

"It's true," Rui admitted. "Personal commissions are quite interesting and unique many a time."

"Indeed. They're generally quite lucrative." The headmaster added. "Though their difficulty is usually higher too."

"Although I enjoy personal commissions, I prefer international missions more." Rui chimed.

"Oh?" Headmaster Aronian raised an eyebrow in interest. "Why is that?"

"Well. I learn more about this world through them." Rui replied. "It's a big wide world out there, I don't want to limit myself to the Kandrian Empire. I also want to visit the Beast Domain on a mission this if possible."

"Adventurous, aren't you?" The headmaster smiled, amused. "The Beast Domain is quite dangerous. Be prepared, or else you will die."

"I will, headmaster." Rui nodded.