
The Mask Within

At Shinra High, a school notorious for its chaos and intimidation, Park Woojin finds himself struggling to survive in a hostile environment. Constantly targeted by bullies, the weak Woojin lives his life cowering in fear. But one day, an unexpected event accidentally triggers something within him, turning him into an entirely different person. [Disclaimer: The characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The narrative explores themes of bullying and violence and is intended for mature audiences. The depiction of these themes is meant to provoke thought and discussion, and not to endorse or condone any harmful behavior. The views and opinions expressed in this work are those of the characters and do not necessarily reflect those of the author.]

BNT_NOVEL · Action
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21 Chs

He's done for

Yang Seojin leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as he replayed the events from the canteen in his mind. The chaos, the whispers, the fear etched on Taejoon's face—it was everything Seojin had hoped for and more. For once, someone had managed to put Taejoon in his place, and the thought filled Seojin with a twisted sense of glee.

Though he had always kept a low profile at Shinra High, carefully biding his time and watching Taejoon and his crew terrorize anyone who crossed their path, Seojin had been quietly cultivating his own influence. Unlike Taejoon, who ruled through intimidation and aggression, Seojin wielded his power in the shadows, subtly manipulating the social dynamics without drawing attention to himself.

Leaning forward, Seojin tapped a few keys on his laptop, pulling up the school's online forum. The video was still the top post, with comments flooding in faster than he could read. Most were anonymous, students too scared to reveal their identities, but the sentiments were clear: Taejoon's reign was over.

Seojin chuckled to himself as he scrolled through the comments, savoring the spectacle of Taejoon's downfall. He had never liked Taejoon, not just because of his bullying tactics, but because Taejoon's style of control contrasted sharply with Seojin's own approach.

While Taejoon's rule was marked by force and fear, Seojin's dominance was subtle and indirect. He was a master of staying unnoticed, blending into the background while others took the spotlight. Yet, this quiet demeanor didn't mean he was uninvolved. Seojin knew more about the inner workings of the school than most—secrets, rumors, alliances formed and broken over the years. It was like a chess game, and Seojin had been patiently observing the pieces move, waiting for the right moment to strike.

He had always kept himself in check, careful not to draw attention from the other influential students and their seniors. His approach was to remain a silent observer, letting others reveal their strategies and weaknesses. This way, he could maneuver behind the scenes, building his own position of power while avoiding direct confrontation.

As Seojin continued to monitor the fallout, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"What are you so happy about?"

He turned to see Lee Seungchan's face, curious and slightly puzzled.

"Oh, you're here," Seojin said casually, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What are you doing? Did I miss something?" Seungchan asked, leaning closer to get a better look at Seojin's laptop.

Seojin clicked his tongue in mock disapproval. "Tsk. Why are you even late? Come here, you've got to see this!" He grabbed his laptop and tilted it so Seungchan could see the screen.

Seungchan's curiosity piqued as he watched Seojin's reaction. He leaned in closer, his eyes scanning the video on the forum. "Eh? Isn't this Taejoon?" he asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"That's right!" Seojin exclaimed, unable to contain his glee. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched Taejoon's humiliation unfold on the screen. "Looks like someone finally knocked him down a peg."

Seungchan's expression shifted from confusion to intrigue as he processed what he was seeing. Taejoon, the infamous bully who had ruled the school with an iron fist, was now the subject of ridicule. It was a scene neither of them had ever expected to witness, and the shock of it was palpable.

"Wow," Seungchan muttered, still trying to wrap his head around it. "I never thought I'd see the day…"

Seojin leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest, clearly pleased with himself. "It's about time someone stood up to him. And now, everyone's seeing him for what he really is—a coward hiding behind his fists."

Seungchan nodded, his eyes still glued to the screen. "But who posted this? I mean, it's not like anyone would dare to cross Taejoon so openly…"

Seojin's smirk deepened. "That's the best part, isn't it? No one knows who did it. The entire school is buzzing with rumors, but there's no way to trace it back. It's brilliant."

