
The Marriage Deal With Mr. Red Flag

*THIS BOOK IS TAKING A BREAK* Sarah's world shattered when her boyfriend died, and his family blamed her for his untimely demise. The grueling trial left her emotionally drained and penniless. Then Noah, her late boyfriend's brother, appeared, offering a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour. But something about Noah didn't feel right. Despite her reservations, Sarah found herself falling for him. And when Noah tricked her into a marriage deal, Sarah realized too late that she had fallen into his trap. Now Sarah must choose between staying in a loveless marriage or facing the consequences of a past she can't change. Will she be able to uncover the real Noah and convince him to let go of their past, or will their story end in tragedy? Copyright : I own the cover.

fyaya · Urban
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91 Chs

A Proposal

Sarah stepped out of the elevator and made her way towards her car, feeling relieved after she managed to rent the house. But before she could take another step, her arm was yanked hard, pulling her back. Startled, she turned to see Damien, who had been following her from the café.

"Let go of me, Damien!" Sarah struggled to free herself from his grasp, but his grip only tightened.

"I'm not letting you go until you talk to me," Damien snarled, his eyes flashing with anger.

Sarah's heart raced as she tried to think of a way out. She had refused Damien's advances before, but he had always managed to find her. Sarah realised then that she was in danger, as Damien's grip bruised her skin.

"Please, let me go," Sarah pleaded, her voice shaking with fear. "I know you are not this bad, Damien."

"You don't have a choice," Damien hissed, pulling her closer to him. "You belong to me, Sarah."

"No, I don't," Sarah cried out, struggling to break free. "Let me go!"

But Damien only tightened his grip, marched forward and trapped her to the wall against him. Sarah could feel his breath on her face, and she fought to control her tears.

"Please, Damien," she whispered. "Let me go or I will shout…"

Damien tilted his head slowly as he stared at her for a moment, and Sarah thought he was going to release her. But then he sneered, "You don't get to decide that, Sarah. You're mine." And with that, he pulled her closer, ignoring her cries for help.

"Ah, I don't know this is a new way to propose to someone?" Noah slowly approached them as he glared at Damien.

Noah's sudden appearance caught Damien off guard, and he loosened his grip on Sarah. She took the opportunity to step away from him and move closer to Noah, who put a protective arm around her.

"Just talking to her. None of your business," Damien replied, trying to act casual. But his eyes darted nervously between Sarah and Noah.

"This doesn't look like a conversation to me," Noah said.

Damien hesitated for a moment, but then he lunged towards Sarah and Noah. Immediately pushed Sarah behind him, Noah shielding her from Damien's sudden move.

Feeling annoyed, Damien grasped Noah's collar, "I told you this is none of your business!" He gritted his teeth, giving a sort of warning to Noah.

Noah pulled every finger of Damien that had been grasping his collar and yanked them after.

"Not my business?" Noah chuckled as he pulled Sarah closer to him. "Well, pardon me for thinking that a woman being assaulted by a man is everyone's business. Silly me, I guess." He smirked at Damien, who glared back at him.

"Honey…" Noah met Sarah's eyes, "I guess he didn't get the memo that we are dating…"

Damien's face twisted with anger. "You're lying."

Noah smirked, he pulled Sarah closer into his embrace. "Believe what you want, but if I were you, I'd back off."

Damien seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping back. He clenched his jaw looking at Noah. "This isn't over," he glared before turning around and walking away.

Noah watched him go, his arms still wrapped protectively around Sarah. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking down at her with concern.

Sarah nodded, feeling a little shaken but grateful for Noah's quick intervention. "Thank you," she said, placing a hand on his chest as she wanted to pull away from his embrace.

Noah loosened his arms which were wrapping around her body earlier, "Anytime," he replied, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "Do you want me to send you home?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed about how vulnerable she had been in front of him. But she also felt a sense of comfort and safety in his presence. "That is okay, I think I am good." she said finally, offering him a small smile.

With her heart still beating fast and her hand shaking in fear, Sarah walked to her car. Her eyes wandered around to make sure Damien was nowhere near.

"Ms. Sarah…" Noah suddenly stopped her by gently holding her hand.

"Yes." Sarah answered, a bit startled. Her eyes blinked profusely looking at their hands that were together.

"I don't think I could send you like this…" Noah moved closer. "Let me send you home…"

Sarah looked up at him, seeing the genuine concern in his eyes. She felt a warmth spread through her chest at his offer. "Thank you," she said softly, feeling a little emotional after the scary encounter with Damien. "I would really appreciate that."

"Then…let's use my car…" He proceeded to the elevator with Sarah's hand still in his.

Sarah followed Noah to the elevator, feeling a mixture of gratitude and confusion. As they stepped into the elevator, Noah hit the button for the underground parking garage. The ride was silent, but Sarah could feel the tension between them. She kept stealing glances at him, trying to read his expression.

"I know I look unreal right?" Noah chuckled at his own joke.

"Ah…" Sarah felt embarrassed as she was caught.

When the elevator doors opened, Noah took Sarah's hand back and led them out to a sleek black car parked in the corner.

Sarah had a second thought when she slid inside the car. She followed and believed Noah like he was different from Damien. 'What if he is the same?' She thought on her mind and glanced at Noah, who just entered the car.

Their eyes met when Noah turned and looked at her, "Go to sleep first, since our ride might take a long time, peak hour."

'Hell no!' She said in her mind, regretted her decision to follow Noah's suggestion.

"Is there something wrong?" Noah moved closer and made Sarah flinch to the back, "Your seatbelt…" He pulled the seatbelt and fastened it.

Sarah took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "No, nothing's wrong," she replied, feeling a little foolish for being so paranoid, but everything that happened today had left her on edge.

Noah started the car and drove out of the parking garage. Sarah watched out the window as they drove through the busy streets of the city, her mind still reeling from the encounter with Damien but she could feel Noah's eyes on her occasionally. To not look awkward, she kept her gaze fixed on the passing scenery.

"Ms. Sarah…" Noah spoke up, breaking the silence in the car.

"Yes…" Sarah turned, her pale face gradually got its colour back.

"About us dating…" Noah's words made Sarah's eyes widened in confusion. "Why don't we continue like that for a while longer?"

Sarah's heart skipped a beat at Noah's unexpected suggestion, "Sorry?"