
The Mask of Sinkon

"Long, long ago, there was a Supreme blacksmith who created many weapons, most of which became legendary. Before he died, he created the most perfect item: a spiritual conscious item. He imbued the item with the spirit of a legendary spirit in the Gaias Land called Sinkon. With his last breath, he merged his power and Sinkon into the item, which became known as The Mask of Sinkon. This is the story of a young man who discovers The Mask of Sinkon and becomes one of the top Supreme masters in the world." GUARANTEE PACT OF ACTIONS! 3 - 5 chapter every week This novel consist of 7 volumes 1. Beginning Arc 2. Obsidian Academy Arc 3. Return to Alvestia Arc 4. Rise of Demon King Arc 5. Spirit World Arc 6. Demon War Arc 7. Final Arc

ZeNo92 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Reunion after 3 years.

Return to inn...

Shu returned back to his normal form and carefully placed the unconscious Ana on his bed. After a few minutes, Ana regained consciousness and immediately launched an attack at Shu. Reacting quickly, Shu skillfully blocked her attack and called out to her. "Stop, Ana! It's me," he pleaded urgently. Ana's eyes widened in disbelief and confusion as she took in Shu's altered appearance—his increased height and his hair now a unique blend of black and white. "Shu? Is that really you?" she questioned, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Overwhelmed with joy and relief, Ana couldn't contain her emotions any longer and embraced Shu tightly, tears streaming down her face. Shu, taken aback by the sudden display of affection, remained still, unsure of how to respond. He hesitated for a moment before gently returning the hug, understanding the depth of Ana's emotions and silently comforting her in that embrace.


Fast forward...

In the flickering candlelight of Shu's room, the two sat down as Ana recounted the events that had unfolded three years prior. After waking up in the jungle, Ana desperately searched for Shu, hoping to find him safe and sound. However, all she encountered were the lifeless bodies of six assassins. Despite her tireless efforts in scouring the territories of the Rowan Alliance for a year, Ana found no leads or clues regarding Shu's whereabouts.

Filled with sorrow and longing, Ana reluctantly returned to the Alvestia Kingdom, only to receive the heartbreaking news of Shu's mother, Latina's, passing. Overwhelmed with grief, she made her way back to the Rowan Alliance city, where she sought solace and purpose by joining the ranks of the black market informants. Though she had resigned herself to a life without Shu, her heart still yearned for his presence, even if it was just his physical form.

As Ana's words hung in the air, a mix of emotions swirled between them. Shu's heart ached for the pain Ana had endured in her search for him, and a sense of guilt washed over him for being the cause of her suffering. In that quiet moment, they found solace in each other's company, knowing that they were finally reunited, even if their journey was far from over.

As the weight of the news settled upon Shu's shoulders, a surge of raw emotions surged through his being. Overwhelmed by sorrow and anger, he unleashed his pent-up frustration by violently smashing the table before him. The sound echoed through the room, mirroring the turbulence within his heart.

Grinding his teeth and clenching his fists, Shu struggled to contain the torrent of emotions welling up inside him. Tears streamed down his face, a mixture of sadness, regret, and longing for his departed mother. Through choked sobs, he whispered his apologies, feeling a profound sense of guilt for not being able to be by her side during her final moments.

In that solitary moment of anguish, Shu allowed himself to grieve and mourn the loss of his mother. It was a cathartic release, a raw expression of his love and pain. As the tears continued to flow, Shu vowed to carry his mother's memory with him, honoring her legacy through his actions and seeking justice for the trials they had endured.

With a heavy heart, Shu wiped away his tears, his resolve strengthened by his mother's memory. Though her physical presence was no longer with him, her spirit would guide him on his path.


In the midst of the lingering silence, a newfound determination began to take root within Shu's heart. The realization settled upon him that there was no turning back, no rewinding the hands of time. The past could not be undone, and he could only move forward with unwavering resolve.

With a steely gaze, Shu understood that his path now lay in becoming stronger, honing his skills, and seeking the truth that would lead him to the answers he sought. Revenge burned within him, a fierce flame fueled by the memories of his mother and the injustices they had suffered.

No longer would he allow himself to be consumed by sorrow or held back by self-doubt. Shu made a silent vow to rise above his circumstances, to become a force to be reckoned with. He would face the challenges that lay ahead head-on, pushing his limits and unlocking the full potential of his abilities.

In the face of adversity, Shu's determination transformed into a resolute fire, propelling him forward with unwavering purpose. He knew that the journey ahead would be treacherous, fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was prepared to face it all. The flames of revenge and justice burned brightly within him, guiding his every step.

With a newfound clarity, Shu embraced the future, ready to embark on his quest for truth and vengeance. His journey would not be easy, but he was determined to leave his mark on the world, to unravel the mysteries that had plagued him for far too long. And so, with unwavering resolve, Shu took his first steps on the path that would lead him to his destiny.

To be continue...