
Bringing back the power

'Marauders Apartment Manor'

Two days later

August 15, 1982

After, two days of constant shopping we were finally done. Waking up from my sleep the next day I smile as I sit up from my bed and walk out to my solar room.

Entering the small room that I made an Office for my lord duties I smile at Hedwig my Owl which Lady Magic sent back with me binding her as my Familiar giving her an my life span and powers over the sky turning into a Thunderowl meaning like a Thunderbird she can summon Lightning, unlike a Thunderbird she can teleport in a cloud, Summon and control Rain and Lightning and she can use storm magic throwing Lightning and Causing mini Static shock she was like Pikachu from Pokemon but can fly and teleport.

Walking over to my chair I grin as Hedwig hops onto my shoulder and starts to preen my hair. Reaching out I scratch her causing her to make purring sounds after a few minutes and feeding her I reach into my desk and pull out a piece of Parchment. Grinning a Pen I wrote '' Rockteeth I am writing you as I wish you to search for abandoned buildings, streets, Neighborhoods, Mountains, Vallery, etc and hire the Dwarves, Goblins and Many Muggleborns, Squibs and Halfbloods I want the area Scouted out and if the streets and Neighborhoods can be used I want you to repair them and ward them and turn them into Alleys for the Wizarding World for the Abandoned Buildings I want you to hire the Dwarves and Goblins to build Underground Cities and to rebuild the Building into both a Magical entrance to the city and Hotels where the Room can expand, with the surroundings changing to anything you wish such as you make it where the Room is on a Beach, etc then I want you to turn this into a business around the world, Next, I want you to hire Creatures, Muggleborns, Halfbloods and Squibs 1000 per Property and Business I own and turn them into House Guards and Security also hire whoever you wish but please have at Least 10 of each creature hired for this, I want Remus Lupin to be hired to Train and teach the Creatures, Muggleborns, Halfbloods and Squibs in Runes, Combat Spells, Construction, Etc please hire People to Train Squibs to make Potions and Runes, After Remus Lupin does so please have him train in Cursebreaking, Muggle and Goblin Fighting after them what ever they need after he finishes training please offer 1 of 3 jobs either a Caretaker at either one of my Properties taking care of the Animals and humanely get parts from the Magical creatures, 2nd Place him as a Manager at one of my Shops or 3rd have him work as a surveyor and have him make Marauder Maps for each of my properties, business and any land in my command. The Underground Cities should be either be sold to the Ministry, a House for them to rule, or Held by myself. The Cities I wish for you to advise them along with every last one of my products, shops, and everything business-related. Pleased, Hire Narcissa Malfoy to teach Healing and Magical Culture to the Muggleborns, Halfbloods, Creatures, and Squibs if I manage to get Hogwarts to hire her as the Magical culture teacher I want you to hire a Pureblood respected by the community but not bias or against Muggleborns, creatures, Squibs, and Half-bloods to teach them Magical Culture. Also, Each Hotel, Inn, etc Must have a Restaurant and indoor Magical adventure that is safe but fun for all ages. Finally, I want you to try to create Safe Adventures for all ages such as a Cursebreaking journey for a 4-year-old that's safe yet gives off a thrill that will make up a massive building, A Dueling building which will have indoor Dueling Rings and also classes on Dueling and More I give you permission to use up to 60% of my coin to continuous Invest and Make new Products, enchantments, Business, Properties and more as long as I would make it back by the end of the year.

Thank you

Rockteeth, I know you will do well also buy Chernobyl then send Whatever is needed to cleanse the air and rid it of evil and Radiation I want it done within 20 years and I am willing to pay 4x the amount needed for the best equipment and safety for the Workers, Bosses, etc as needed Please hire the best Lawyers to protect me and the workers''.

Nodding at everything I write '' Please have someone create a Magical sun for the Underground cities with Greenhouses and stuff to add Greenery ''.

Finishing my letter I grin as I knew this will eliminate pretty much all unemployment from the Wizarding world with maybe 10% left that's not working.

Tying the letter to Hedwig I get a Nip to my ear then she flies off making me smile then I write another letter for the Director of Gringotts on What I wanted done to the Dursleys who had Potions and Spells embedded in their souls and that they had a Magical core

That was bound.

