
The Martial Way

Xua Yan found an ancient artifact and arrived in a new world. read his journey in which he is searching the end of his martial way with the help of that ancient artifact. discord https://discord.gg/NwYzs3vatR Instagram- @penuniversal

Universal_Pen · Eastern
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47 Chs

Chapter 31

After he was done with his reading he felt hungry and decided to make food out of the remaining 3 beast corpses Xua Yan exited the Entropy and approached the three remaining beast corpses with a calm and collected demeanor. He then carefully examined each corpse, searching for the best parts to use for his meal. After selecting the best parts, he used his knife to slice through the flesh and separate the meat from the bones.

Once the meat was separated, Xua Yan built a fire using wood and rocks from the surrounding area. He then placed the meat on a metal skewer and held it over the fire, using a handmade fan to control the intensity of the heat. As the meat cooked, the aroma filled the air, causing Xua Yan's mouth to water with anticipation.

After the meat was cooked to perfection, Xua Yan used his soul power to retrieve a set of utensils from inside of the entropy. He then carefully removed the skewer from the fire and placed the meat onto a small plate. Using his utensils, Xua Yan cut the meat into small, bite-sized pieces and savored the juicy flavor with each bite.

As he ate, Xua Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, not just from the delicious taste of the meat, but from the knowledge that he had hunted and gathered it all on his own. He felt a sense of independence and self-sufficiency, which was rare in the world of cultivation where many relied on external resources and support.

After finishing his meal, Xua Yan was satisfied and felt energized, but he also realized that the energy released from the food he ate was too much for him to handle at once. He knew that he needed to channel this excess energy properly or risk damaging his body and soul. He decided to return to the Entropy, where he could focus on his cultivation and regulate the flow of energy in his body.

Xua Yan entered the Entropy and sat down in a meditative position. He closed his eyes and began to focus his mind on his inner energy, allowing it to flow through his body. He focused on regulating the flow of energy, ensuring that it did not become too intense or uncontrolled. This was an important part of cultivation, as it allowed him to strengthen his body and soul while avoiding the risks associated with overexertion.

As he meditated, Xua Yan could feel the excess energy from his meal slowly dissipating throughout his body. He was careful to regulate the flow of energy, preventing it from becoming too intense or overwhelming. He knew that it would take time for his body to fully process the energy from the meal, but he was patient and determined.

Xua Yan continued to meditate for several hours, his mind fully focused on his cultivation. He gradually felt his body growing stronger, and he could sense his soul becoming more resilient. He knew that this was the result of his careful cultivation and regulation of energy, and he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As he continued to cultivate, Xua Yan reflected on the lessons he had learned from his experiences in the Entropy. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was determined to become stronger and to master the secrets of this mysterious realm. He was grateful for the opportunities that had been presented to him, and he knew that he would need to continue to work hard and remain vigilant if he was to succeed in his journey.

After several hours of intense cultivation, Xua Yan opened his eyes and stood up. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, and he knew that he had made significant progress. He took a deep breath and smiled, feeling renewed and invigorated. He knew that he had much to do and much to learn, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

After his cultivation was over he moved towards the table inside of the entropy. Xua Yan approached the table where he had previously placed the pill-like object that he had obtained after the disintegration of the beast. He had previously read the book he found in the library inside the Entropy, which provided him with detailed information on how to use the object's innate abilities. With a sense of excitement and anticipation, Xua Yan picked up the object and examined it closely.

He remembered that the object was transparent, with the image of the beast in the middle. According to the book he had read, the object contained the innate ability of the beast, which would allow him to become transparent and disappear from plain sight with a single thought. This ability was truly remarkable, and Xua Yan was eager to see it in action.

As he prepared to consume the pill, Xua Yan took a deep breath, readying himself for what was to come. He knew that this pill would give him a new level of power, and he was determined to use it wisely. With a firm resolve, Xua Yan swallowed the pill and closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation that was beginning to spread throughout his body.

Xua Yan felt a sense of satisfaction as he realized that the pill had given him the power he had been seeking. He continued to circulate the qi inside his body according to the method described in the book that he read earlier about that pill, feeling the energy flow through him with greater ease and strength. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey to greater power, but he felt confident in his abilities and his path forward.

As he stood there, basking in his newfound power, Xua Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the entropy. Without its mysterious powers and the knowledge he had gained from its library, he never would have been able to achieve this level of strength.

As the pill began to take effect, Xua Yan felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, and he knew that his power had increased significantly. He opened his eyes and looked around, feeling a newfound sense of clarity and focus. He could sense the world around him in a way that he never had before, and he knew that his newfound abilities would serve him well in the challenges that lay ahead.

