
The Marriage Pact

Ava Hamilton and Ethan Hall's lives are bound together by a shared secret: their contract marriage. Ava, driven by a burning desire for revenge against those responsible for her parents' tragic fate, seeks to exploit the vast resources of Ethan's powerful family. She hopes to uncover the truth behind her parents' murder and bring the perpetrators to justice, no matter the cost. Meanwhile, Ethan needs a wife to secure his position in the family business and appease his grandmother, the ruthless and cunning matriarch of the family empire. He believes Ava's beauty, intelligence, and determination make her the perfect candidate for the role. As they navigate their complicated alliance, they must confront their own dark pasts. But amidst the danger and deception, they begin to realize that their feelings for each other go far beyond mere convenience. They start to experience the thrill of forbidden love, a romance that could jeopardize their entire plan. As tensions escalate, Ava and Ethan must decide whether their growing passion is worth risking everything. Will they continue to prioritize their original goals, or will they succumb to the allure of a love that could change their lives forever? Against the backdrop of luxury and deceit, Ava and Ethan must navigate a complex web of power struggles, family dynamics, and hidden agendas. Will they emerge victorious, or will their marriage become a casualty of their families' endless quest for power? And will their love survive the secrets and lies that surround them? Excerpt: Ethan's eyes gleamed with amusement as he whispered in Ava's ear, "You know, wife, you're adorable when you're trying to be stern." He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart race. Ava's eyes flashed with irritation, her cheeks flushing. "Ethan, stop teasing me. We need to focus on our plan." She tried to sound firm, but her voice trembled slightly, betraying her frustration. Ethan's grin only grew wider. "Oh, come on, Ava. You know I'm just trying to lighten the mood. You're so serious all the time." He pushed off the wall, his movements fluid and graceful, and took a step closer to her. Ava's hands clenched into fists, her voice firm. "This isn't a game, Ethan. Our lives are at stake. We can't afford to make mistakes." She tried to sound convincing, but her eyes kept drifting to his, and she couldn't help but notice the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Ethan's expression turned innocent, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Who says I'm not taking it seriously? Maybe I'm just trying to distract you from the tension between us." He raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on hers, and Ava felt her heart skip a beat. "There's no tension, Ethan. We're just allies in this marriage pact," she lied, trying to sound convincing. But her voice was barely above a whisper, and Ethan's knowing gaze made her feel like he could see right through her. Ethan's chuckle was low and husky. "Keep telling yourself that, Ava. But I see the way you look at me sometimes... like you're trying to resist a temptation." He took another step closer, his eyes locked onto hers, and Ava felt her pulse race. "I don't know what you're talking about," she lied again, trying to sound convincing. But her eyes darted away, betraying her. Ethan's whisper was soft, his breath caressing her ear. "Oh, but I think you do, Ava. And soon, you'll have to admit it." His words sent shivers down her spine, and Ava knew she was in danger of falling for her husband's charms, even though she refused to admit it. The air was charged with tension, their banter a delicate dance of denial and attraction. And in that moment, Ava knew she was walking a thin line between resistance and surrender.

Chimiin · Urban
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Society gala

Ava's eyes fluttered closed as she drifted off to sleep, her mind slipping into a familiar memory. She was back in the hospital room, two years ago, holding her mother's frail hand. Her mother's weak voice whispered urgent words in her ear: "Be careful, Ava. Trust no one. Your uncle will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

But the dream was shattered by a loud knocking on her door. "Ava! Ava! Ava! Open up!"

Ava's eyes snapped open, her heart racing. She sat up in bed, disoriented. It was just a dream, she told herself. The same dream she'd been having from time to time for three years now.

But the knocking persisted. "Ava?"

She threw off the covers and padded to the door, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. She hesitated for a moment before opening the door to find her Aunt, Catherine Hamilton grinning at her with a smile Ava knew was fake.

"Aunt Catherine," Ava said warily, her mind still foggy from the dream. "What do you want?"

Catherine's smile faltered for a moment before she recovered. "Good morning, dear. I brought breakfast. Your favorite pancakes."

Ava's instincts screamed warning, but she forced a smile onto her face. "Thanks, Aunt Catherine. That's sweet of you."

But as she took the tray from her aunt's hand, Ava couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. And she was right, because after Catherine gave her the breakfast instead of her leaving since she's delivered the food, she decided to enter the room with her and then sat with her urging her to eat. "I have something to discuss with you" Catherine finally said, exactly what Ava was waiting for because she was feeling uncomfortable with the weird smile that was plastered on her face.

"Go on," she replied.

"Actually, there's a society gala hosted a week from now which is on Saturday and I want you to attend, so you'll be able to find a husband and finally get married, and remember, do not get married to someone that is more powerful than your uncle, so you won't be belittled and mocked for marrying someone way out of your league, ok?" She said with concern laced in her voice, but Ava, knowing her too well, knows she's just concerned about her finding someone powerful and claiming her inheritance. The same concern both her uncle and cousin have. And that's exactly what she's going to do, she has been waiting for this moment for a long time now.

Ava's eyes locked onto her aunt's, her gaze icy. "What does who I marry have to do with you?" she asked, her voice cold.

Catherine's smile faltered for a moment before she recovered. "Well, I just want to see you settled and happy, dear. And marrying someone with more power and influence than your uncle would do you no good."

