

Unlike a one-time battle, a war dragged on for quite some time. In this case, Rui did not expect any quick development in the war. It was simply too slow, long, and grueling. It was a contest of attrition versus the commitment of the Kaddar Region.

The war had entered into a stage of monotony to a certain extent. After all, the conditions were rather simple for the Kaddar nations and the Floating Sect. The Floating Sect simply wanted to survive and put up a stiff resistance.

The Kaddar nations were not content letting the island stick around, thus their assaults had been regular.

The Floating Sect grew accustomed to the alarms of war. After a while, it became increasingly normal for all guardians to get involved with the war due to their obligation to the Floating Sect, but aside from that, the guardians' day-to-day life had not changed too much.