
The Master's Pet (GirlxGirl) canceled

A new world has begun where humans were no longer at the top. The vampires have taken over and have put everyone else at the bottom. Hatspehut and her older brother Odin end up being captured and sold into slavery as body guards for the vampires. Hatspehut quickly decides that she will not be anyone's slave and plots to escape. Will her plans go up in flames when she meets her new master, or will her wolf sprit tell her to run? First written in the summer of 2013. A tip from me: Don't read a book just for the sake of reading it. Read to understand why it was written and reflect on what and who the characters are. Note: There are many stories like this out there on the web, but this one is mine. If you see similarities then you see them. It is not necessary for you to say it in the comments because I already know. We all take inspiration from somewhere. Just because two genius writers have the same idea does not mean that one copied from the other or vise versa. It just means we are geniuses. Be mindful and respectful of writers because we all put in our best efforts to give you amazing stories. These are our creations and we adore them. Please keep that in mind. -------- story by Luna

random_person11 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 10


I punched my wall repeatedly until my hands began to throb. I looked back at the scared girl on my bed. Her eyes bulged out of her head seeing me in such a rage. Her heart beat ringed in my ears. My eyes turned light blue, I stopped myself before I scared her even more.

"I'm sorry. I'm in no mood to..." I trailed off. She got off the bed reluctant to come near me. I was breathing very hard thinking about my sweet little Hatspehut. I wanted to run in there and save her from Saryia. I felt a light tug on my shirt, there was the girl, tears falling down from her big green eyes.

"I wouldn't bother you about sleeping with me, but I have to... sleep with you." I squinted at the girl in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I hissed at her. She quivered at the sight of my fangs.

"Lady Saryia, said that if you were not inside of me, a bullet would take your place." I shook my head then looked back at the girl.

"I wouldn't doubt that she said that. What is your name?" I dried her tears and made her look up at me.

"Marie, my lady." I nodded. I really didn't want to do this, but her life was at risk. I won't let Saryia hurt her or Hatspehut. She shivered when my hand touched her.

"It's going to be okay. I won't hurt you. Just take off your clothes and get on the bed, on your stomach." She nodded, taking off her clothes. I looked away as she took off her clothes. I only wanted to see Hatspehut's naked body. Her perfect curves made my heart run wild. Our emotional link was so deep, so passionate. She was the other half of my soul, and when the time was right I would leave with her and her brother.

I turned to the girl laying face down on my bed. I didn't want this at all, but I had to or she would die. I took of my shirt and pants. I wasn't going to get naked with this girl, that was only for Hatspehut. I spread her legs, her body shivered again. I stuck my middle finger gently into her. She gasped and started to shake.

I was having no joy out of any of this, but I moved my finger in and out of her making her moan. During that entire time I was thinking about Hatspehut. I thought about her body against mine. How our bodies easily melted into each other. Her soft lips softly pressing on mine. Damn, I wanted my precious girl with me now.

Marie moaned louder when I was going a bit harder on her. I wasn't going to hurt the girl, but I was mad that I had to sleep with her. The only girl that I wanted to touch like this was Hatspehut. She was worthy of my love above all others. Why should I give anyone else my love when already had someone to give it to. Saryia just had sex because she was horny, but she would end up killing them because she got bored with them. She won't do it to Hatspehut. If she was going to kill her she would have done it by now.

No, she wants to kill me by torturing her. There won't be any more of that soon as we get out of here. We can get a nice place where we can all live in peace, and we would buy humans and werewolves so they can have somewhere peaceful to be. No one in our house will ever suffer again. I couldn't wait for that wonderful day.

I heard a loud bang coming from Saryia's room, then I heard Hatspehut cry out in pain. I removed my finger softly from the girl. I ran to my door opening it. I rushed to Saryia's door banging on it.

"Who is it?" Saryia said in a happy tone. I was in no mood for her games.

"Open this damn door!" I banged on it harder. I heard struggling then nothing. Saryia open the door naked. It wasn't a big surprise. Nothing I hadn't seen before.

"Jamie dear! You come at a bad time, I'm... occupied at the present time." She smiled. I pushed her aside horrified seeing what she done to my love this time. I rushed to my wounded lover's side. Saryia bit her on the neck. Blood trickled down her naked body. Saryia chuckled. I stared to pick her up, yet I was stopped by Saryia. She threw me across the room. I fell over the couch hitting my head hard on the floor.

"I will take care of her. I have a special drink for her." Her evil grin forced me up and on top of her pinning her to the floor.

"If you dare turn her immortal, it will be the last thing you ever do!" Saryia smiled and pried my hand off of her throat. She coughed for a few seconds then looked back at Hatspehut. Hatspehut rolled of the bed. She stumbled to her feet holding on to the nightstand.

"Haty, get back on the bed. We aren't done yet." Saryia demanded.

"No! Hatspehut, go to your room I'll be there shortly." I commanded her. Hatspehut looked at the both of us then fainted. I caught her before she fell to the floor. I shook my head then turned back to Saryia.

"I have to teach her who's the boss around here somehow. She will love me by her own will, or by force."

"You vile monster!" I yelled at her. Saryia took a few steps back. I picked up Hatspehut taking her out of the room. I opened my door, the human was dressed already.

"Leave Marie! I'm done with you!" Marie ran out the room as fast as she could go. I cleaned the blood off of Hatspehut. She hadn't regained consciousness yet. I placed her in my bed and brought her limp body into my arms. I put her head on my chest. Her soft breathing relaxed me.

"Hatspehut, I love you." I whispered in her ear. The escape ran through my head while I was drifting off into my dreamland. What would happen if we were caught? What would happen to us? Saryia would violently kill them in front of the rest of the wolves. Saryia would probably try to hang me again. They failed in Salem the first time, but Saryia would make sure it worked this time. I didn't want to think about it now, we would escape. I would be with the one I love, and nothing could be better than that. I rocked my love in my arms until I fell asleep.

A/N: Short chapter yes, but the next one won't be. Comment, Vote. Later :)