Ava's laughter was mocking. "Would do me no good? You know, I'm not a fool, Aunt Catherine. I know exactly what you're after."

Catherine's face reddened, but she quickly regained her composure. "Ava, we're just trying to help you. You're so young and naive, you don't know how the world works."

Ava's smile was sweet, but her eyes were glacial. "Oh, I think I know more than you give me credit for, Aunt Catherine. And I'll make sure to keep that in mind when I choose a husband. But don't worry, I'll be sure to choose someone who will make you and Uncle Richard very happy."

Catherine's eyes narrowed, but she seemed to relax, thinking she had won. "Good, dear. I'm glad we understand each other."

But Ava's understanding was far from what Catherine thought. She was just playing along, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And that moment was fast approaching, at the society gala hosted by the Halls. Even if Catherine hadn't told her about the gala, she would have gone with her best friend, Mia anyways.

The day of the gala arrived, and Ava dressed carefully in a stunning black gown that showcased her beauty and wealth. She knew she had to make a move tonight, to show her uncle and aunt that she was no longer the naive and vulnerable girl they thought they could control.

As she descended the stairs, her aunt's eyes widened in shock, Ava doesn't dress like this, what has gotten into her? "Ava, you look stunning! But are you sure you're comfortable in this dress? I suggest you change it to something simple so you won't be the center of attention at the gala, I know you dislike that."

"No Aunt, I won't change into something simple, I love this dress." Catherine didn't know what to say as she kept staring at Ava, this was a first. Ava doesn't disobey her.

"It's not like wearing a nice dress would make you prettier," Sebastian scoffed while standing at the entrance of the house making the both of them to turn their heads in his direction.

"Mom, it's time to leave," he said without turning his head in Ava's direction and left.

"Are you sure about what you said?" Catherine inquired to make sure she heard it right.

"Yes Aunt, I'm sure. Let's go," she left the house after affirming her decision leaving Catherine there still pondering on what had happened.

They finally departed to the Hall's mansion and as their car inched closer to the Hall's mansion one could see how majestic the house stood.

The Hall's mansion is a grand, opulent estate that exudes luxury and mystery. Nestled among lush gardens and towering trees, the mansion rises like a palace, its stone façade gleaming in the sunlight. Intricate stonework adorns the walls, with ivy crawling up the sides like a delicate veil.

As they approach the entrance, they were greeted by massive wooden doors with ornate carvings, flanked by imposing stone statues. The doors swing open to reveal a grand foyer, with a sweeping staircase curving upward like a ribbon. Crystal chandeliers refract rainbows of light, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the marble floor.

The interior is a labyrinth of lavish rooms, each one a testament to the family's wealth and refinement. Velvet drapes, gilded mirrors, and priceless artwork adorn the walls, while plush carpets and polished wood paneling create a sense of warmth and sophistication.

Despite its grandeur, the mansion whispers secrets and hides mysteries within its ancient walls. It's a place where the past and present converge, where the air is thick with the scent of old money and hidden truths.

Her uncle, Richard, had been charming and courteous, but Ava knew his true intentions. Her aunt, Catherine, had been distant and cold, but Ava had expected that. And her cousin, Sebastian, had been his usual hostile self, but Ava had ignored him.

As they entered the grand ballroom, Ava's mind flashed back to the night her parents died, three years ago. They were supposed to celebrate her 20th birthday together, but they never made it home. Instead, her uncle, Richard, received a call from the hospital, informing him of a car accident. He told Ava and his family, who were at her house celebrating her birthday, and they all rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital room, Ava saw her mother, connected to machines, her face pale and weak. Her father had already passed away, but her mother was fighting for her life. Ava held her hand, tears streaming down her face, as her mother whispered urgent words in her ear: "Be careful, Ava. Trust no one. Your uncle will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

Ava's mother's words were cut short as the machines flatlined, and the doctors rushed in to try and save her. But it was too late. Ava's mother was gone, and she was left alone, with her uncle and his family.

The day of the funeral arrived, and Ava was still in shock. But then, a lawyer appeared, holding a will. Ava's parents had left her everything, but her uncle had other plans. He wanted to take control of the business and assets, citing Ava's mental state as a concern.

But there was a deeper reason for her uncle's hostility. Ava's cousin, Sebastian, had always been hostile to her, and it was because he felt cheated out of his rightful inheritance. His father, Richard, was the oldest son, but because of a simple mistake that his father made, the inheritance was given to Ava's father instead. Sebastian had always resented Ava for it, and now that her parents were gone, he saw his chance to take what he felt was rightfully his.

The court ruled that if her uncle wanted to take over, he had to adopt her and give her everything that belonged to her whenever she asked for it. Ava's uncle had no choice but to agree, and the court finalized the adoption.

But Sebastian's hostility towards Ava only grew stronger. He made it clear that he didn't want her around, and that she was a constant reminder of the inheritance that had been taken from him. Ava played along, pretending to be the innocent and vulnerable girl they thought she was. But inside, she was seething with anger and determination.

Days soon turned into weeks, and weeks into month, Ava kept on abiding to everything her Uncle and Aunt told her. But she was watching and waiting, biding her time until she could strike. She knew her parents' death was no accident, and she was determined to uncover the truth. And that time was now. Now, that she was 23, she has waited long enough.