'' Director as they had been found with so many spells and Potions please have them learn 1-7 Years of Hogwarts with the best tutors along with Culture of the Magical world. Have them tested then have someone see what job they will be best for and then offer them the chance for their House to become a Vassal of house Potter and if they say yes offer them 2 Cottages, a Townhouse, and small Manor along with 3 Shops and Wards for each and I willing to have share Custody on Dudley if they show improvements ''.

Giving this letter to my Male Snowy Owl Marcus I watch it fly away with a grin the Owlery was filled with Snowy Owls and Eagles. As it goes I knew that the amount of work I had ordered will make the news and that with all the advisement and Positive News I will have a lot of people willing to move or work in my businesses and Properties some of which was big enough to become Magical Cities, and thanks to old laws I had the power to turn them into Magical Kingdoms under my command.

Leaning back for a moment I knew I needed A Council for each land as I couldn't rule alone.

Thinking, I jump when a Knock appears on my window.

Turning I see Errol smiling I open the window as the Weasley Bird enters.

Seeing the reply I grin as there was a Single Word on the Parchment '' Yes''.

Pleased, I write another parchment ordering Rockteeth to get everything set up as I discuss for the Weasleys and make an Appointment to accept house Weasley Vassalage within 2 weeks once the home and Children had enough time to do all their shopping and hire them a ton of Tutors to teach them what I wish them to do which for all they had something to do with battle with Bill who was in his 1st year being claim as a Cursebreaker for my house, Charlie a Head of a Dragon, Drake and Wyvern Sanctuary, Percy a Defense Socliter for House Potter, Fred, and George Shop Owners and Crafters/ Enchanters, Ron A Griffin Commander ( Griffin Legion is the army of the Potters) Ginny a Member of the Griffins Fighters-the Quidditch team of the Potters, Arthur was hired to be trained and taught to be the Wizard Contact for the Muggle world for the Potter Family selling the Products that could be sold to the Muggle world such as Wine, Fashion, Food, Armor and Race Horses. Molly was to be placed in charge of a Bakery owned by the Potters in Diagon Alley which will move to an underground city and she would be placed in charge of it.

Sending the letter off I rub my face as I walked to the dueling room to spend the next 2 hours exercising and getting my workout in.

2 hours later

Panting I grin as I finish my last spell chain pleased I walked out and headed to the Enchantment room to work on the Suit of Armor I was creating that I wanted to be like Loki, Iron Man and Magneto which would gift me with their power and I would be able to just summon it onto to me from anywhere instantly.

Entering the room I smile at the Enchantment table, the massive Wardrobe which takes up the entire Left side, next to the enchantment table, Cabinets across from the Enchantment table, and a Ritual circle to bind the Enchantment to the Object for longer than the amount of magic I've placed on the object.

Hearing a Pop.

I turn my head and see a Black Elf.

Turning to the squire elf ( The Families that treat their elves well have a style the Potters were a Roman family so their Elves wear Togas, Roman soldier and maid uniforms and they carry roman shields and a sword, Peverells are Greek their's wear Greek clothing they carry Korpris swords, Longbottoms are a Norse family so their servants wear Viking clothing and carry small axes and blades. Black's through their family have their elves follow the ways of Knights with Knight, Servant, and Maidchamber. The Clothing of the elves also tells you their duties such as a Knight elf are those who watch over and protect the people of the house but they can also be sent off for battle) seeing the letter in his hand I reach out and took it getting a nod from the little elf who waits.

Seeing that I open the letter and read the words

'' I'm Ready ''.

Smiling I walked over to the wardrobe and pull out two items a Small Keychain and a Small Box.

