
Pursue Your Own Goal


Ayanokoji POV

"Kiyo come on we're gonna be late!"

"Well, we wouldn't be late if you didn't almost set my... no, actually you practically did set my room on fire. "

"No, I didn't set the room on fire, I set the stove on fire. Besides, we put it out the moment it started, the smoke wasn't able to reach the fire sprinklers."

"That doesn't change the fact that you almost set my room on fire."

"I mean can you blame me? The stove was extremely cheap and I was experimenting with a new recipe."

"Yes. Yes I can blame you. We weren't able to have breakfast because of that."

"Fine. I guess you don't want me to make you breakfast then," Akira said with a fake pouting face.

"I... never said that. Anyway, we gotta move were already going to be late." I decided to not say anything after that. Despite Akira nearly setting my room on fire, he makes some amazing food.

Once we opened the door to the classroom, the entire class glared at us as we walked to our seats. They are probably annoyed that we were late to class since it could count as an incident. Once we got to our seats, the students lost interest in us and turned their attention back to the teacher.

As the periods and lessons went on and on, my hunger was growing. Akira's hunger was growing also because I would constantly hear his stomach growling and curse words. We were finally saved when break-time knocked on our door. Hirata began to talk about making a study group but I wasn't able to obtain much info since Akira jumped over his desk and grabbed my shoulders.

"Kiyo get your shit because we are going to the cafeteria right now." Akira's eyes were wide and wild when he said this. He must be famished. I was starving too so I didn't have any complaints. We grab our backpacks but were stopped by Horikita.

"Are you free during lunch? Do you two want to have lunch with me?" We both look at her with uncertainty.

"Getting an invitation from you gives me anxiety. I think we'll pass." Akira visibly shuddered when he said that.

"There's nothing to be scared about. Besides, Ill buy both of you guys lunch, whatever you want."

"Well, in that case, hell yeah well have lunch with you!" Akira was easily swayed when he heard this but I was still skeptical.

"A free lunch does sound nice... but what's the catch?" Horikita is someone that welcomes isolation. Her inviting us out for lunch is out of character.

"If we thought everyone had hidden intentions, then human society wouldn't be able to function, right?" What Horikita said made sense and I couldn't think of anything to counter that. A free meal sounded appealing so the two of us followed Horikita to the cafeteria.

I chose the most expensive meal on the menu, found a seat, and sat down with Akira and Horikita.


"Well... itadakimasu?"

Akira immediately began to devour his food but I was still hesitant. Horikita was staring, well more like glaring at me, as if she were waiting for me to eat.

"What's wrong Ayanokoji-kun? Nishida-kun is enjoying his meal, why don't you do the same?"

"O-oh yeah..."

This is unnerving. There's no way this is free. There has to be a catch. But still, I can't wait forever. Akira is halfway through his meal and I haven't even touched mine. I hesitantly took a bite of my croquette.

"This is sudden, but I want you two to hear me out."

Sorry Akira but I'm leaving this one to you.

I tried to get up from my seat to run away but my hand was grabbed.

"You're not running away from me. You two are going to listen to what I have to say."

It seemed like Akira had the same idea I did because Horikita grabbed his hand with her other hand. We both reluctantly sat back down.

"Ever since Chiyabashira-sensei's advice, the number of infractions has decreased. For now, it's safe to say that more than half of the reason for our deducted points has been erased."

"Yeah, that's true, it was a simple problem."

"The next thing we have to do is improve our test scores for the midterm in two weeks. Thankfully, Hirata-kun decided to take action and set up a study group."

"As expected of the class leader, but what does this have to do with us..." Akira said with a suspicious gaze.

"The three idiots of class D unsurprisingly didn't join Hirata-kun's study group so I decided to help out. I'll be making a study group for them but I'll need help convincing them to join."

"And that's where we come in, right?" Akira's flat expression conveyed his displeasure.

"Exactly, I want you two to persuade them to join."

