

"I…think there certainly is merit in the idea that breathing is as fundamental to martial Art as offense and defense themselves are," Rui carefully chose his words. "As you said, all life breathes, it is necessary. A large majority of Martial Artists have some breathing technique or the other in their Martial Art, that is also true. It certainly is as, or similarly, popular as offense, defense, or maneuvering. These are good arguments in favor of recognizing it as a fundamental field of combat."

He paused for a moment, before continuing. "However, I believe there are arguments that are against it as well that are more so philosophical in nature. Offense, defense, and maneuvering can be said to be conceptually important to combat itself. Offense is to hurt, and defense is to avoid being hurt, maneuvering is to move, an action that is fundamental to the prior two fields and the transitions between them. In comparison…"