
The Master's Hidden Wife

Description When darkness slowly succumbs the light, the first thing that crosses Angela's mind is terror. Scarred by her past horrors, the tormentors of her dreams, the endless agony of her voice. The now sought after surgeon only has one reason to live, and that is to find and be reunited with her mother. Not until a one faithful night, where she made a reckless decision and that is to marry the man who seems to keep her horrors away from her. Alaric was born as one of the supreme—the highest. From education, the practice, and rulings. He's above yet he was deprived of her own emotions. Not until, a one faithful night that lead to a fruit to sew for years. Three years after, will their marriage stay afloat amidst the deepest of their secrets? PROLOGUE Consecutive gunshots echoed for the nnh time already and the people inside the Museum shuddered in fear, a feeling they would never knew they would feel.  It has been 29 minutes. Angela thought, eyes locked in her wristwatch. She never curse but this time she can't help but to curse mentally. How long would we wait for a rescue? Gunshots can be heared again and again causing another wave of cries and whimpers from the people trapped inside. Suddenly, Angela's trembling hand cover's her mouth, she felt suffocated, she barely can gasped for air this time. She was frozen in her spot but she manage to move her head to look around. Where's my bag? Chest pumping hard, her right hand fell on the cold floor. Trembling, her hand tap on the floor, looking for her bag's strap. Thank goodness I was not trapped where the statues are located. Finally her fingers grip on the strap of her bag. She heard no gunshots, she move her body around slowly. Her eyes automatically spotted her red bag which contains all her reason to continue living. With her last force she could release, she pulled her bag towards her and successful pulled it but her breathing become thinner. She could not gasped for air anymore, her chest tightened around. Slowly, her sight blur until darkness swallowed her whole vision. What happened again? Was Angela's question when she woke up with a very dry throat in a white tinted ceiling, her eyes meandered around nervously. Is she at her aunts house? Few drops of tears fell from her doe green eyes. She trembled and shook her head repeatedly. I'd rather die in that Museom than be bloody rot here again. She sobs quietly, she could never imagine her fate must be if she will live in her aunt's house for the second time again. She already leave this hell! She's already grasped the feeling of being in peace and she's in the process of loving her self again. How could be a life be this cruel? Her thoughts vanished when the doorknob of the door infront twitch. She hug herself more tight, her eyes shut down and her thoughts slowly accepted the fact that she will be played again. Not just a simple play but a bloddy torture.

rinecanwrite · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


TW: This chapter contains the use of foul words, mention of blood, and ab*se.

The road was crowded not with people but with all kinds of cars being parked. The neon sign hanging everywhere lit the whole place, making the road looks like an open clubhouse yet oddly...rigid.

Two men walk pass the cars. One held a briefcase while the other has a weed between his fingers.

The two were silent, only after they passed a certain wall did the first man speak.

"How's the operation?" a rough voice echoed.

"Tight. Fortunately, under control." the other man's voice replied. His tone seems anxious.

The man with a rough voice stopped on his track, making the latter jolt in in his feet.

"Tell me now Radolf before it's f*cking too late!"

The former eye's were enraged. His jaw clenching as he spit the weed out from his mouth in anger.

The man being asked trembled in fear. He couldn't run now. Even if he could, he still cannot hide. Left with no choice, he tells him what happened.

"W-We lost men boss...the other party came unexpected! we didn't hear it c-coming—"

Suddenly, the man choke on his words. The man called Radolf helplessly tried to stop the hands of his boss from pining him against the wall. But the attempt was immediately overpowered.

"Do not try anything, boy!"

"S-Sorry b-boss!"

The boss loosened his fingers, Radolf flinches in pain when the sharp ring on his boss' finger came face-to-face with a vital part of his neck. His eyes wandering around, screaming for mercy.

Seeing the situation became ugly, the grip on the boss hands finally detached from Radolf's neck. The man fell down on his knees choking and coughing with blood.

"Godd*mn it! F*ck! F*ck! You son of a b*tch! what did I tell you about the f*cking counterattacks?!"

Still lost in his rampage, he punch the nearest car until the window broke in pieces. Blood covered his fist, he couldn't care less as he continue to spout foul words in rage. A high-pitched sound from the beaten car was heared causing the stray cats, rats, and insects wandering around ran in fear.

Radolf who barely recovered whimper in despair. "It-It's n-not t-them...it's not t-them boss..."

The boss eyes flared. Radolf's whimper stoped his rampage.

"Who dare's hinder my busines this time?!"

As if on cue, loud footsteps of men came rushing towards them. The boss lifted his eyes, he clicked his tongue, clearly expressing disapproval.

The boss pointed his finger on the approaching men.

