
The Mask of Sinkon

"Long, long ago, there was a Supreme blacksmith who created many weapons, most of which became legendary. Before he died, he created the most perfect item: a spiritual conscious item. He imbued the item with the spirit of a legendary spirit in the Gaias Land called Sinkon. With his last breath, he merged his power and Sinkon into the item, which became known as The Mask of Sinkon. This is the story of a young man who discovers The Mask of Sinkon and becomes one of the top Supreme masters in the world." GUARANTEE PACT OF ACTIONS! 3 - 5 chapter every week This novel consist of 7 volumes 1. Beginning Arc 2. Obsidian Academy Arc 3. Return to Alvestia Arc 4. Rise of Demon King Arc 5. Spirit World Arc 6. Demon War Arc 7. Final Arc

ZeNo92 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


This is the world of Gaias Land, where Martial Arts, Spirit Arts, and Magic exist together. Some people choose to follow the path of magic, some choose the path of martial arts, and some prodigies choose both.

There are seven stages of magic, seven stages of martial arts, and five Unison Arts.

Magic Stages:


Newbie Mage or just Mage- 1 circle - mana potency 1-1000

tier 1 magic example: fire ball, echoes

Apprentice Mage - 2 circle - mana potency 1001-2000

Novice Mage - 3 circle - mana potency 2001-3000

Advanced Mage - 4 circle - mana potency 3001-4000

tier 4 magic example - Fire serpent.

Master Mage - 5 circle - mana potency 4001-5000

tier 5 magic example - Super nova.

Grand Master Mage - 6 circle - mana potency 5001-6000

Supreme Mage - 7 circle - mana potency 6001 above

Mage use circle to measure their strength. The highest the circle the more advance magic can be use.


Martial Arts Stages:


Level 1 - Body Tempering - Force 1-200

- normal people

Level 2 - Force Refining - Force 201-2000

- can use force , common guard or warrior in this level.

Level 3 - Aura Establishment - Aura 1-100

- can use Aura at minimum, for example aura fist . Most martial artist age 20-30 this level.

Level 4 - Martial Master - Aura 101-1000

- can use Aura to full body. most martial artist age 30-50, most prodigies student reach this especially in Central continent.

Level 5 - Martial King - Aura 1001-3000

can launch aura. Most martial artist age 50 - 70. Lot in Central Continent, only few in Eastern continent.

Level 6 - Martial Emperor - Aura 3001-10000

can destroy mountains. only few in Central continent. None in Eastern Continent.

Level 7 - Martial Supreme - Aura 10001 above

can destroy whole city. only 3 alive today.

While mage use circle, martial arts use aura to measure their strengths. 1st stage only normal human stage. Next is force refining, martial arts can enhance their body. Aura establishment is while martial artist start using aura. They can cover , protect or shoot using aura. Now Aura can be measures using devices.


Who manage to master martial arts and magic we call, Duo Fighter/Warrior.

1. Duo Fighter - Level 3 and below

2. Duo Master - Level 4 - 6

3. Supreme Master - Level 7


Unison Arts





Perfect Awakening


Unison Arts are different; anyone can learn Unison Arts. Spirit masters make a contract with spirits to gain spirit energy, similar to how mages use mana and martial artists use aura. Nowadays, people use mediums to store spirits so that they can use them anytime. It's important to note that spirits need to be called by a spirit master through a spirit gate. If you're not a spirit master, you cannot use spirit contracts all the time unless you have a spirit medium. A spirit medium can be anything that martial artists or mages use, such as a staff, sword, dagger, and so on.



Mask of Sinkon can help fighter trigger Unison art easily.