"Kiyo, what do you think?" I thought about the proposal before I responded.

"There's no guarantee they will come. Will you be fine with that?"

"You two are crafty and resourceful so I'm confident you guys will figure it out. Here, this is my phone number. Contact me if something happens." After exchanging phone numbers, Horikita got up from her seat and walked out of the cafeteria.

"I actually got a girl's phone number..." Akira is looking at his new contact on his phone in disbelief.

I was kind of in disbelief too, this is the first time I've gotten a girl's number. It was Horikita's phone number though so I wasn't as happy as Akira.


After classes ended, we discussed strategies and laid out the facts. The three idiots are well, idiots because they have the worst grades in the class. They need to study to pass but those three do not like studying. They are obviously going to need the motivation to study, a goal perhaps. Maybe...

I got it!

I look to Akira who appears to be in deep thought.

"I got an idea." He looks at me.

"Really? I also have an idea." He gets up from his seat and sits in the seat to my left.

"Tell me your idea first."

"Alright, we convince Horikita to be their girlfriend." Akira wasn't sure if he heard me right.

"I'm sorry what was your plan again?"

"Horikita should tell them if they get a perfect score, she would date them. I mean, motivation for boys is always girls" I say with a clear voice.

"Kiyo keep your voice down. If Horikita hears you say that you will die." Akira motions his head towards Horikita, who is putting her books in her backpack.

"There's no way Horikita would agree with that. We gotta think of something else."

"Yeah you're probably right," I say with a defeated sigh.

We both look around and my eyes land on Kushida. Kushida would definitely be able to convince them to join the study group. I look at Akira to see he is also looking at Kushida. I could practically see a flashing lightbulb above his head.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Akira nodded his head in agreement and we both walk out of the classroom to wait for Kushida to finish talking to her friends.

After a minute or two, Kushida exits the classroom and we walked up to her.

"Hey Kushida, can I talk to you really quick?"

"O-oh hi Ayanokoji-kun, do you two need help with something?"

"Yeah, Akira and I need help with a certain problem."

We explain to her about the study group and how we wanted to help the three idiots pass the exam. I made sure to mention that Horikita would be teaching since she wanted to get closer to her.

"Of course I'll help! Expelling people just because they don't get a good grade is wrong!"

Man, Kushida is so nice and cute.

Akira lets out a sigh of relief and looks at Kushida with a smile.

"You are a godsend, thank you."

"I'm happy to help! But I want something in return..."

"What do you want in return?"

"I want to join the study group!"

I look to Akira who just shrugs his shoulders.

"You're more than welcome to."

"Thank you so much! Here's my phone number, I'll contact you two when I'm done talking to them."

"Thanks, do you need us to give you their phone numbers?"

"No need I already have their contact information. The only one that I don't have is Horikita-san's."

That sucks. I could give her Horikita's phone number but she would probably kill me if I did.

"Before you guys go, can I ask you two a question?"

"Sure what's up?" Akira looks at Kushida, waiting for her question.

"Are you two and Horikita in a polyamorous relationship?"


All I could do was stare at her with wide eyes. Akira also stared at her in disbelief before laughing hysterically. All Kushida could do was look at him, waiting for an answer.

"Hehe... sorry, Kushida that was just... that was the funniest thing I've heard this week!"

"So... I'm guessing no?"

"Pfft. That would be an interesting story, but the answer is no."

"Oh ok, I just wanted to clarify."

We say our goodbyes and we walk back to the dorms. That certainly was a weird question, and Akira couldn't help but giggle every now and then.


It was around 6:00 PM and Akira and I were in my room just relaxing. He was reading a light novel while I was watching tv. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see that I got a text from Kushida. I look to Akira to see him checking his phone also. I open up the group chat we made to check her message.

Kushida: All three of them agreed to join the study group (^・ω・^)

Me: That was fast.

Akira: Awesome job! Way to go Kushida!"

Me: Nice work.

Kushida: Thanks! Did you tell Horikita-san that I will be in the study group also?