Xua Yan remained in the Entropy for some time, testing out his new abilities and practicing his martial arts. He had previously mentioned that the energy inside the food he had consumed earlier was not enough to make him reach the new level of energy-gathering stage in his martial arts. However, after consuming the pill, he could feel that he was now closer than ever to achieving that level.

After consuming the pill, Xua Yan not only felt a surge of physical energy but also an increase in his soul power. With the increase in his soul power, Xua Yan's ability to control and manipulate his soul had also improved. He could now perform soul techniques with greater efficiency and could withstand attacks that targeted his soul. This increase in soul power also meant that his connection to the entropy had deepened, and he could now sense and utilize more of its power.

In the world of martial arts, soul power was an important aspect that could not be ignored. It allowed one to tap into their spiritual energy, which was essential for performing soul techniques and defending against soul attacks. With his increased soul power, Xua Yan was now a more formidable opponent, capable of unleashing powerful soul techniques and defending against attacks that would have previously overwhelmed him. And the most important thing was that he could use the library inside of Entropy for a longer time because it needed his soul power to transfer knowledge inside him.

As he continued to practice and hone his skills, Xua Yan knew that he had made the right decision in consuming the pill-like object. Its innate abilities had given him a new level of power and had opened up new possibilities for him in his martial arts practice.

Overall, the consumption of the pill-like object was a pivotal moment for Xua Yan, and it marked a turning point in his journey. With his newfound power and abilities, he was ready to face any challenge that came his way, and he knew that he had the strength and determination to succeed.

Xua Yan was eager to test his new ability to disappear from the plane site with a single thought. He wanted to make sure that the method he had learned from the book was working properly before he attempted to use it in a more dangerous situation. He knew that testing his abilities was important in order to gain confidence and master his skills.

Excitement coursed through Xua Yan as he realized the potential of his newly acquired ability. He had always been fascinated by the concept of invisibility and now, with this new power, he could make himself invisible to anyone's eyes. He had to test it out.

Without wasting any more time, he looked around for a weaker beast to test his abilities on. His eyes landed on a small, harmless-looking creature that was scurrying about nearby. With a single thought, Xua Yan disappeared from his spot, and the creature continued on its way, seemingly unaware of his presence.

For a moment, Xua Yan felt a sense of exhilaration as he remained hidden from view. He wondered if anyone else could see him or if he was truly invisible. He decided to take it a step further and moved closer to the creature, wanting to test if he could get close without being detected.

As he crept closer, Xua Yan felt a sense of satisfaction as the creature continued on its way, still oblivious to his presence. He couldn't help but grin in amazement at the power he held.

After a few more tests with the smaller creatures, Xua Yan grew confident in his new abilities. He decided to test it on something bigger and more dangerous, to see if he could use this power in a real battle.

With this thought in mind, Xua Yan began his search for a stronger beast. It didn't take long for him to find one, a fierce creature with razor-sharp claws and teeth. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he was ready to face such a formidable opponent. But then, he remembered his new abilities and his resolve hardened.

With a deep breath, Xua Yan focused his mind and disappeared from view. The beast looked around, confused, and Xua Yan took the opportunity to move closer, his heart racing with excitement. Excited by his success, Xua Yan decided to test his abilities further. He searched the entropy for more beasts, both weak and strong, and used his newfound powers to disappear from their sight. He moved with ease and agility, feeling confident in his ability to hide from his enemies.

,With his newfound ability to disappear from sight, Xua Yan was filled with a sense of excitement and accomplishment. This was a power that he had never imagined he could possess, and he knew that it would give him a significant advantage in any battles or confrontations he might face in the future.

As he contemplated his new ability, Xua Yan realized that he needed to give it a name. He wanted to pay tribute to the power that he had gained, and he also wanted to make it easier to remember and use in the future. After some thought, he decided on the name "Invisibility."

The name suited the ability perfectly. With a single thought, Xua Yan could become invisible, blending seamlessly into the environment around him. It was a power that would allow him to move undetected through any situation, and he knew that it would prove invaluable in his future endeavors.

Xua Yan took a moment to savor the feeling of his new power. He could sense the energy flowing through his body, and he knew that he was stronger and more powerful than he had ever been before. He felt invincible, unstoppable, and he knew that nothing could stand in his way.

But he also knew that he couldn't let his newfound power go to his head. He needed to remain humble and focused, always keeping his eye on the ultimate goal of becoming the strongest warrior in the land. With his new ability, he was one step closer to achieving that goal, but there was still a long way to go.