Walking back over I wrote

'' The Small Box is blood bonded to the Blood of Sirius Black just placed your hand on the box and it will take 3 drops and its magic will be activated giving you a Apartment trunk which will have 30 rooms of that 15 are Bedrooms, 1 Dueling room, A Potion Lab, Living Room, Storage room, and a kitchen room, Greenhouse, Animal room, Garden room, Elf Room, Library, Game room, 5 Empty rooms. Inside the Living room is a table on it are four Wands and Wand holsters with the wands copies of your Wand each of them are 11 Inches Dogwood and Kitsune fur and Chinese Fireball scale made with a Gold Lion handle a Wand of Prankster and a Battle Wizard ( Battle Wizards are Wizards that are able to last and cast for hours and have the Magical core to cast high-level battle spells for hours. They are the Ministries greatest force with the Aurors the Common and Rare Murder detectives, Hit-Wizards the Swat, and the Battle Wizards the Soldiers of the Ministry). The Keychain is an Illusion Blood Spell that will trick the Dementors, Guards, and Other Prisoners into seeing you slowly go mad and if needed will place an illusion over you which can't be seen by someone whose, not of blood''.

( Battle Mages are a rank afforded to those capable of not only lasting for hours but those who have multiple Specializing in multiple branches of magic. The British have 30 of them most countries have more than 120 but all the wars that Magical Albion have endured (England, Wales, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Scotland) have been involved in has weakened them. To the point where total they have 450. The ICW had 15,000 Now 14,250. (Yep, when I left I convince 750 others to come with me. All of them trained and worked with me for years. I joined ICW as a hit-wizard but the ICW quickly had me trained in the ways of the Battlemage.)

Pleased I walked back over to the elf and stated '' Go straight to Lord Black ''.

Nodding the Elf pop away, and I went back to work on my suit of armor as I work I could tell that it turn 8 AM while I was working.

Feeling someone touch my hand I pause and ask '' What is it ''?

'' Sir, another mail came and it's 8 AM ''.

Putting the objects away I smile a little as I had finally got one Enchantment to stick meaning the spell will last 100 years before it breaks, and that's without the ritual.

Nodding I look at Matty and took the Mail and rubbed Matty's head-turning I say '' Thank you, Matty, Please make certain my wards are up and that dinner's ready ''.

Nodding Matty grins '' Of course, Master Harrison ''.

Seeing Matty Pop away I took a breath and walked to the Dining room and smile as I see Harry and Dudley eating their breakfast.

Smiling slightly in a good mood say '' Good morning you two ''.

'' Go Morni''.

With food in their mouth, the two say good morning rolling my eyes I reprimand '' Chew with your mouth close and don't speak until you have no food in your mouth ''.

Nodding the two finish the food in their mouth then as one they say '' Good Morning unca Harris''.

Smiling at the two I grinned at the fact the two didn't know how how to say my name and strangely I actually liked the nickname.

Eating, the meal I say to Harry and Dudley '' After we eat I will be meeting with a few family friends and allies so you two will go and see Grandpa Arte and Grandma Melinda ''.

'' YAY ''!

Throwing their hands up in the year to start eating quicker excited at going to see Grandpa and Grandma.

Smiling at the two I knew the two liked going over to the Black Ranch which was where Arte and Mel were staying liking the open space.

Seeing the newspaper on the table I pick it up as I finish my breakfast leaving me with a cup of coffee.

'' Minister of Magic Minister Bagnold ''

'' Today, the Wizarding world is shocked that as of yesterday 25 previous proxy seats have lords with 15 of them from former muggleborns. When we spoke to the Minister of Magic she had this to say

We here at the Ministry are excited to have previous extinct family seats claimed. We here at the daily prophet were surprised as to our knowledge over 15 families had no seats but it seems Merlin's staff has decided to either give them their old seats or place new members to the Wizenagomont.''

What seats were claimed on pg 1-7

Dueling Championships Pg 8-10

Cursebreaking castle pg 11-12

Griffins beat the Harpies pg 13

Child Chess champion pg 14-16

Chess Champion pg 17

Humming at that I turned over to the Child chess page and read

'' Reggie Weasley age 14 has won the Child Chess tournament against over 200 over players thanks to that Reggie oldest son of Arthur Weasley earn the right to play chess Champion Lancaster Newt age 125 and after a 5 Hour battle, Reggie earned an Upset victory earning himself the Top price of 10,000 Galleons for Child Win and 27,000 Galleons from the Champion.

With his victory, the Hippogriff Flight have asked the Reggie to join their team for a 5-year summer contract''.

Stunned he couldn't believe it Ron came back in time. Which more than likely meant if he did then likely Hermoine did as well hopefully Nevile, Luna, and Fred, and George have come back too.

