
The Masked Boy's System

Han Zheng found a metal box outside his house yard. When he open the box and have a ring inside he wear it without hesistant and the ring give him a mission and reward.

Ka_Zhang_Phan67 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

Han's phone ringing after he ate, taking out the phone and answer. The first thing he heard "Woi! Where are you?! You said, you will call us after!" Wang shout angry make Han distant his phone from his ear.

Han point to Miss Jiang toward his phone Miss Jiang understand and let him speak with his family. "Sorry, lot of thing happen in this two day." Apologize Han "Are you injured?!" "Are you okay?!" Yue and Mei shout make Han once again distant his phone.

Feng Teng that just seat left Han hear Yue and Mei voice. "I'm not injured and yes, I'm fine." Answer Han don't want to worries his big siss.

"If someone bully you. Tell me okay?" Say Yue. "Sure." Say Han and ask "Where is mum?" "Mum is fine and she is nagging at your big brother Wang now." Replied Yue "Hahahaha, he also your big brother, big sis Yue." Say Han with honest laugh.

"Anyway tell mum, I met dad's friend yesterday." Say Han "Yes, sure and love you." Yue say and Han is not hesistant to say back since he love his family.

"Thanks and love you too bye." Say Han and hang up. Everyone hear it look at him "What? She is my big sister. Of course, I love her." Defense Han. "Are you perhap crybaby?" Gues Angela.

"I'm not!" Shout Han, his face is red although can be seen "Oh, look at him. His ear is red." Tease Yang. "I will go to village first." Say Han with red face and running out from resort.

Sir Xu notice Han running from far "Morning!" Shout Han "Han, drink this first." Say Mr. Chow handing Han glass of water "Thank you." Say Han and grab a glass of water to pour it on his head.

Mr Chow see it only laugh while Sir Xu speechless "Haahaha, bring back memories of Zheng. Now, Han help me with plant this rice field." Say Mr Chow his hand point at rice field.

Han nod and do the thing as he instruct. After 1 hour, Han finish his work and other that just arrive is helping at rice field. The screen appear.


...Master Han, must cultivate now. Morning breeze today have great amount energy...

Han sigh but he is lucky since he just find a place to cultivate and it a in the forest yesterday. Han start feeling hot inside his body. After 10 minute, Han done. When he open his eye, he feel more light and fresh.

"Han." Hear beautiful voice call him from behind make him turn his head. Bing Wei, Miss Jiang, Angela and Yang are look at their own shoes.

"What?" Ask Han lazy and still angry. "Sorry." Four of them say with their eye shut. "Sorry, please forgive us for peek on you." Say Yang, Han look away and sigh.

"Just please don't do that again." Say Han with firm voice as his hand now petting Yang's head. Yang open her eye and look up at Han since Han is a bit tall.

"Ouch!" Hear the voice in pain, they look at source. "It like woman voice." Say Han while walk to bush. Han see the dark green hair woman is sit on dirt while her hand held her ankle.

"Are you alright miss?" Ask Han "No, my ankle is sprain." Say the woman while four women behind Han open their mouth not believe. "Singer, Chow Yuqi!" Shout Bing Wei while point at the woman that now piggyback by Han.

"Heheh." Say the woman while Han is clueless "Who is Chow Yuqi?" Say Han make the idol that getting piggyback feel a rock fall on her.

"You don't know?" Ask Angela and only got shook from Han "The one you piggy back now is Chow Yuqi, she is famous singer." Explain Bing Wei "Oh, I see." Say Han with calm face.

"Anyway, what are you doing here miss?" Ask Han while walking along with others. "I in the forest to pick a herb which my grandma want for made tradisional medicine." Explain Chow Yuqi.

When they walk out from the forest and arrive walk to village head home. The male students is angry "Han Zheng! How many womans you seduce?! And this time is singer!!" Ask them.

"What the?! I'm not seduce any womans!!" Say back Han while put Chow Yuqi on mat. "Oh no, what happen Yuqi?" Worried Miss Chow walking toward her only granddaughter.

"Grandma." Say Yuqi make male students speechless "What? Grandma?!" "You don't know?" Ask Han while male students shook their head.

"The moment she say her full name to me, I know already. Since she said, she pick a herb to her grandma for made tradisional medicine. And her last name is same as uncle Chow." Say Han make male students nod.

"Why you call my grandpa, uncle?" Ask Chow Yuqi confuse and on that time Mr Chow hear it say "Remember, the stories grandpa tell you about the man face that almost cheat make your grandma on me?"