Seungchan finally tore his gaze away from the laptop, a newfound respect in his eyes as he looked at Seojin. "You're enjoying this way too much."

Seojin shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Let's just say, it's a pleasure watching a tyrant fall."

But as the two exchanged a knowing glance, a thought flickered across Seungchan's mind.

"You're asking why I'm late, right?"

"Yeah, did something happen?"

"Minho announced a meeting for all the kings. I just don't know what he's going to say, but maybe it's something about Taejoon." Seungchan shrugged, the gravity of his words hanging in the air.

Seojin's eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the information. A meeting of the kings? Minho wasn't someone who called meetings without a good reason. If he was gathering them all, it meant something significant was about to go down.

"Hmm," Seojin murmured, his mind already working through the possibilities. "A meeting, huh? This could get interesting."

Seungchan nodded, sensing the shift in Seojin's demeanor. "You think he's going to address what happened with Taejoon?"

"Maybe," Seojin replied, his tone measured.

As they exchanged a look, the atmosphere between them grew tense.


Daeho exhaled slowly, his heart still racing, but a sense of relief washed over him like a calming tide. "He's done for," he murmured, more to himself than to Woojin, the words carrying both disbelief and hope.

Woojin nodded, his eyes still lingering on the canteen doors where Taejoon had just vanished. "Yeah," he agreed softly, though the victory felt strangely hollow. "He's done for."

As Taejoon and his group exited the canteen, the murmurs among the students grew louder, swirling like an approaching storm. Everyone knew that whatever awaited Taejoon in the principal's office wasn't going to be pleasant. Speculation buzzed through the canteen—would Taejoon be expelled? Suspended? Demoted from his self-proclaimed throne?

"Are you okay?" Woojin whispered, his voice cutting through the noise as he glanced at Daeho, concern etched on his face.

Daeho forced a small smile, grateful for the support that had helped him stand up to Taejoon. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for helping me. I couldn't have done it without you."

"No worries," Woojin replied, though his expression remained serious. "I'm just glad I could help. I just hope Taejoon finally stops bullying you now that he's been exposed."

"That would be nice," Daeho muttered weakly. Then, as if something suddenly came to mind, he looked up at Woojin. "By the way, I haven't seen your… friend?" he hesitated, unsure how to phrase it.

"Renji?" Woojin replied, scratching his head in confusion. "Yeah, I've been wondering about him too. I've texted him, but he hasn't replied to any of my messages." A hint of worry crept into his voice.

Renji hadn't shown up at school today, and the lack of communication was starting to gnaw at Woojin. He couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease.

Woojin's unease deepened as he pulled out his phone, glancing at the unanswered messages he had sent Renji. It wasn't like Renji to go off the grid like this, especially after everything that had just happened. Woojin tapped out another message, hoping for a quick response, but the screen remained stubbornly silent.

"Maybe he's just laying low," Daeho suggested, sensing Woojin's worry. "After all, things have been pretty intense lately. He might be trying to avoid getting caught up in any more drama."

"Maybe," Woojin muttered, though the explanation did little to ease his concern but he decided to let it go.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break, Woojin and Daeho exchanged a brief nod before heading to their respective classrooms. The rest of the day passed in a blur, with Woojin's mind still reeling from everything that had happened.

After the final bell, Woojin didn't linger at school. He went straight home, exhaustion weighing heavily on him. The events of the day, combined with the looming exams, left him feeling drained. He knew he needed to focus and study, but his mind was still racing.

As he stepped into the house, his mother's surprised voice greeted him. "Oh, you're home early!"

Woojin managed a small smile. "Yeah, we had an early dismissal," he replied, his tone casual. Without waiting for a response, he headed to his room to change out of his uniform, eager to escape the day's stress, if only for a moment.

Woojin changed into comfortable clothes and sat on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall. He reached for his phone again, almost out of habit, and checked for any new messages from Renji. Still nothing. Woojin sighed. Instead of dwelling in this matter, he sat in front of his study table to start studying for his exams.

He sighed.

Let's study, Park Woojin!

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