
Chapter- 5

 From shadows of the night, emerged a demon. He watched the car drive pass him, car which Ryu Tae-Ra drove. The demon growled, revealing its sharp teeth.

Ryu Tae-Ra looked at her side mirror, noticing the demon behind the car. She smirked and waited for it to chase them. The demon followed but did not attack.


After midnight, the demon finally made its move. The demon jumped in front of the car. Hyun Hae-Il was startled in shock. Ryu Tae-Ra slowed down the car, "finally", she said smiling excitedly, "you made me wait, damn it", the smile on her face disappeared, how dare this creature stop my car? She got out of the car, "stay inside Kwan"


"Okay", the boy replied excitedly. Hyun Hae-Il too, stepped out of the car, shutting the car door behind him. Taking out his gun from his back and pointed it at the monster front of him, "what is that?" he asked in confusion, are those the demons from before? The ones which attacked him earlier tonight,


"they aren't the ones that are normal", replied Ryu Tae-Ra keeping her right hand in the pockets and scanning the demon from head to toe, "this one is… very strong, I suppose it is level-1 demon"


"Level-1", Hae-Il repeated after her, looking at the demon. Glowing purple eyes, sharp teeth, long claws, it looked nothing like the humanoid demon which he had encountered not long ago. This demon was more like a werewolf monster. "Does she fight these kinds of demons? All by herself?" he looked at Ryu who was standing front of him and thought, "what will you do?" He asked her


"Kill it"


Hearing this word the demon barked in anger. Ryu Tae-Ra stared at it. The atmosphere was suddenly turned cold. Not wasting a second the demon ran towards Ryu and leaped above her.


Ryu took out her hand from her pocket and as the demon got closer to her, Tae-Ra landed a strong kick in its face, causing the demon to fly miles away.

Hae-Il mouth was wide open, he was confused.


Wasn't she supposed to fight here in the normal basis? He expected that she was strong but that strong enough to kick the demon like damned 'football'? Hae-Il had expectations but they all were shattered now.


"Fight's over lets go home, Mahwahaha", she laughed because she had a feeling that she had let Hae-Il's expectations down. Either way there was no point in wasting her energy and time on a small fry.


On the high way, Ryu Tae-Ra continued to drive while yawning. Rhee Kwan slept in the passenger sit. Hae-Il leaned against the window staring outside and was analyzing the incident that had had happened eight years ago and was lost in his thoughts.


"Choose something", said Ryu Tae-Ra, bringing him back to reality, "there are many options here", Hae-Il looked at the open cabin in the car which was actually a hidden freezer. Even his car has one but it was always filled with water. Ryu's freezer contained colas, chocolates, juices, ice-creams and alcohol, indeed there are many options, "have some", she said again, "Have as much as you want"


"Okay", he replied looking for something in particular and he found it, "there", he took it out. It was 'Soju', "why do you only have one bottle of it?" he asked her, as it was very common in Korea.


"Unlike you my taste hasn't changed over cheap things like that", she answered.


"Are you saying that my taste has become cheap because I am a detective now?" he never expected her to be this rude, more over not getting an answer from her made it clear, "I suppose you'd never know because you were born to high society"


"As if you weren't"


"Hah!" he looked away from her while taking a sip of soju. She was basically right about that, after becoming a common detective, he was able experience a normal life like the others. All his life he was given the best and never knew how to be normal.


"By the way", said Ryu Tae-Ra, "won't you thank me for saving your life back then?"


Hae-Il stopped drinking, "but I already did"

"I am talking about the one which I kicked away", she glanced at him but he was still confused, "it came after you", said Ryu Tae-Ra.

"Why would it come after me, when you are the bigger beast here?"


"Are you insulting me or complementing me?" she asked feeling annoyed, it was common phrase she had heard throughout her entire life, but every time it was like an insult which she couldn't get used to, "anyway leave that, the demon came after you and not me", Ryu Tae-Ra hid her presence the entire time she left home and even if she'd not hide her presence either two things happen, first- the demons would run few miles away from her or they'd perish from where they stood and secondly, most of the people around her would faint or puke.