Putting the newspaper down Harry walked to the library and went searching for the books on newspapers and modern history.

Finding the newspapers and books I went through a quick search and notice 3 things first the Weasleys had branches around the world, second, the Weasleys of UK had 3 Branches one was the Main Branch, 2nd was a Branch owning a series of shops in Diagon Alley, Hogsmede and Scots alley ( 1 of 10 alleys of Scotland). The third died in the Blood War.

Placing down the Weasley book I snort pleased then I read the old newspapers and in a newspaper of 1975, the Long lost line of Danworth-Granger of the Ancient and Noble house had a female heir.

Reading about the female heir I learn she was a Half-Blood who is now a Magical Researcher and Potion Maker and was 19 too. She was also head of the Magical Creature and beast department working on the protection and rights of Magical creatures.

Finally, it seems, in this world, Frank Longbottom had an older brother who was the heir and Nevile seems to have Masteries in Earth Magic ( Nature Magic. Picture druids), Herbology and Defense against the dark arts, and Nevile works as a Herb supplier for several Potion Masters, Noble Houses, and the Muggle World. He was married to a Seer Luna Delphi of the Oracles of Delphi. She works as a seer for the ICW.

Looking at the books and newspapers in surprise I hum in thought and place the books and newspapers back.

Feeling the wards announcing that Lord Black is attempting to enter. I allow them access.

Feeling Lord Black enter the Apartment. I walk out of the Library and head to the living room. Walking the hallways of 1 of 3 floors, I smile at the numerous paintings on the wall as well as a Mannequin on both sides with the one on the left wearing a Roman senator outfit while the other side had roman battle mage armor. Walking into the Living room I smile at the scene of Uncle Art lifting Harry onto his hip with Harry chatting about what he dreamt about while Dudley was being held by aunt Melinda who was telling Dudley stories about the ancient Evanshires a Family of Cursebreakers, Aurors, and Warders.

Nodding to Uncle Art I demand '' Have Harry back at 5 tonight ''.

With a slight smirk Art says '' Of course, let's go Harry ''.

Turning Art and Melinda took Harry and Dudley through the floo. Smiling pleased seems Art was convinced to take the two to the movies and an Arcade.

Becoming serious I walked to the office time to call family Vassals for each of my houses and the few family friends only then will the houses I run be strong enough to call family alliances.

Grimacing I knew Next week Uncle Art will be doing the same for the Black Vassals and Branches and it will be only after a month that I will be able to focus on Harry and Dudley but even then I'll have to focus on getting the regent throne and start working meaning I'll need to let my alliance know my plans and convince them what's coming and then convince them to follow me something made easier being who I am and what my family the Potters are known for.

( Potters are Warriors, Duelists, Quidditch Players, Cursebreakers, Warders, Businessmen, Battle Mages, Hit-Wizards, Spell Crafters, Potion Makers, Crafters Enchanters, Inventors, and Runemakers with Politics being secondary for them. They run the business world with their army of spies as well as having a network centered on gathering Blackmail, from their army of House Elves and Shadow Mages. ( Shadow Mages are Wizards specializing in Illusions, Shadow Magic and Spying) They are also protectors of Creatures and are known for their defense of equal rights for Muggleborns, halfbreeds, and Halfbloods while Protecting traditions and customs of the magical world and being willing to always advance and push the world further while respecting the traditions and customs. They have been grey for 1576 years and have led the Grey faction for 1000 years,)

Grimacing I stepped into my solar and set at my desk pulling out some ink and parchment with a frown I grunt annoyed that Muggle instruments such as pens and pencils can be used by Wizards and Witches as their magic leaks out of them into the utensils as they write which for some reason burns the ink and thus burns the Pens and Pencils when used. ( I always wonder why they use Pen and Pencil instead of making it some pureblood reason I made it where when they are Writing magic leaks into it which for some reasons destroys muggle writing utensils)

As I go to sit I hear the sound of an eagle frowning I turn and see a Gringotts eagle carrying 2 objects along with a parchment in its beak.

Curious I grab the parchment and pause as I sense the souls in those two objects pleased I knew what these were 2 Horcrux one from the Hufflepuff cup and the other from Harry's scar.