Me: Not yet, I'm going to call and tell her right now.

Kushida: Make sure to tell her. See u two tomorrow :)

Akira: Bye

Me: Bye

I close the chat and call Horikita. When she answers, I put it on speaker mode so that Akira would hear.

"Were you able to convince them?"

"Yeah, all three of them."

"That's surprising. I didn't expect them to say yes immediately, how did you convince them?"

"Kushida convinced them, but she wants something in return."

"I see... what does she want?"

"She wants to join the study group-"

"No." I was greeted with the call being cut. I look at Akira to see his reaction. His stern expression conveyed to me that he wasn't happy.

"Call her again."

I call her and she picks up.

"Listen, Kushida has to-"

"No." She hung up on me again. I called her again.

"This isn't fair, Kushida-"

"No." She hung up on me again. I let out a defeated sigh.

"This is bullshit. Here, give me the phone."

I hand my phone to Akira and he calls Horikita.

"Listen to me, Kushida is not allowed-"

"No. You listen to me."

"Nishida-kun? But-"

"Kushida convinced them to join and she has the right to join also. We did our part, If you're not satisfied with our results, then convince them yourself."

"Wait just a second-"

Akira ended the call and gave me my phone.

Akira mumbled "unbelievable" under his breath. His annoyed countenance then turned into a pleasant one.

"Honestly that felt pretty good. Anyway, I'm heading back to my room. Later."

"Oh, see you tomorrow." Akira slaps my shoulder, grabs his light novel, and walks out of my room. I decided to take a shower, watch some tv, then go to bed.


Akira POV

After school, the study group took action. Well, maybe "taking action" isn't the correct way to explain it. The study group is falling apart. Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi couldn't even solve the first problem. It would have made sense if the problem was difficult, but the question was essentially a free point. Horikita, the academic genius, couldn't comprehend the fact that they couldn't solve the first problem and started to insult them. The "study group" concluded with Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi leaving.

It was a colossal failure.

Kushida watched them leave with a sad expression on her face. She then turned to Horikita.

"Umm Horikita, why didn't you stop them from leaving?"

"Because this was a waste of time. I shouldn't have even tried this in the first place. Besides this is good."

"What do you mean Horikita-san?"

"I'm saying it's good to get rid of the unnecessary trash now."

"So that's it... well, I can't just sit here and do nothing, I'm going to help them. I don't want everyone to separate so quickly."

"Kushida-san. Are those your true intentions?"

This caught my attention.

"Is that bad? I don't want those three to fail and get expelled."

"Whether or not you say those are your true intentions are irrelevant. I don't think you truly want to help them."

Horikita seems to know something that I don't. What is the point of attacking Kushida?

"I don't know what you are saying. What are you talking about? Why must you be so cold?"

Kushida had a sorrowful expression.

"S-see you three tomorrow." Kushida walked out of the library with her head hung down. I felt the urge to walk up to her and comfort her but I didn't give in. Horikita looks toward me and Kiyotaka.

"You two were able to solve the problem efficiently. It seems like you two are better than those worthless fools. If you guys need me to teach you anything, I'll do it."

"I'll decline."

"I appreciate the offer but I want to look at some of the books. It's been a while since I have gone to the library."

"Oh? What are you looking for?"

"Mystery or even romance, helps me cope with my loneliness."

"I'm going to ignore the last part. Anyway, this was a waste of my time, goodbye." Horikita left the library. Kiyotaka taps me on the shoulder.

"What is it Kiyo?"

"I'm going to try to find Kushida, I should at least thank her for bringing those three here." Kiyotaka starts to walk to the exit.

"Wait." I grab his arm. He turns around and gives me a confused look.

"What is it?"

"You should thank Kushida tomorrow in class, besides, I have to return a book to the library." I showed him the book I had to return, which was 'Farewell My Lovely'. Kiyotaka seemed reluctant but he agreed. He walked towards the other side of the library and I head towards the mystery section. I had to return the book but I also wanted to borrow another one. I also remember Kiyotaka telling me he wanted another one of Raymon Chandler's books.

