
Chapter 3

WE were done eating our breakfast and I just came out from the shower. Bella bought me clothes so I could wear something nice. She insisted and didn’t let me stay with my pajamas on. She was really hospitable when it comes to her visitors.

“I will just stay inside here anyway, so why bother buying me clothes?”

She rolled her eyes. “You need to take a bath, duh?” And in the end, she really won.

When I came out of my room, I saw her sitting in the living room, facing her laptop. Every graduating student is indeed busy. I was busy too but I’m almost done with all of my requirements so I’m not in the rush hour anymore. Just a few more weeks and I’ll finally get that diploma.

“Done?” she asked when she noticed my presence.

I nodded and turned my phone on and I was right with Felix who really flooded my inbox but I didn’t bother to open it. How dare he.

“Felix message me on Instagram,” I raised a brow and take a seat beside her. “He was asking if I know where you are. He told me he was so worried about you,” she explained and rolled her eyes.

“I didn’t know he was an actor.” Then I remembered that I haven’t still explained to her what exactly happened and why I went all the way here with puffy eyes last night.

“I hope you’re better now to explain to me what happened last night. Yesterday, you were excited to prepare for your anniversary.”

I then recall what happened last night.

“I was hiding and supposed to surprise him when he just entered the room with some girl,” I started and feel again the tears forming in my eyes. “They were kissing passionately and moan each other’s name,” I added while tears started to fall again from my eyes.

Is this why some people were afraid to experience happiness because after that is the pain? Just like me, I was excited yesterday when our prof dismissed me, I prepared in the apartment but what did I get? I saw my boyfriend kissing another girl. How ironic.

Bella comforted me by hugging me tightly. In the end, we still feel in each other’s arms. We really are best friends.

“How dare he message me and say that he was worried about you?! He was the one who cheated and he got too worried about you?!” As expected, Bella is furious. Who wouldn’t? She just got the news that her best friend was being cheated on.

“Calm down, I’m fine now,” I told her but she would not listen as I wipe my tears.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down when I knew that a guy cheated on my best friend!” She greeted her teeth. “Go and break up with him, Anastasia Audrey!” Of course, I would do that. No need to tell me. I had enough. One mistake is enough. If I only know that this would happen, I should have never given him my yes years ago. But, who knows that this would happen? No one knows.

I sighed heavily. “How can I get my things in the apartment?” I worriedly asked.

Bella faced me again with forehead creased. “So, you’re still the one who will leave? It was you who find that damn apartment for the two of you to stay!”

She’s right. But I’ll adjust for him. Among the two of us, he is the one who most needed that apartment. I would just find another one for me to stay in.

“Help me find an apartment for me to stay in.”

“What? You’re unbelievable!”

Despite what he has done to me, despite that he cheated, I’m the one who just adjust. After all, I love him and I’m willing to let go. He needed that apartment more than me. If I make him leave, where would he live? It would be hard for him to find somewhere to stay in.

“I have been in a heartbreak, Audrey but I didn’t do such a thing,” she stated while shaking her head slowly. “I’ll go to your apartment after an hour and get your things in there but I’m going to find you a new place to stay in,” she added which made my eyes wide with her last sentence.

“Then where will I sleep?!”

“Here,” she shortly replied. Knowing Bella, I know that I could nothing do about it. What she said is final. I just sighed in surrender.

“Okay, I know that you’ll say that but let me go with you.”


“Please?” I made puppy eyes but I guess it wasn’t that effective. “I’ll just stay inside the car,” I added but still no use.

She glared at me“No, Audrey. He will just run after me and open my car if you were inside. He will just kneel in front of you and say sorry then after that of course you will forgive him.”

I frowned at what she said. Does she think that will happen? No way. I didn’t know she was thinking that in advance.

“I would never forgive him. After all, he has done? No, I won’t,” I replied

“Then good.”

“What do you mean ‘then good’?” I curiously asked.

She stands up and faces me. “You’ll stay here and I’ll go now to the apartment of yours to get your things,” she replied and turned her back.

She. Is. Really. Serious. I know she won’t let me go with her so I just let her and didn’t insist to come with her. I lay my back on the couch and opened my phone. I opened Felix’s messages and read them.

From: Felix

Where are you?

Hey, I’m worried

Take care, okay?

And so many more. There are also a lot of missed calls from him. I wonder what would Bella explain to Felix why she’s packing up my things? Well, she insisted to get my things anyway so I guess it’s her problem what will she tell him.

I know Felix will be curious why Bella was packing up my things. I don’t want to see him but I have to. I wanted to break up with him. One mistake is enough. Then, I decided to compose a message to Felix, telling him that I wanted to see him.

To: Felix

I’m okay. Sorry, just busy. I wanted to see you tomorrow.


I guess it is okay now to see him tomorrow. I sighed. It didn’t even cross my mind that this day would come, that this would happen. That… he would cheat. I guess I didn’t make him happy. I guess… I’m not enough for him. If I’m enough, why would he cheat, right?

I sarcastically laugh at that thought. My first boyfriend, my first heartbreak. Now, I have learned my lesson. Old habits die hard. He came back to his old self. I thought he has changed since he met me, but I was wrong after all. I’m not enough.

My eyes watered again. God, I still have tears left to cry? I’m honestly tired. It was just yesterday when I was excited to prepare for us to celebrate our anniversary but what he has done? And sadly, I saw them with my own eyes. Can’t he just book in the hotel and do his monkey business?

My thoughts stop when I heard a notification pop. It was my monkey boyfriend. Psh.

From: Felix

I’m really worried, love. Glad you are okay. Sure, just text me the address.

My tears continue to fall slowly down my cheeks as I read his message. Wow. Just wow. I sarcastically laugh inside my head. Does he still have the right to get worried about me despite that he just said that he loves that girl? Wow, Felix. You’re unbelievable!

I replied to him with the address. Guess Bella thinks of a reasonable reason why she packed up my things. Whatever it is, I’m glad my best friend did all of this.

I’m sorry Felix. You have played your game but you didn’t win. Better luck next time. You started it and I’ll finish it.
