
The Glass Chamber

I woke up- chained and alone in a glass cage. The same mask on the Longjo's killer is on the wall taunting me- staring at me with its red eyes. I screamed, but to no use it came back at me piercing my ears, making me bow my head down trying to accept the pain- my ears are ringing- that's all I hear is ringing, my head is foggy I can barley see anything. I look up and see a man wearing the mask now I jump back startled. There is no reason to scream, it won't do anything the walls are sound proof. I search around frantically, but I can't move much because of the ankle straps- not to mention the continuous head ache I get when I move to fast. He approached slowly and sat and the door and put his hand on the door, I started crying I don't know if I'm furious, broken, scared, or confused. He opened the door and sat in front of me, trying to hold my hands, I sat there knowing if I punched or kicked I would pay the consequences, I have no control here. I just held his hands, I was disgusted, these were the hands that killed 7 people- maybe more - and the hands that choked me, how could I hold them knowing what they did- what he did?! I mumbled in a weak tone "what do you want..?" He took off the mask to reveal a small soft grin and a slight pause until the silence is interrupted with "I want you to love me." My heart dropped, how could I love someone so vial?

To Be Continued