When I arrived at the mystery section, I spotted a lone female student struggling to grab a book placed on a shelf that was higher than her height. There's a step stool right next to her but she isn't using. It was kind of amusing. I walked over to her and grabbed the book that she was reaching for. I look at the cover and realize the book that she was trying to grab was "Wuthering Heights." This book doesn't belong here, it belongs in the romance section.

"Here you go" I handed her the book.

"Do you like it? Bronte?"

"Personally, I neither like nor dislike anything. The book was placed in the wrong section so I wanted to return it to its proper position. By the way, the book you're holding... "Farewell My Lovely" right? That book is a masterpiece."

"Oh my god yes! It is one of Raymond Chandler's greatest works! I watched the movies that adapted the novel but in my opinion, they don't truly convey how deep the plot is. And-"

I stop talking when I realize the girl is just looking at me with wide eyes. I feel my cheeks heating up and I look away from her.

"Sorry about that, it's just that I don't really have a lot of friends that enjoy reading. I got a little too excited."

"O-oh there's no need to apologize!" She assured me then giggled. That giggle was one of the cutest things I have ever heard.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Nishida Akira. I'm from class D."

"I'm Shiina Hiyori, class C. No one in class C reads books so I also don't have anyone to talk to." It seems like she's in a similar situation to me. I had Kiyotaka, but it seems like she has no one.

"Raymond Chandler is extremely popular among the 2nd-year students and there have been skirmishes over this book for a while. I've been wanting to read it too but I've never been able to find it."

"Well you're in luck because I'm returning it today, you can have it if you want."

"It's fine since I was blessed by another book. This library has a massive collection of books. I might graduate before I read them all," she said while holding the Bronte book in her hands with a beautiful smile.

"Tell me about it, I could spend all day in here."

"I agree. Umm... are you looking to borrow a book by any chance? If you're looking for some books, I'd be glad to help."

"Y-yeah I'm actually- wait what are you doing?" I asked her. Shiina already took her eyes off me and was browsing the mystery section.

"Have you already read the Dorothy L. Sayers series?" she asked me."

"Not yet. I've read Christie, but not Dorothy yet."

"In that case, how about "Whose Body?" You should also read the Lord Peter series, read one of the books and you will be hooked." Saying that she pulled the books off the shelf and presented them to me.


"Oh I'm sorry for speaking out like this, am I irritating you."

"N-no quite the opposite, I've just never met anyone that likes book as much as I do," I reassure her as I take the books she presented to me.

"Oh, that's a relief. Anyway, I can guarantee you'll enjoy them."

"Thank you, well it was nice meeting you." I was about to walk away but my feet stopped moving when I felt a hand grab my arm.

"I was wondering... do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow... like I said no one in class C reads any books so I have no one to talk to" she said while averting her eyes.

Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise. Kiyotaka and I just got done with a disastrous study session and literally five minutes later, one of the sweetest girls I've ever met invites me out to lunch. Despite her being in class C, I could tell she was being genuine, she just wants to talk to someone that is passionate about reading. If she keeps this up, I might even fall in love with her.

"I'd be happy to. I also have a friend that likes to read books, I'm sure you'll like him."

Her eyes lit up and her timid expression turned into a pleasant one. It was super cute.

We exchanged contact info and just like that, I got another girl's phone number.


Ayanokoji POV

I was lying on my bed observing the group chat Class D set up. They were talking about bullying Horikita but I don't think that would affect Horikita. I put my phone down and opened the window, the night breeze was refreshing.

I reflect on everything that has happened so far. Akira and I met Horikita on the first day of school, were put in the same class, and we sat next to each other. We became friends with Sudou and Ike. I was tricked and fell into the schools trap and placed into the class that harbored the worst of the worst. Horikita's efforts to fix the situation backfired and earned the ire of other students.