Taking the parchment I see it just tell me what they were and how the Lestrange family was fined 200,000 Galleons for them breaking the treaty.

Nodding I take the objects from the eagle who Cawls as it takes off.

Watching it move back out the window I frown as I turn back to the objects frowning I sigh murmuring to myself '' I better be right about this ''.

Placing my hands over the objects I snap my fingers summoning everything like them.

'' Who dares summon me ''?

Raising my eyebrows I stare at the wraith of Voldemort who pales as a Spirit it could see my true form waving my hand Voldemort screams as Slytherin's locket, The Gaunt Ring, Nagini, and Ravenclaw's diadem appears in front of him. Thrusting his hand forward Voldemort screams as the soul pieces all break out of their containers and burn into him causing him to scream as he regains 67% of his soul leaving him with 70% total.

More solid I hear

'' What's going on… What the hell on gods what have I done ''?

Feeling remorse Voldemort looks up a little in awe and fear at Lord Death bowing his head Voldemort asks '' My Lord please help me reclaim my soul and body and I'll serve you until the day I make up for my crimes ''?

Pausing at that I only planned to work beside him but if Voldemort wished to serve then I was fine with that.

Waving my hand again I formed an Empty shell of Voldemort at age 32 years old.

Focusing my power I forced the body to fill with Organs, Blood and bones then I shift the blood into a container of Death Magic. Placing the curse of Vampires in his blood along with Dragur I stare at Voldemort who gulps as I shove him into the shell which gasps as eyes a shade of red sits and kneels '' Master ''.

Looking at my Lich/ Dragur servant I speak '' Rise Tom Marvalo Riddle as an Immortal Knight of the God of Death a reaper let it be known that until you make up for your crime you are but a servant your first task bring me your Diary and I will complete your soul, then I will send you to bring your reapers to heel and under the command of the Black Alliance then prepare Peter Pettigrew for his trial… actually have each of your reapers take a test with the goblins if they have potions or something on them get them pardon with a real trial, those that don't have potions or some such send to the veil also convince the ministry to have the other prisoners check as well… afterward, you are to get in contact with Shield and work with the director for a total of 3 years while also aiding in the cleansing of all my properties from the fel do you understand your tasks ''?

Eyes shining with Red light Tom bows '' Yes, master ''.

Pleased I stare at him for a moment then I roll my eyes and say '' Go to the goblins explain to them what I've done and my commands tell them to get you a new Identity and retake all your tested also Relishqued your hold as Head of House Slytherin and give it to the Potters ''.

Gulping a moment Tom closes his eyes as he knew losing the Slytherin lordship was a punishment bowing he stands and bows his head '' Yes, master ''.

Grabbing the Gaunt ring Tom turns walking away heading right to Gringotts.


Inside a dark cell, a Dog lays quiet in his cell suddenly a Pop Sounds.

Eyes snapping opening Padfoot notices a Black Elf.

Pale Sirius goes to open his mouth when the elf snaps his fingers forcing him to change back.

Groaning in pain Sirius goes to speak when the elf places a Necklace around his neck causing him to take in a breath as the coldness of the dementors disappears.

Staying quiet Sirius stares at the elf then he asks '' What does my mother want ''?

'' I is Mispy I serve Lord Black, Mister Black not Miss. Black, she does not command House Black Lord Black does ''.

Pausing Sirius stares at the elf as he realizes many things first that means unless grandfather had expelled him he was still a Black and since the Black Elf called him Black he was a Black. Second, if I had a Dementor Necklace it meant that grandfather knew I was innocent.

Desperate I ask '' What is being done ''?

Handing over 4 letters Mispy places down a trunk and places it next to the cot in the room. Then she walks over to a wall and embeds a

Wardstone into the wall causing it to glow for a moment and the room to heat up.

Blinking Sirius looks behind him where sits an Illusion of himself rocking back and forth murmuring to himself.