"Who, Mason? who dare's mess with the Phantoms business?"

The latter didn't reply as he only pass a note to the man.

The former didn't approve the approach yet he has no time to voice it out as he eyed the paper enraged.

"The Master said you have 3 days to dig your own grave or be rot in the bloody street."

"Godd*mn it!"

"DOC! the patient woke up."

Angela was just about to go out the room when the nurse called her, informing the status of the patient she was observing for a while now.

Angela turned around in her steps. Seeing the patient awake and gulping water in thirst, Angela let out a sigh in relief.

Angela move closer to the boy.

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

The boy, barely 20 gulp the remaining water, his hand came wiping his mouth. While his other came massaging his head. He hisses at something and slowly shook his head in clear confusion.

Taking it as an answer, Angela scan the man. He was rugged looking, several piercing on his ear. There's also a bruise—maybe a week old—on his neck. Another one on his fingers and this one seems fresh. Sometimes, appearance speak for itself.

"Alcohol-induced amnesia," Angela said.

The boy suddenly twitched in his sit, baffled he glance up to Angela. There was confusion in his eyes.

"I-I do not drink, doc.."

"Do you? that's what most alcoholic says. Don't worry, sooner or later you will remember what you did and why you end up here."

Angela motioned the nurse to hand her the patient's chart. She nodded at the nurse then turn to the man who couldn't reply.

"You will start your tests soon, rest first but avoid sleeping yet...we will comeback in a while."

"w-wait...wait...how long did I slept?"

The nurse glanced at the man and then to the wall clock.

"About 49 hours..."

Angela didn't wait for the man's reply as she head out first. The last thing she heard was the man's voice saying he was late in school.

Her eyes were drowsy, she's so drained. She was about to head to the powder room to freshen up when a sudden sharp pain hit her head.

She hisses as she turned sideways and came face-to-face with the culprit.

A cute little girl with asymmetrical pigtails is currently aiming a toy gun at her. She saw the little girl gulp yet her lips twitched in a mischievous smile.

"I'm not aiming at you," her hoarse voice made her sound even more cuter. Angela cannot help but to bent down to level the little girl.

She was quite small, but she's probably at the age of 5 to 6. She spoke straight words.

Angela turned her head around. "Where are aiming it then?"

"The door..."

"The door? why?"

She drop her gun and went closer to her. Angela smiled in amusement as the little girl held her cute little fingers together and sigh dramatically.

"Look, doctor. My dumb—"

"—language, little miss."

The latter covered her mouth and dramatically sigh again.

"—Sorry, elder's influence, yeah, where are we? oh right, my s-t-u-p-i-d—" she spelled it, "—cousin was knocked out last day according to my nanny so together with my relatives—and uh—my nanny we went here to fetch that guy."

Angela stilled. She was actually reddened in speechless!

"What's your name, little girl?"

"My name's Kierra..."


"Just Kierra. Now, can you please open the door for me because I need to get my cousin out so we could finally fly back home?"

Hesitant, Angela stand up and make her way to the room where she believed the little girl was pertaining. She felt the little girl followed. She knock at the door softly yet intense sound follows.

She look at the little girl now before her knocking furiously, she was stunned by her quick moves.

"That's enough, let's wait for permission, shall we?"

Kierra reluctantly did as she say and nodded her head. Angela observed the little girl before she sigh.

"Where are your relatives?"

"On the way here, I presume."

"Then who led you here? how did you know his room number, Kierra?"

"I...I was with my cousins friend, Ethan. He was the one who drove my cousin here at hospital the other day and now we came here together a w-while ago...h-he's looking for food...I know it's wrong that's why I am saying sorry right now because I told you I was with my nanny—I mean I was just a while ago, we came first you know and they followed as..."

Angela caress the girls hair, perplexed, she calmly point out the obvious.

"And you're alone because?"

"Because he trusts me and I'm old enough to behave and sit tight in the lounge area and do not wander?"

"Kierra...you don't speak like that to your elders.." Angela softly muttered.

She bent down to face Kierra. The latter's head hang lou, she couldn't meet her eyes.

"I-Im sorry again...I didn't mean to offend you...I just...I was just—"

Her eyes were misty. She's about to cry, Angela was ready to console her when the door infront opened.

They both lift their head to see the one who opened the door and she was about to greet when the little girl who was very docile a while ago went suddenly high-pitched.

"You little dumb*ss who ruined my entire day! I'm gonna grill you to death!"


Angela could only close her eyes tightly as she felt the familiar headaches coming again.

She really don't know what to say to this sharp-tongued little girl.

A/N: HELLO TO YOU!! the only one who added my story to their library. I appreciate you so much!