Despite being in the thick of it, I couldn't help but feel like an observer. I feel like I'm observing from the outside. I didn't feel the same urgency as Sudou or the others, even Akira.

"You three better not do that, only a fool would not use the power that they have."

As much as I didn't want to remember those words, they couldn't help but resurface from my consciousness.

"I guess we were fools. Me, Akira, and..."

I shake my head as if to get rid of those thoughts. Whenever I think of it, bad memories resurface.

I couldn't help but sleep so I got up and exited my room. When I got to the lobby, I was met with a peculiar sight.


Akira was slouched on a couch, essentially passed out with a book in his hand. It looks like he struggled to fall asleep again.

I walk over to him, gently lift his head, and put a pillow underneath it.

I walk over to the vending machine. I was about to buy some juice but I heard footsteps. There isn't a reason to hide, but my instincts kicked in and I hid behind the vending machine.

Is that Horikita?

Horikita was wary of her surroundings. She was constantly looking and when she spotted Akira she abruptly stopped but after realizing he was asleep, she exited the building.

After she disappeared, I chased after her. I involuntarily hid after turning a corner.

I look around the corner to see Horikita with a boy.

Is this Horikita's secret lover?

"Suzune, I'm surprised you actually followed me all the way here."

They are on a first-name basis? They have to be then.

"Nii-san, I'm not the useless me that you know. I've come to catch up to you."

Nevermind. She's talking to her older brother.

"I heard you were in class D; looks like nothing has changed in the last three years. Because you've always been looking at my back, you failed to see your own flaws. Enrolling in this school is another one of your mistakes."

"Y-you're wrong. I'm going to rise up to class A. And then-"

"And how do you plan to reach class A, what's your strategy?"


"As expected. You'll never reach class A. A goal without a plan is just a delusion."

"You're wrong. I'll reach class A..."

"Your 'goal' is impossible. You're an unreasonable little sister."

Horikita's older brother took a step forward and I was able to get a glimpse of him.

It was the student council president.

He then grabbed his sister's wrist and pinned her against the wall.

"My attempts at avoiding you doesn't change the fact that you are my younger sister. If people find out, I'll be disgraced. Leave this school at once."

"N-no! I will absolutely reach class A!"

"Delusional as usual. You have neither the power nor the skills to reach class A. Know your place."

Horikita's body drew forward as if he was going to take action. Before I knew it, I approached her brother and grabbed him by his right arm.

"What?! Who are you!"

"A-ayanokoji-kun?" Horikita stares at me with a shocked expression.

"You were actually going to throw her to the ground, weren't you? The grounds concrete so it would do some serious damage. Think you could live with that?"

"It's not admirable to eavesdrop."

"Just let go."

"That's my line."

Silence enveloped us as we both glared at each other.

"Ayanokoji-kun, just stop."

Horikita said with a strained voice. I've never seen Horikita this vulnerable before.

I reluctantly let go of his arm. At that moment, he aimed for my face with a quick backhand. I instinctively leaned back to avoid the attack.

He then raised his leg and I realized he was aiming for my face again.


I dodged in the nick of time. His powerful kick would have definitely rendered me unconscious.

With a confused look, he extended his right arm towards me. If I grabbed his hand, he would have thrown me to the ground so I slapped his hand away instead. I take a couple of steps back to put some distance between us.

I thought this was the end of it but I then heard movement coming from my right. The president did too because when he looked to his left, his eyes widened.

The president ducked in the just in time to avoid a fast, powerful kick. I look to see that the person responsible for this was Akira. Akira's expression mirrored the presidents. He had a flat expression and his eyes were lifeless.