Yuqi nod "The boy that give you piggyback is his child, Han Zheng." Say Mr Chow make Yuqi wide her eye and look at Han. Han only wave his hand make her wave back.

"But.. he wear a mask." Say Yuqi make Mr Chow slam his hand on mat "Behind this mask have handsome man face!" Shout Mr Chow. Yuqi hear it look back at Han. "Handsome boy, care to show your face toward me." Say Yuqi with smile and wink make male students pass out.

Han raise his brow and say "I will not take a bait." "Tch." Say Yuqi "Never in my life, boy or man say that." Say Yuqi make four womens sigh.

"He have a bit cold heart." Say Angela, Han phone ringing again and answer the call. "Han, you say you met your father's friend?" Ask Miss Zheng.

"Yes, mum. I currently at his house now and his family name is Chow." Say Han happy. Miss Chow hear it say to Han "Han, auntie want to speak with your mum for moment, okay?" Say Miss Zheng smiling.

Han nod and give his phone to but not before he loud the speaker. Han sit beside Yuqi that now her ankle have a wrap.

"Hi Hui, long time not speak with you." Say Miss Chow nicely "Tong, it's you." Say Miss Zheng shocked then smirk make three sibling in the house scared.

"Woi, what happen?" Ask Mei stop doing her work along with Mei play a phone and Wang that count his money "Don't know, but little brother said, he met dad's friend." Say Yue.

After few silence, Miss Zheng laugh "Hahaha, how you taste the defeat now Tong?" Ask Miss Zheng like villain make Han almost choke on his biscuit "Tch, you win to married him." Replied Miss Chow like gangster.

While at home, the three sibling now eat a popcorn seeing the drama same as Han eat a biscuit although at different place.

"Mr Chow, does Miss Chow mean Zheng's mother is the person successfull married Zheng's father?" Ask Sir Xu and Mr Chow now wipe his tear while nod.

"Don't you know how hard I am to seduce him and at last he married you?" Say Miss Chow make Han's mouth open speechless while Yuqi "What did I just hear?" "Same as what we hear." Answer Bing Wei

"Han, mum know you speechless now, close back your mouth." Say Miss Zheng across phone Han close back his mouth "Good boy. Now back to us, Tong Chow." Say Miss Zheng.

Others hear it shock "How she know your mouth open althought we can't see?" Ask Feng Teng "My mum intuition." Replied Han. "Heh, atleast I know what he like." Say Miss Chow smirk.

"Did I just see my grandma smirk?" Ask Yuqi "Yes." Answer Miss Jiang. "Oh come, this always end up like this when my mum meet my father's female friend." Say Han calm others nod at first.

"What?!!!" Say them and look at him "Argh! Like father like son both of you is playboy!!" Shout Mr Chow make Han laugh "You just like him when I say it!" Say Mr Chow while point at Han.

"What?" Say Miss Zheng that now seat on sofa "Yes." Say Miss Chow arrogant "Hahahah, that not what he like that's what he dislike!" Say Miss Zheng make Miss Chow across phone fail.

"Han, take back your phone." Say Miss Chow and Han take back his phone. "Hi, mum. Can we go to book store when I get back?" Ask Han try to change the topic.

"Sure. What a lucky your face just like your father's Han Han." Say Miss Zheng "Mum, don't say it. I don't want to become a next prey by this dinosaur." Say whisper Han.

"Sorry, but good luck surviving those dinosaur!" Say Miss Zheng happy and hang up. Miss Zheng smile and look at her three child "Wang tonight we go eat outside. Mum, want to try western food but before that transfer Han a money he need to stay alone for awhile." Say Miss Zheng smiling.

"Okay, mum." Say Wang and his eye look at Mei "I guess mum in very great mood." Say Yue "Good luck my younger brother." Say three sibling at same time meanwhile Han.

"Oh no." Say Han as he turn around and see everyone walk slowly toward him except Miss Chow, Mr Chow and her granddaughter that try to cheer. "Han, let this big sis see your face." Say Yang "Let your senior see your face junior Zheng." Say Bing Wei.

"Not for thousand year!!!" Say Han as he start running to resort as fast as he can.

Back to resort and say to recepsionist "Miss give me different room. A single room." Say Han while panting "Okay, your room number is 96 and this is your key." Say the recepsionist.

Han only nod and grab a key and take his clothe bag in old room and sprint back to his new room.

In the room, Han lock the door and sit down on floor. Han take off his mask and say "What a tirinh day."