
My Regrettable Remorse

I just shifted and sat on his lap and hugged him tightly- if I play the role maybe he will let me free, or at least out of this cage? He lays his head on my shoulder and hugs me tight- strangely I feel safe in his arms. "I love you" he says in a mumble. I couldn't say I love you back because I didn't love him, I can't lie about that. I just smiled uncomfortably and responded "I'm tired, may I please have a blanket?" As I looked at the cold concrete floor and the surroundings of the basement around me, taunting me through this glass cage that I can't run from, nor break free from. It made me feel like a mouse in the presence of a lion, if he wants me gone- I'm gone, there is no if or but about it. The most I can do to save myself is follow his games and theatrics. He nodded and preceded to the door, as I watched him close the door and lock it tight- with over 37 locks all in different varieties. I wasn't a person it felt I was a pet to him, merely a small, innocent pet. I hated I had no power in this situation, I hated feeling so captivated. I was losing my sanity.