
The Masked Boy's System

Han Zheng found a metal box outside his house yard. When he open the box and have a ring inside he wear it without hesistant and the ring give him a mission and reward.

Ka_Zhang_Phan67 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14

"Fuap." "Arh." "Sleepy." Say every male student except Han. He was sleep last night "Everyone, today we will take a walk at this village." Say Sir Xu firm "Yes sir." Say the female student in high spirit.

Meanwhile Han's mind, 'Zhong Ven, due to him almost punch my face I just trust what he say. I even see him dissapear with smoke. I must be tired from all day yesterday.' The screen appear.


...Master Han must clear your mind at this village. This is only chance to take nature energy in your body. ...

'I see. But.. how I can clear my mind right now.' Say Han's inside, he look at every male student that complain "Why we walk around this village?"

'I will find a nice spot for myself after we walk around.' Say Han's inside.

Sir Xu then in the forest and others follow him that have a path, all of them in sweat right now. The bird chirping can be heard. All of them use the tree bridge to across a river.

Every female student enjoy the scene around the forest. 'It seem we will out from the forest now.' Say Han's inside as he see the light and persons talking can be heard.

When they out from forest, they see the beautiful scene like in the bus. 'So, we already in the village now.' Say Han's inside and when he turn his head at back he see the resort a bit far 'What? Is this a prank?' Ask Han's inside. All of them keep walking up till they stop at one villager house. Angela and Yang that already arrive earlier is talking with bald old man.

The bald old man stand up with his cane "Everyone greet village head, Mr Chow ." Say Sir Xu while shake his hand with him. "Good evening, Mr Chow." Say every student, the village head only nood with smile.

"Thank you for visit this village." Say Mr Chow "They already arrive." Say the old woman with smile while walk to front house. "Everyone greet, Miss Chow." Say Sir Xu.

All student greet her, Miss Chow smile "I'm sure you kids is hungry after all this walk. My wife already make food for you kids eat." Say Mr Chow making male students eye shining 'If only they know.' Say Han's inside and sigh.

All of them eating with peacefull and Han that already done ate with just one blink eye's is look at village scene.

"Sir Xu, you exactly just want to prank with us right? In fact, we just need to walk for 1 km using new road but you make us walk for 4 km since we using old road which in forest." Han saying the fact make every students stop eating along with Miss Jiang.

Sir Xu shout asking in panic "Han Zheng! Why are you telling them?!" "What? I only tell the truth." Answer Han "Sir Xu, you make us walking for long way just to prank us!" Shout everyone except Han.

Mr and Miss Chow hear it only look at Han. When Han about to drink using a straw, Miss Chow sit beside him . "What's wrong Miss Chow?" Ask Han calm with smile. "Yifeng." Say Miss Chow "What?" Ask Han since Miss Chow saying his father name.

"Are you Zheng Yifeng's child?" Ask Miss Chow and Han answer with smile "Yes, I am. My name is Han Zheng. Zheng Yifeng's child." Miss Chow hug him "I never expected Zheng's child will come here." Say Mr Chow.

Everone seeing the drama only look at three of them "Teacher Jiang, why they know Zheng's father?" Ask Feng Teng "I don't know." Answer Miss Jiang.

"What a lucky his son wear a mask." Say Mr Chow with glad tear escape from his eye "You shouldn't say that." Angry Miss Chow make everyone look at Han. "Mr Chow why you glad Zheng wear a mask?" Ask Sir Xu curious.

"Let me tell you short stories. Sit down." Say Mr Chow make everyone obedient while Han just lean at wooden pole behind Mr Chow. "His father, Zheng Yifeng have dangerous face for female and male. One you his face, you will fall for him." Say Mr Chow make Bing Wei raise her hand.

"How dangerous Han's father face?" Ask Bing Wei "Very dangerous and.. Zheng's face make my wife almost cheat on me!" Say Mr Chow and shout at end word while Miss Chow hold her cheek with her hand with smile.

"EEhhh?!!!" Shout everyone not believe and look behind Mr Chow. Han only smile then laugh "What are you laughing about?!" Ask angry Mr Chow while point at Han. Han close his eye and open back.

"Nothing." Say Han smile while waving his hand "His father.. almost... make village head.. wife.. cheating.. on him.. ." Say everyone with continue word. "If his father face is dangerous... then.. how about you Zheng?" Ask Sir Xu.

"How can I know. I never show this face to anyone." Say Han 'I only show my face to my family.' Say Han's inside. Miss Chow then notice a ring at Han's hand.

"You have that ring?!" Ask not believe Miss Chow make Mr Chow shocked and look at Han. "Yes." Say Han, Mr Chow hold his hand to in the house leaving his shocking wife outside while others confuse.

In one room Han sit at floor while Mr Chow is find something in wardrobe "What about this ring?" Ask Han his eyebrow lift "Found it." Say Mr Chow in his hand have box. Mr Chow open the box lid and give Han two old letter.

Dear next ring holder,

If you read this meaning you're the next generation after us. You will receive a mission to level up and reward when success but when you fail you will receive a punishment which is a mediatet for one day. This ring have a power that you can active using yoir own body energy. This ring also can make us have a darkside so when be carefull when you use it. The ring holder will fight with one ring holder like us. We get called The Two Great Ring Holder. And to fight other one you must using martial arts reward that you are given.


Ring holder

Han rubbed his face 'What Zhong Ven say is true and here I thought I must be tired.' Han open the letter "So, this is my training schedule." Say Han and look at Mr Chow "How you know about this?" Ask Han firm.

"My great grandfather is ring holder and only him have a true letter. Our family is responsible to handing this to ring holder." Say Mr Chow serious. Han take out his phone from pocket and take a picture of two letter. He give back the letter to Mr Chow that understand his doing.

"Then, I will just training and fight." Say Han smile make Mr Chow see his father figure for awhile "You really Yifeng's child." Say Mr Chow "Just call me Han, it more easy if uncle call me with my name." Say Han while scratch his head behind.

After that, he and Mr Chow walk out to house yard seeing everyone look at them Han look Miss Chow "Auntie, I will come visit again tomorrow." Say Han smile make Miss Chow hug him.

"What do you mean tomorrow?" Ask Feng Teng while Sir Xu smirk same as Han while let go the hug "Tomorrow we will help villager at rice field." Say Sir Xu make everyone shout "No!!" "Zheng it look like Village head tell every plan." Say Sir Xu while Han is nod.