Stunned Sirius opens the first Letter

'' You stupid bastard you have stupidly gotten yourself locked up in Azkaban you best hope that you're innocent or I'll have you killed. But, I'm assuming you're innocent so I have sent Mispy with gifts which you will read about in the next to Letters. But you need to know that my godson has managed to take up his role as lord Potter and together we are working on getting you a trial. To aid with this we have sent you an expanded compartment trunk, Dementor Necklace, and an Illusion wardstone. Plus, we have gotten you a wand inside the trunk. Plus, a Qualified Healer has been paid hundreds of thousands of goblins to watch over you and start the process of healing you. Know that you have two a Goblin healer and a Mind healer I want steady reports from both that you are healing and if you are still in prison by the time you finish we have hired a goblin warrior and a Retired Hit-Wizard to bring you back to shape. Don't be stupid or disgrace the house of Black also, know that Bellatrix is under Contract it's possible that she is being forced to behave this way so try to see if you can aid Bellatrix too and kill the two Lestranges. Because you were stupid enough to get arrested you will answer to me and Lord Potter. The Trunk, Dementor Necklace, and Illusion Wardstone were all made by Lord Potter so make certain you thank him. If you need anything ask Mispy she has been sent to watch over you and Bellatrix. Good Luck… be a Black

Lord Black ''!

Turning red with shame and hope Sirius opens the other two

'' The Expanded trunk is something new somehow Harris Potter has created an Apartment trunk, had a wand mad for you that he believes will work for you, and created the Illusion Necklace and Dementor Necklace. Just tap the Apartment trunk and you can head down the third compartment to the Apartment. Oh, the last letter I didn't say but we have to be smart about this so we are having

Azkaban inspected and the inhabitants checked to make certain they should be in prison based on records then any that's not will be retried if we find 2-4 with improper handling we will have each cased reviewed so sadly this will take at least 2 years probably more stay hopeful and get better ''.

Slightly frustrated Sirius grips the letter slightly tighter then he takes a breath and opens the last letters which turn to smoke causing Sirius to choke for a moment then after a few moments he gaps in front of him were 1-7 spellbooks with Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Muggle History and Modern Invention books along with books on numerous Creatures. Books on Enchanting and Cursebreaking. Finally, there were books on Pureblood Culture, Books on Grey Magic and Dark Magic, and a few Black Family Magic books.

Sighing Sirius curses as he realizes Grandfather wishes him to steady each book sighing he realizes he had nothing better for him to do then he sees he stills reads has a letter

'' Read each page the Hit-Wizard will test you on each book and if you pass with 95% or higher and manage to beat him I will send you a basic edition on Battle Mages. If you're not out by then that means the British Ministry will have really screwed up and I will send a Battle Mage to start your training. This is a Privilege don't lose it ''.

Excited Sirius shakes a little then he looks at the trunk. With a little awe, he opens the trunk and gaps at the Ladder leaning down.

Getting in the trunk he pulls himself down and gags a little as the short descended tired him out. Seeing a single door in the area he opens it and his jaw drops. This wasn't an Apartment this was a middle-class House Trunk. Awe he rushes overseeing wands laying on the table grabbing one he smiles wide as a stream of sparks emerges from the wand and a connection even stronger than his old wand forms.

Spinning around Sirius notices a Glass of Water on a table in what seems to be the dining room rushing over he quickly drains it then Panting a little he gags as he hasn't had clean water in over a year. Looking at the table he sees a Nutrition potion and Stomache soother.

Draining both Sirius gags from the table then smiles delighted as a Full Lunch appears on the table sitting at the 3 seat table Sirius quickly finishes 4 plates worth of food and slowly finishes the fifth. Panting a little Sirius jumps up and yells '' Mispy where's the bathroom ''.

With a Pop, the elf led Sirius to the bathroom and after he finishes and takes a Shower Sirius smiles as he puts on a fresh pair of clothes that feels great on his skin.

Sitting in front of the bathroom mirror Mispy cuts Sirius's Hair and cuts his beard.

Sighing from tiredness Sirius goes to take off the necklace with Mispy wacks him on the top of his head and says '' Stop the effect will still be felt here ''.

Pausing Sirius walks to his bed and lays down feeling hope well up inside him as well as determination to prove to Lord Potter and Grandpa that he was worthy of this.

Falling asleep Sirius sleeps with a smile on his face.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Stepping into the Bank Tom grimaces as he could see the disgust in the eyes of the goblins. Taking a step behind the head teller's line Tom sighs as he waits ten minutes before he's seen.