Quick strikes and attacks were exchanged between the president and Akira. Akira was effortlessly blocking all of his attacks and the president knew he had to change his strategy. The president was able to catch Akira by surprise with an unorthodox punch with his left hand that was not part of his usual fighting style. Rather than expertly dodging the attack like he usually did, Akira redirected the strike to his shoulder. The president tried to capitalize on this by delivering the same kick he used on me but Akira predicted this. When Akira moved his head to dodge the kick, he wrapped his right arm around the president's left leg. Akira then proceeded to place the heel of his left foot behind the president's right foot. With the president's left leg out of the fight and combined with the fact that he was already off-balance, all Akira had to do was gently lift his left leg back to cause the president to fall head-first into the ground.

However just before he made contact with the ground, the older brother stopped his fall with his hands. With the momentum of his fall and the fact that Akira's grip on his left leg was not secure, the president was able to free his left leg from Akira's grip and flip to put some distance between him and his opponent. I look back to the president and although his face was emotionless as ever, I could see some excitement glimmering in his eyes.

"You two move and fight like experts. You dodged all of my attacks and your friend nearly bested me in our skirmish. Were you two taught?"

"Piano and Calligraphy."

"Anime. The fight scenes are amazing."

"You two are quite the unique pair, both of you are from class D, aren't you?" He then turned to face Suzune.

"Suzune, you have friends? I'm honestly baffled."

"They... they aren't my friends, just classmates. I don't need friends you know that."

Her brother scoffed when he heard this.

"As always you mistake independence with isolation. I'll be watching you Ayanokokji. And you... I never got your name."

Akira was silent for a couple of seconds before he stated his name.

"Nishida Akira."

"Good to know. With you two here, things are starting to become interesting."

The president walked past us and disappeared into the night. We were soon enveloped in silence. Horikita sat down against the wall, her head hanging in shame.

I kind of wanted to leave but Akira was looking at me and Horikita, silently asking for an explanation.

"Did you hear everything... or was it a coincidence?"

"It was like 50% luck (heh), I saw you when I was going to buy some juice. I followed you because curiosity got the best of me. I didn't mean to intrude though."

Satisfied with my answer, Horikita turned her attention to Akira.

"What about you Nishida? You were asleep in the lobby."

I waited for an answer because I was also curious.

"I-I mean I was asleep but I then heard you scream 'Ayanokoji-kun' so I came outside. Anyway come on take my hand"

Akira held out his hand to Horikita. She reluctantly took it and helped her up.

"Your older brother is quite strong. He didn't hesitate to attack."

"Wait wait wait hold on." Akira looks towards Horikita.

"That boy is your brother?" Horikita nods her head.

"My brother is quite strong... he's 5th dan in karate and 4th dan in aikido."

"Wow your brother is strong, guess I was pretty lucky that I escaped the fight with only a little bruise," Akira said, feigning a pained expression.

"Luck won't save you from my brother. You two are obviously skilled in martial arts. Ayanokoji-kun effortlessly dodged all of his attacks and you fought my brother to a stalemate. I don't think I have ever seen that happen before. What ranks do you guys hold?"

"I was never ranked but I was pretty good at playing the piano. I also performed tea ceremonies."

"You said calligraphy before."

"I... also did calligraphy." I hear drinks dropping from the vending machine. I look to Akira who was walking back to us with drinks in hand. He hands me the juice that I wanted to buy.

You know me too well Akira.

Akira holds out a drink to Horikita, who accepts the drink with gratitude. She still had a depressed expression. I lean on a wall while Horikita sits on a bench.

"I'll do everything in my power to reach class A."

"You're going to need some help."

"T-that's why I asked you guys to help but you're hesitant... will you guys help me reach class A?"

Her tone lacked the power it usually had. Seeing Horikita like this doesn't feel right. Although her mean and blunt nature can be unappealing, it was part of her charm. I understood her motives now. She's living in her brother's shadow and wants to prove to him that she is worthy and wants to be acknowledged by him. Any form of positive recognition.

I could tell Akira came to the same conclusion. He had a depressed and sympathetic expression on his face, he's also tightly clutching the necklace he always wears. He's thinking of her again.

Akira slowly walked up to Horikita and squatted down so that he could look into Horikita's eyes.

