. Hatspehut quickly decides that she will not be anyone's slave and plots to escape. Will her plans go up in flames when she meets her new master, or will her wolf sprit tell her to run? First written in the summer of 2013. A tip from me: Don't read a book just for the sake of reading it. Read to understand why it was written and reflect on what and who the characters are. Note: There are many stories like this out there on the web, but this one is mine. If you see similarities then you see them. It is not necessary for you to say it in the comments because I already know. We all take inspiration from somewhere. Just because two genius writers have the same idea does not mean that one copied from the other or vise versa. It just means we are geniuses. Be mindful and respectful of writers because we all put in our best efforts to give you amazing stories. These are our creations and we adore them. Please keep that in mind. -------- story by Luna

random_person11 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 15

I woke up the next morning in a familiar pain. I sat up looking around the cold dark room. Saryia wasn't next to me. I looked around and saw Saryia sitting on the love seat. She was holding a wine glass in her hand. She smiled at me. It sent a chill down my spine.

"Why are you crying?" She softly said. I didn't even know I was crying until she said something. I wiped the tears from my face and turned my back to her. She put the glass down. She softly sighed and got back in the bed. She turned me around looking in my eyes. The softness in her eyes made me confused. Her soft hands pulled me to her body.

"Hatspehut, my love, please don't cry. I'm sorry." My eyes darkened. I bolted up and pinned her down.

"Your damn right you should be sorry. You violently rapped me! If I didn't care about Jamie I would tear you to pieces!" She smiled at me. I looked down, I was stradling her. Her hands clentched down on my waist. One of her hands grabbed the back of my head pulling me down to her face.

"You belong to me Haty, the sooner you realize that the better your life will be." She kept pulling me down until our lips touched. I put my hands on her chest in an attempt to push myself away from her. She parted from me moving her hips against mine. I bit my lip forcing myself not to moan.

"Besides you confirmed that last night when you told me you loved me." I gasped feeling her flesh move against me. My hands grabbed the sheets. I had to keep my head on subject she was trying to distract me.

"Of course I... had to say it... uh...if I didn't... you would have kept going... ah..." She stopped. She shook her head then chuckled. Her blue eyes yanked at my soul. I didn't notice what her other hand was doing until it was too late. Her fingers slid inside of my wet walls. I gasped again grabbing the sheets harder. Her body pushed us up from the bed on the love seat. Her fingers shoved deeper into my pain filled walls.

"Mmm your so tight, dripping wet. You must like what I'm doing to you." Her fingers went into hyperspeed making my body rock with the love seat. I grabbed her hand trying to get it out of me. Saryia smiled and jabbed harder. My scream fell in my throat and came out as a loud moan.

"I know you like it so why resist me?" I arched my back letting out a painful loud moan.

"Because... I.... AHH..." Her free hand grabbed the wine glass. I saw a faint pink scar on her wrist. No! No! It was her blood! She went faster making my jaw drop in ecstasy. She tipped the glass over my mouth. I shut my mouth as a drop of blood fell out the glass. It landed on my lip.

"Your going to drink this Haty. Your going to be with me forever soon as you drink it. Don't you want to be like your brother? Immortal?" She made my brother immortal already?

"No!" I managed to say. My body trembled signaling that it was time. My eyes opened wide when I came. I yelled out hoping that Jamie would come to help. The door bust down and there she was. Saryia grabbed my jaw pouring the cold red liquid down my throat.

"No!" Jamie forced Saryia off of me. The blood dripped down into my system. I felt a severe pain shoot through my body. I clutched my stomach feeling her blood attacking me. I yelled out one more time before everything went dark.


I woke up in someone's arms. The blurry figure kissed my head. I rubbed my eyes and saw Odin. He smiled at me and kissed my head again.

"Good morning sister how are you feeling?" I felt so bad I shook in his arms he held me tighter.

"What happened am I..." He nodded somberly. I put my hand over my mouth. I sat up. My heart sped up when I saw Jamie sleeping in the chair in my corner.

"She refused to leave you this entire week." My brother whispered. I looked back at him.

"I've been out for a week?!" I said quietly. He got off the bed and nodded. I looked in the mirror. I looked the same, I did feel different. I looked over at Jamie wanting to touch her. It was over I'm immortal and trapped in this place with my evil master. Yet I had another master that loved me and my brother. She cared about us, and she was all mine.

Jamie opened her dark blue eyes. I smiled and sat in her lap. Her eyes teared up seeing me. She tried to find words to say, but I put my lips on her sweet soft lips. Her arms wrapped around me pulling me closer. We parted and stared into eachothers eyes.

"I love you." I whispered. Jamie rocked me in her arms.

"I thought you wasn't going to wake up." I chuckled.

"You really thought you was getting rid of me that easy?" She smiled kissing me tenderly. Odin coughed. I got off Jamie just as Saryia walked in the room. She had red roses in her hand.

"Ah, nice of you to join us Haty. How are you feeling?" She handed the roses to Odin. Taking steps to me, she wrapped her arms around her giving me a loving hug.

"I was getting worried that I wouldn't see those astonishing eyes of yours ever again. Now I can gaze into them forever." She looked back into my eyes. Jamie pulled me back into her lap. Saryia hissed.

"Get some water for those roses Odin." She growled at him. He walked out the room not saying a word. Saryia locked the door behind him. She sighed then turned to Jamie and I.

"Aren't the two of you adorable. Jamie you are so lucky. You always get the pretty girls to fall in love with you. Sometimes I have to ask what about me? Why can't I get the girl sometime? I get the perfect jewel and what do you do..." Her eyes turned white again.

"You take her away! She belongs to me Jamie not you!" Jamie hissed and took me out of her lap. She put me back in the chair and looked back at Saryia.

"She chose me because you have done nothing but torment her and her brother! You killed her family! How could you think that she could love you after all of that?! Try to be a bit understanding of what you have done to her!" Saryia sat on my bed.

"I am understanding Jamie dear. I understood that you were in pieces when Mercy left you. What did I do? I almost killed her, yet you told me not to. Back then I would have done anything for you, now I don't know what I should do to you." Saryia's head dropped into her hands, then her head snapped back up.

"All I ever wanted was someone to love. When she came here, I fell in love for the first time in my life. Instead of her falling in love with me, she falls for you." My jaw fell to the ground. She seriously was in love with me. I still can't love her. She hurt me, raped me, killed my father, and she has hurt my brother. I couldn't ever love her. Her eyes turn blinding white.

"I refuse to loose her, so Haty darling, you will now be sleeping in my bed every night. You will do what I tell you, when I tell you and not question me. You are mine! Start acing like it. As for you Jamie dear, I will find you someone else. Someone that can spend the rest of their immortal life with you." She smiled evilly at Jamie. Jamie hissed and shook her head no.

"You wouldn't dare bring that gold digger here!" I knew who she was talking about. She can't bring Mercy here! Wait she knew where Mercy was this entire time?! Even I shook my head no. Saryia chuckled and unlocked the door.

"I can and I will. In fact she should be here in the next few weeks. Come meet me in my room doggy. We will be madly in love weather you like it or not." She walked out of the room and left us there in terror. Mercy, Jamie's old girlfriend is coming to be with her. My wolf growled. So did I. Jamie heard me and turn back around.

"Don't you worry my love. She won my heart once, but she will not succeed this time." Jamie took my face in her palms, kissing me passionately. Her hands went around my waist. My arms went around her neck. I didn't want it to end. Her lips parted from mine. She stood up and extend her hand. I took it willingly walking out with the only woman I will ever love.