Stepping up the teller Tom whispers '' Lord Potter gifted me 70% of my soul back and I swore my life, soul, and magic to him he has ordered me to get an identity made and a few other tasks I must also surrender any claim to the Slytherin line to the Potters so can you get me an Inheritence goblin and a curse breaker''.

Staying silent the goblin nods then in a snarky tone '' Fishhook shall take you next!''

Seeing the goblin step up Tom follows Fishhook down a few hallways in silence walking towards an empty corridor Tom pauses and nods to Fishhook and enters as he does he sees an old goblin who barks '' Sit, down and count yourself lucky that Lord Potter has given you a chance ''.

Bristling Tom takes a sit as the goblin pulls out a Bowl, A ritual knife, and a parchment.

Knock Knock!

'' Come in ''. The Goblin barks come in causing the door to open and a Wizard comes in bowing slightly he turns to the only other wizard in the room.

Holding out his hand Tom says '' My father's side of the family has a butch of curses on that ring I want them stripped from it and replaced with Mind- Shields lev 7, Curse, Jinxes and Hexes Defense High Level, Potion detections, Portkey for each of my properties and businesses, Dark Magic defense high-level, Blood Recognization Magic, And finally I want the ring to have Potion and spell Immunity ''.

Bowing the Wizard says '' Done, Sir this will cost 12,050 Galleons is that acceptable''?

Nodding Tom says '' I am a Servant of Lord Potter and soon I will have vaults of my own take 123 Galleons as a tip and have it done in 5 hours ''.

Nodding the Wizard takes the ring and walks out turning back to the goblin Tom grabs the ritual knife cuts his finger and allows seven drops to fall into the bowl.

Going through the whole ritual Tom looks at the Parchment

'' Inheritance test of Tom Marvalo Riddle ''

Renamed by Master Thomas Myles Gaunt

Born December 31, 1926

Family Lines

Stefan Elias Gaunt - Father - Dead

Elena Gangrel Gaunt nee Ellien - Dead


Knight of the God of Death


Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Lefay - By Blood

Lord of the Magical House of Gaunt - By Blood

Former heir of House Slytherin - Lost by Magic and Conquest


Lefay Family vault - 103,295,124 Gaellons, 5421 Sickles, 698 Kruts, Family Heirlooms, Sword of Lefay, Staff of Morgana


Lefay Manor- Scotland, Highlands

Lefay Cottage- Wales

Gaunt Shack - Hangleton, England

Riddle Manor - Hangleton England

Tintagel Castle - Castle Road, Tintagel

Stunned at the fact only the Lefay had vaults or properties. I asked '' Are you willing to tell the Lefay Account manager that I want him to take 1 Million Galleons from the Lefay vault and create a new one for the Gaunts, Use that money to tear down Gaunt Shack and build a 4 story Townhouse there along with 250,000 G wards and have each of my properties look over, cleanse and if needed rebuilt and refurbish the properties also have the Lefay vaults pay for all this plus I want the properties repaired and warded''.

Nodding the Inheritence goblin says '' As of now you don't have an account manager I will have one hired for you then I shall send this down the chain is there anything else''?

Shaking my head Tom gets up and walks out with the goblin looking at me in disgust for creating multiple Horcruxes.

Marauders Apartments

''Good God, I'm bored''!

I have spent the last 2 hours writing invitations to every friend, vassal, and member of the Potter Alliance, for each of my houses while reading over the debts, favors, Life Debts and contracts that are owed to my lines and those that my houses owe others.

While reading I quickly discovered I needed a collection of lawyers. So, getting out my Lawyers book I found a Capable of good lawyers reading them I decided on Tonks and Prewett for my houses with orders to hire Sponsor lawyers to go after anything our houses are sponsoring making certain it's being used as we wish or anything being sponsor based on our houses. HR Lawyers is someone who defends the rights of my employees and those working for me. Debt Lawyers are those who will go over the Debts own or owe, Contracts and any favors my families have or owe to others. Defense lawyers to defend me. Media Lawyers to defend the houses against the Media and the public.

Reading this I wrote a letter to Gringotts to hire those I personally chose to defend my families and anything owned by us.