Ryu's aura was dangerous, only the strong could tolerate. That is why she'd always hide her presence in public, only at her home was she free.

Due this reason, she figured that the demon was not after her rather it was the detective, Hyun Hae-Il.


"You must have something that they want", she said to him, "try thinking about what it could be"

"You already know everything about me", he said raising his eyes brows, "what else is there? If it is there maybe you should find it"

"You are actually right", she said, Hae-Il never expected her to agree on that, "I guess I will know when we reach home"


"My home", she said, "wants little bit magic?"



Ryu increased the car's speed, which went up to two hundred per hour. Hyun Hae-Il grabbed onto the safety handle. The car slowly materialized into particles and vanished into thin air. 


 The car landed in front of the Seoul central district's office, Hyun Hae-Il thought she was out of her mind and he felt little excitement in him. He had experienced something magical.


It was morning 3am, and there was no one insight. The silence made it unbelievable until, Ryu Tae-Ra spoke, "what do you think? Pretty, eh?"


"It's incredible", he said in awe. Ryu knew how to impress other with magic. That was her specialty.

"By the way why are we here?" asked Hae-Il.


"I should the submit the report of the investigation" she taking out a USB driver from the front cabin, "it's urgent", she looked at detective Hyun as if she was scanning him from head to toe, "would you like to come with me?" this shocked the detective greatly, "its once in life time chance to peek into a different world", Ryu gave out a sinister smile.


Hyun Hae-Il thought for few minutes and finally agreed to go along with her. She was right this was his once in a life time chance. If he refuse, he might never see her again for almost decade as before.


He followed her from behind. Ryu carried the along with her the box of reports of the scene. They went to the elevator.


Ryu Tae-Ra took out Japanese red demon mask with a black crescent moon on it and she wore it on her face, "were this", she gave Hyun Hae-Il a normal black half face mask with white crescent moon on its side, "you'll look cool"


"I doubt it's for that purpose", and he wore nonetheless. She is someone of high rank and not only that she'd always been that mask on the TV every time she'd appear at one.


Then Ryu Tae-Ra pressed the button, which said 'M'. Immediately the door closed behind them. The elevator's surroundings materialized into particles just like that time in the car. However, this time the elevator itself had disappeared around them and revealed new surroundings.

Hyun Hae-Il was left speechless once again.


People in black suits wearing white masks, which had smiling faces, were carrying boxes of important documents, and leaving to different rooms in the hallways, who are they?


All at once, they stopped moving and turned to the two of them who were standing in place where there was supposed to be an elevator. This made Hyun Hae-Il awkward and nervous at the same time.


"Welcome master", Hyun Hae-Il knew it wasn't for him, then, it could only be for one person and that is Ryu Tae-Ra.


"Morning everyone", her voice was like a honey, "please work hard", even if they could feel her smile behind the mask, which pleased them very much.


Ryu was the master of this place, which meant that she was the in charge and the head. She was very respected by her employees and she gave respect to them as well. Hyun Hae-Il understood that by how they welcomed her. Now a days it is very difficult to find people like that.


A man came, wearing a different mask then the others to Ryu Tae-Ra, "May I, master?" he gestured to take the box from Ryu's hands. Ryu nodded, giving him the box and she whispered something in his ears, the man nodded and left.


"He is my secretary", she suddenly spoke, "let's go Detective Hyun, let's go get you scanning and testing"

"Scanning", he repeated as a question, "and testing?"

"Yes, we need to make sure that you actually attract the demons", she explained as simple as possible, they walked down the hall way.


The employees in black were busy with all sorts of things. Some calling in and receiving, some were taking papers from here to there, some ordering around to the things done.


Everything inside was colored in black and little gold, here and there. How did this thing fit inside Seoul Central District's office? Doesn't make sense, Nevertheless, magic never did make sense.


Even if his half face was covered in mask, Ryu could read his thoughts which were in his eyes. She was proud. They walked to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of a big office door, which was guarded by three guards in each of its sides. The door was very grand.

"This is my office lets go in" The door opened on its own accord and let them in.

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