"You could have gone to Hirata or Kushida for help. They have substantial influence over the class. But you instead chose to come to us for help, why?"

"When we first met I thought you two were idiots. But once I found out you guys manipulated your test scores, I knew you two were crafty. And Akira, you knew our points were going to be deducted before the end of the month. Your explanation of how you found out was... brilliant."

Akira wasn't able to contain his surprise because I saw his jaw subtly drop. Horikita actually complimented him and called him by his first name.

"Alright, well help, but there are two conditions." Horikita's eyes widened and I could see life returning to them again.

"What are the conditions?"

"First condition. You are going to hold a proper study session for the three idiots."

"Why should I? It's better if they get expelled now."

"Wrong. We don't know what would happen if someone gets expelled. There could be a possibility that we would lose 10,000 or even 100,000 points. If that happens, getting to class A is just a pipedream."

"But our class points are at zero. While we're at zero, we should get rid of the failures. Wouldn't it be the same as receiving no damage?"

"There's no guarantee that will be the case. There might be some negative points we aren't aware of yet. We both know Chabashira-sensei isn't afraid to hold information that could be vital to us. And also let's say you are right, there are no negative points. In this hypothetical situation, let's say because of our test scores we get 100 points. However, what if the penalty of having one of your classmates expelled is a deduction of 100 points? If that's the case, all the effort and hard work our classmates put into studying would be for nothing. We would still have the same result; zero points."

Horikita still seemed hesitant so I decided to lend Akira a hand.

"Horikita, you're not seeing the bigger picture. If we measured you and those three by academic scores, there's no doubt in my mind that you are vastly superior to them. But I can't say the same for other subjects. We both know Sudou is very athletic so he would be a vital asset in an exam related to spots. For Ike, he would excel in an exam that is related to discussions. In fact, I think you would be a liability. For Yamauchi..."

I can't really think of anything.

"Akira is there anything Yamauchi is good at?"

"O-oh, now that you mention it... I can't really think of anything."

"Well, whatever... Horikita, the point is that there are some people in class D that are superior to you in certain subjects. If you don't help those three pass the exam, your path to class A will become vastly more difficult."

Horikita let out a defeated sigh.

"As much as I hate to admit it... your logic makes sense. Fine, I'll hold the study group."

She then turns her attention to Akira.

"What's the second condition?"

"The second condition is that we will work from the shadows. We don't want to stand out so you will get recognition for the work, not us. Also, don't ask us for help with minor problems, if we're going to be partners, I want to make sure my partner is competent and can solve problems on her own. Do you agree with this condition?"

"Yes, I accept the conditions. I'll only come to you guys for guidance when I need it."

"Good." Akira stood back up and held out a hand to Horikita.

"Now get up, I'm tired of seeing this sad and pathetic Horikita. I want to see the tsundere Horikita," Akira said with a smile.

"You better watch what you say. 'Sad' and 'pathetic' are two things that I am not." Horikita said this with a stern voice but I could see a barely visible smile on her face. Maybe I'm hallucinating.

Horikita took Akira's hand and stood up. Horikita then shook my hand, sealing the contract.

"I should probably head back first. If people see us together, rumors will spread," Horikita said.

Horikita walked into the building and after a minute, Akira and I walk in as well.

"How's your shoulder?"

"It's fine. I'll have a bruise but its nothing bad."

"It's still surprising though, you should have easily dodged it."

"Yeah. I definitely would have two years ago. I'm pretty rusty ever since..." Akira didn't finish the sentence and a sad expression appeared on his face.

The situation immediately got darker so I redirected the conversation to something else I had in mind.

"Hey, Akira."

"Hmm?" Akira looks at me.

"Why did you create the second condition?"

"Oh... well, when we first entered the school we didn't want to stand out."

"That's what I want, what do you want?"


"Akira, you are free to pursue any goal that you want. Don't let me be the one that holds you back."


A smirk slowly formed on Akira's face.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Next chapter