Setting the Letter to the side I continue writing letters of invitations to other family friends, vassals, and Alliance members.

It took 3 hours to write each and every last one.

As of now, it was 4 PM making me sigh as I had lunch at 1 Pm.

Rubbing my tender hands I set down my now empty Inkpot and grimace as I knew I had to buy new ink pots.

Opening my window I whistle summoning the Potter Owls causing 100s of owls to appear causing me to smile as I start tying letters to the owls and they were off.

As they leave I hear a huff causing me to smirk as I look at my familiar turning back I in a sly tone say '' I have 3 more letters to send but if you don't want to I'll have to…'' Hoot hoot!

Smiling I turn and tied the Greengrass, Longbottom, and Bones letters to Hedwig who Hoots as she spreads her wings and slowly she turns into a lightning bolt that bursts through the window.

With the letters written, I moan in relief then I get up from my Solar and yawn as I stretch my joints hearing pops as I do. Relieve I went to the Dueling room and spent the next 3 hours Dueling with the Dueling Doomies in the art of magic and Muggle Fighting both weapons and not.

Panting in excitement I feel my blood pump in enjoyment then I walked over to the enchantment continuing to work on a Battle Armor suit thus far I discovered Battle Armor made from either Dragon scales, Basilisk, Chimera or Nemean Lion fur will hold Enchantments the best with Basilisk the least amount of runes and enchantments with Nemean Lion the most but Nemean will weaken the enchantments which were why my personal armor was using all four materials to hold 300 Enchantments and 450 Runes on it.

Spending another hour I finally got the hands of the battle Armor done my Hands had Shock Asportation runes, Shock Burst runes, Fire Resistance, Water Resistance, Damage Immunity, Self Repair, Wall Sticking, Growth charms, Summoning Charms, Light Charms, and hundreds more with the enchantments and runes emulating Marvel and DC comic heroes and villains.

Finally arriving at a point where I can allow the Runes to absorb magic I place the Gloves in a container that glows as Magic is absorbed into gloves. Turning out of the room I headed to the library and wrote the words '' Rockteeth I want you to open up Potter Arms a company which will create Battle Robes, Dueling Robes, Magical Weapons, Magical dummies ( Dummies with Magical core which best on skill can fight at certain levels) and Train Magical creatures for use in Battle. I want the Best Magical Creature for Robes of that nature with Enchanters continually creating new runes and enchantments to place on the Robes and Weapons. If possible please give me a Journeyman level Crafters from Gringotts to sell out here as to us a Journeyman Artifact is worth Hundreds of Thousands of Galleons. I want you to work up a contract and when it's ready hire the best staff but I want you to see if you can hire either Alastor Moody or Phaethon the Battle Mage to be Head of Security. I don't want the Secrets of the place to be known and sold to the ICW, Duelists, Gringotts Wizards, Aurors, Hit-Wizards, Battle Mages, and more basically anyone but Criminals and death eater. With a stantard version for the everyday Ministry and ICW Law enforcer and 5 upper levels of the Battle Armor for higher pay but better protection with the top ranking for Lords ''.

Writing the letter I call out '' Matty, please take this letter to Rockteeth ''.

Getting up I walked away from a table as a pop sounded and I hear '' Of course, Master Harrison ''.

Walking out of the library I headed down to the kitchen thinking about the alliance meeting that was in 3 days and at the fact we were having it in the official Potter Alliance HQ in Candid alley which host the best Battle Mages/ Hit-Wizards in each member family along with offering Security, Investigating, Training in the art of Combat and wizarding services worldwide a small-time business of the Alliance but one that makes 570,000 G a year at least for the Potters alone. The Building can house 450 people at a time and only 200 are those working in the building the rest are the 30 Offices and Meeting room when needed along with the training and house rooms which houses those who hire the company to train them or their creatures.

Entering the dining room I sit and ate dinner. As I was eating I hear the sounds of the floo emitting people then I hear children laughter. Smiling at the sounds I look up and smile as Harry, Dudley and Uncle Art and Aunt Mel rush to the table.

Listening to their stories I smile please I may not of had a good child or life but I would be damned before I allow there's to be ruined.