
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasy
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157 Chs

Vs Arvid, Son of Arved.

[Seren's POV]

I watched the first fight in awe. To think that Irvin Elbene, who was so confident in his magic rapier was defeated by someone using nothing but his bare hand. The report shows that both sides of his ribcage were fractured. His nose was also broken when he received the punch straight to his face. Looks like Father's disciple wasn't any pushover. I would have loved to duel with him but I'm in a different category than him. The only way I would fight him is in the finals.

Not thinking too much about the duel. I slapped myself to keep myself awake as I watch my other contestants. Several participants looked pretty strong. Both contestants from the academy look pretty strong, one specialised in magic, the other one in swordsmanship. The Princess of Frostguard, suddenly had a major boost in power, overpowering her first opponent with nothing but sheer power with only her sword.

"Looks like it's my turn next."

I got up from my seat and headed for the door. When I came outside, the guards were already waiting for me to enter the arena.

The guard bowed 90 degrees to show his respect before speaking to me:

"Your Majesty, you're up next for your match." The guard spoke without lifting his head.

"Thank you," I said to him, as I took the first step in.

Looking at the arena, this place was big. With an audience this big, surely the first-timer would be nervous under the pressure that they would make a mistake and humiliate themself. No wonder everyone other than the Outsider looked tense. Looking in the direction where my Father and Mother were, I bowed towards them as well as the King to show formalities before looking in front at my opponent.

My opponent was tall, muscular and huge. He was wearing heavy armour from head to toe while welding an Axe and a round shield. He was wearing a helmet that covers the back of his head, the face and there was chainmail at the back of his neck. With all this equipment that screams aggressive, his posture was calm and in peace. He stares at me intensely prepping himself, kneeling on one knee readying himself.

I stood forward to the centre of the arena to ready myself along with my opponent.

The referee stands in between both of us as the host of the arena starts speaking.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Next up we have one of the major highlights. On one side we have the Daughter of the Barbarian King, whose skill isn't any lesser compared to her father, since she has been winning most of her better since she was 14 years old. Princess Seren of Mydarn.

On the other side, we have Arvid, Son of Arved. Son of the Chieftain of Volksungs. He just joined the competition this year, to test his skill for today. This will be the first time we see how the Eastern sides fight!"

Just as I was looking at my opponent, he was also scanning me to plan out his attacks. Our eyes locked on each other as we readied ourselves.

"Now both of you get ready!"



I unscathed my sword and moved forward towards my opponent. My opponent was calm and decisive. We both circled each other with neither of us making a move. The first strike came from Arvid, where he swung his ace horizontally aiming at my neck. I slip to the left and return with a vertical slash from the bottom to the top. He parried it by deflecting the direction of flow and striking with another swing from his axe. A diagonal slash from the right.

I raised my left hand evoking a quick cast small barrier. With the magic circle appearing from my palm, the barrier came in the knick of time bouncing Arvid's attack. It cause a backlash as he got taken aback by the sudden magic appearing. I took my sword and swung it horizontally again. But he already noticed it from a mile away, backflipping to avoid the damage. For someone this big, he was very nimble and quick.

Arvid suddenly kneeled and placed his hand on this Axe. He starts chanting a spell on his axe. Realising it was going to be a buff for his sword. I run towards him, hoping to interrupt the spell. I swung my sword, trying to strike him down. But he already finishes enchanting his weapon. He deflected my sword and pushed kick me. I used the hilt of the sword to lessen the blow and moved back.

Arvid's axe changed its form. It was still a one-handed axe, however, the length of the Axe increased, the blade of the axe emitting a glowing light which had another layer of a blade that was a lot larger than his previous ones. The blade looked a lot like an Aura sword. It suddenly returned to its original blade, however it was still glowing.

"So you're using Aura arts for your axe, huh."

"No. This is an ancestral weapon." He replied.

He charged forward with his shield, I jumped over and attempts to slash his shoulder with my sword. But my cut was too shallow, as he stops his charge midway and retaliated by swinging his axe. His Axe suddenly manifested a huge amount of mana which got moulded into a bigger axe as that Mana Axe swung in my direction.

Imbuing Aura on my sword, I swing my sword at the Mana axe cutting it and pushing forward. Our weapons clashed against one another as we both try to get the upper hand, tiring each other out.




The weapons clash became fast and faster in my favour as I cast magic alongside the blade exchange.

Cast: [Magic Missile]

From my palm, the mama started tracing Arvid as he clashed and out of the 5 Magic missiles fired, 4 hit their target from his back. Getting agitated, Arvid grits his teeth and broke free from the exchange, retreating to the back to get space.


Seren started to get more aggressive with her attack the moment her magic landed on Arvid. She started thrusting her sword against Arvid's defence with ease due to him getting baffled by her magic. Arvid tried slashing again in rage, hoping to get a hit in. Princess Seren did not drop her guards even once as the Mana axe that was manifested all got destroyed by her blade.

Arvid was cornered. In hopes that he could garner more strength, he needed more time to keep her off. He would need to rely on magic as well. He dashed forward to Seren, grabbed her by her collar tried to pin her down. The Barbarian Princess, not even giving him a chance, stepped to the left tripping him. As Arvid was falling to the ground, Seren grabbed his shirt from the back and slams him to the ground.


Arvid cries in pain as his entire weight was shifted to the ground. Not wanting to give up, he slams his axe against his shield, gathering a taunt. He shouts a battle cry, which was a skill.

[War Cry]

Passive Buff Skill.

Increase Attack and Defence for a shirt period of time

Hyping yourself up, gives you energy to continue you battle.

Status Effect: Increase attack and Defence

Duration: 3 Minutes

Skill Cooldown: 50 minutes

Arvid's strength increase as he recomposes himself, regaining his confidence to fight the Princess. But the Princess was merciless. To beat the outside approved by her Father. She is willing to do anything to attain victory at this point.

Lifting her sword to her chest. She closed her eyes and readied herself. Arvid saw this and was furious. Thinking that his opponent was disrespecting him, he rushed towards her and Swung his axe hoping to Cleave his opponent. But it was too late. The Princess was already done executing her moves.

[Mydarn Sword Technique: Whip]

Seren's sword movement start to appear more like a Whip as she swung her sword again and again, like a Whip the devastating damage landed on Arvid as he continues to charge forward. However, the number of hits landed the nearer he approaches Seren and at the end, just before the Barbarian Princess, his body couldn't take the total damage and he collapse.

"...Winner! Princess Seren of Mydarn!"

Praise for the Princess came flooding as the crowds goes nuts over the Princess's victory.

- Did you see that?

- That was so cool!

- The Princess is too beautiful, with this she's even more beautiful than ever!!

But it isn't as though Arvid was forgotten. He fought a valiant battle, earning himself a large number of fans in his debut fight.

- It's such a shame his first battle was with the Barbarian Princess.

- Good Job Arvid, I wish to see you battling again.

The crowds were excited because of this battle.

[King Darius's POV]

That Rascal. She actually used the First Mydarn Technique I taught her to finish off her opponent. She must really want to get under my skin.

Red, as my disciple, you will need to prepare against Seren. She just evolved, and She's stronger than ever.

Seren finished waving her batter and left. Before leaving in the same manner as Red, She stared at me before leaving.

"The two of them are really similar huh? Hahaha."

Hey guys, I'm starting to incorporate some scenes in third person view as I felt the fight scenes are more detailed in 3rd person views. Let me know what are you thoughts on them. Thank you for supporting as always.

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