
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
157 Chs

Bonus Side Story: Improvement for the Farm Simulator


This tale takes place on the island that Blue created, using Ryong's massively dense mana. While Red was training, White was having her adventure on the island inside Farm Simulation.

The pearl-coloured snake has been traversing around the forest, settling down. She stalked her prey, securing food for herself while using her tail to gather material to build her house.

The prey she managed to get was normal forest critters like rabbits, wild boars, other snakes, etc. It was generally peaceful. There was even a waterfall, a lake and a hot spring. If anyone were to live here, it would be considered paradise. For White, it was generally a routine at this point. Sleep. wake up, go for a stroll. laze around, hunt for food and swim around for leisure. At this point, she was already accustomed to the Forest.

The Forest was comparable to the size of the Forest of Death however, in the northern area of the forest was a huge empty field of the grass patch. That was where her master first came to this world and played with her there. She made it a point to build her home there so that her master would perhaps be proud of her what she accomplished here.

While hunting for food, on the way back home, a figure could be seen from far idling around her resting area. She quickly slithers her way forward hoping to kick the intruder out of her cosy home.

When she arrived, the figure she saw had an appearance of a human girl.

The girl seemed at a young age seemingly around 7 to 9 years old. She was wearing a straw hat while walking around taking notes of everything, such as the ground, the trees and even the house White tried building. She was Asian and had fairly light skin and Jet black long hair, dressing up in a one-piece white dress. If there was a sentence that would describe her, it would be that she was a beautiful child that could rival a lot of child actors.

However, all of that does not matter to White at all. All humans looked the same to her other than her master. She slithers in faster and aimed at the child. Baring her fangs, she jumped upwards aiming for the Child.


<How dare you defile Master's landddd!!>

The young child tilts her head avoiding White's attack and grabbed White just behind her head while she was still in the mid-air, rendering her powerless as she doesn't have enough strength to break free from the child's clutches.


White was extremely surprised. She had the strength to completely overcome an adult wild boar with ease. However, the child was able to grab her in one hand with inhuman strength, locking her in place.

"So you're White, Master's pet huh."



White was certainly surprised by the fact that this human girl was related to her master. The bigger surprise was how the human girl was able to communicate with her when even her master was not able to do that.

"How dare a cheeky worm like you dare to attack your senior sister here. You ought to be punished."


<Huh? Hold on. Wait WAit WAIT, NOOOO!!??>

As White struggles to hide, the child continuously slaps White while berating her with insults. The result was a single drop of tear flowing out from White's eyes.


After what felt like an eternity for White. The child forced her to concede and sit in front of her. White obediently followed instructions to avoid being hit again.

"So, who do you think I am?" The Girl asked while puffing her chest in confidence.


<Senior sister?>

The Girl smacked White's head in the same fluid motion identical to that of the King of Mydarn.

"No, I meant who am I to Master?"


<Master's offspring?>

The Girl and the snake both stared at each other for a while. They didn't speak a single word during that period. The girl's face slowly blushed red and turned backwards.

"I too wish that was the case..." The Girl said while twirling her hair repeatedly over and over again.

White looking confused, tilts her head at the human girl.

"AHEM, anyways, my name is Blue. I'm the creator of this place." The human girl said confidently with both her hands placed on her hip.


Over the next few days, White and Blue were still together, hanging out. Blue was here because she was busy gathering data for a specific job. She had her slav___sister, helping her traverse across the forest so she could gather more accurate data.

"Sigh. Looking at this rate, Master won't have enough time to even check the Farming Simulator programme properly."

White was at the corner chasing over a butterfly and playing around. Blue on the other hand was stressed out as she was afraid that her Master didn't like the programme she created for him.

Blue decided to make a call to someone so that she could remodel some of the design and have some new features added to it as well.

"I need to make a call," Blue warns White, with a finger to her lips indicating White to keep quiet.

She placed her palm on her right eye and stood still. It looked very similar to how a person was calling someone through a phone.

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Bee___*


"Creator I need more of your mana." Blue demanded from the person on the other side of the line.

[I already supplied thou with my mana which caused us to not be able to even leave in the first place. Why should I ____]

"Too longgggggg. Will you supply me with the mana or not? I'm trying to help Master manage this world."


The moment Ryong supplied Blue with his mana, her body lit up like a bulb as the mana seeps into her body being absorbed.

"Nice, now I can do more work, thanks, old man."

[Wai_____ *Beeeepppppppp*]

Blue hung up on Ryong and got back to work. In the next few weeks, she stayed on the island to continue making tweaks to the application so that it would be easier for her Master to use as well as improve White's supposed house. They both agreed that this would be their Master's second house. So they already hatched a plan to start renovation and work.

Blue managed to scrap the entire previous system of the Farming Simulator and decided to be the one in charge of building and managing the manpower on the island. Her first task would be in procuring manpower.

Blue ordered White to go into the Forest for an errand. Her job is to capture a couple of animals back. Firstly would be a pair of wolves as guard dogs. Secondly, would be capturing the pigs, cows, chickens and other animals as live stocks.

White however was only able to procure the wolves and wild pigs. This process took her at least another 2 weeks. The moment, the wolves were brought back, Blue was successful in taming them.

She also managed to build some fence and a decent house with the spare mana given to her by Ryong. The renovation went on for about a week before everything was settled.

The current base of their Master now looked at least passable. With the house having a proper roof and rooms for people to sleep in. The front of the house had a ranch that houses the livestock and two wolves were used as guard dogs to protect this premises. There was even a facility specifically for the wolves to rest and sleep.

The location of the house built was also in the best location. The base is located right at the entrance of the forest. The base was also located in the middle of 3 different water sources, one being the Waterfall, and the other being the lake.

The base was starting to look more like a village as time goes on. However eventually the extra mana given by Ryong ran out. Which made it difficult for Blue to build anything. At this point, it was certain that they would need manpower and resource from outside so that they can thrive here.

Then suddenly, Red yelled for Blue as she disappears from the island and recalled back to the mask. Facing in front of her was a young man with white hair, holding a long sword.