
The news

Nathaniel Riggs drives into his father's mansion and parks, before he could step out his car his phone rings,he picks it sighing

"Father I'm already at your place",he says and comes out, heading to the mansion.

His father robert welcomed him 💙♥️

"Come sit ". Nate sits in one of the couch in the well furnished living room, his mom enters obviously happy to see him "oh my baby"😚😚 she hugs him

"Mother !! don't call me that" ,he whines cutely

She giggles "so what will you eat?"

"anything"he said smiling 😊,she beams at him and leaves for the kitchen.

"Ok prepare apple pie and cranberry sauce". She says to the maids,robert enters looking somehow nervous

"Hey honey"❤️

"Yeah" she said looking surprised

"Do you think he will take the news well". he asks still uncomfortable 😒

"hmm I don't know what to say about that, but let him eat first".

"Okay" Robert says and goes back to the sitting room. " nate come to the dinning hall, your food will soon be ready",

Nate stands up and goes to sit on the dinning chair "so dad",he said suddenly Making robert startled

"What is the important matter you want to discuss with me". his phone rings and he picks up " hey babe, yeah I miss you too",🥰

Robert gets even more confused cus the little courage he had to tell him has just disappeared.😕 he sits down as the maids starts dishing the food

"hurry up and leave " he tells them and after serving the food they left,he faces nate " food is ready , hang up and start eating" nate nods his head " I love you baby"❤️ he says before hanging up. " delicious hmm" eating the apple pie .

"dad this apple pie is certainly the best", his mouth is full with cranberry sauce

" dad what's the matter, why are you staring at me like never before? " nate said cus he noticed.

Being the heir of the riggs company, alot of responsibilities are now on him.

"Nate you know our company is going bankrupt", robert said sighing as he looked at him"


"So yesterday i had a meeting with mr anderson", nate frowns as he hears that name cus he hates mr anderson guts, that man is really proud with his goddamn daugther.

" So what was the meeting about ", he pushes his food aside cus he just lost his appetite

"He is only going to partner with us under one condition" robert says. "that greedy man what else does he want from us, he is rich enough already" nate yells

"calm down son", robert snaps at him " you are getting married to his daughter in two months time".

It's like the whole it's like the whole world just paused immediately his dad said that forbidden words.

"you said what " he said shocked , you are getting married in two months time" Robert said again bluntly

"your joking right "

His dad expression remains the same,"what!!, there's no way in this world I'm getting married to that devil"👿👿 he yells at him

"shut up, that devil is our only ticket to our company riches again".robert says now angry "you are getting married to silvermist and that's it"

"No dad, I said no, I don't like that woman, she's evil and vicious " nate

Said fuming in anger😡😠 "what is wrong with you , do you even know what your saying , your choosing a worthless woman over your father's company that worth slot of millions".

Robert can't even understand what's hard for nate to accept the condition , silvermist is a beautiful woman and kind unlike tiana who is a hypocrite, pretending in nate's present all the time.

"dad , Tiana is not worthless she's everything to me , I love her " nate said❤️❤️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

"Yeah right, let's see how she can love you after we become poor, look Mr Anderson also agreed to pay all our debts while he partners with us". Robert said while eyeing him maliciously

"I don't care "Nate said and storms upstairs.

Marrying silvermist is going to be the last thing he would do in his life , wait a minute am sure that evil woman has a hand in this nate said in his mind.

"hmm I'm going to pay her a visit " he said before lying on his bed.

Meanwhile Robert and his wife Helen were relaxing on the bed but he is not in a good mood , why will his son oppose such a great idea . Getting married to silvermist anderson, daughter of the c.e.o anderson's company and the it is one of the top 5 richest company in the world.

"robert, robert"

"yeah , yeah"he said startled cus he was lost in thought. "l have been calling your name since" helen replied sighing "don't tell me you are still thinking about what happened".

"Why won't I worry" he said frustrated, she hugs him "don't worry love,❤️ nate is marrying silvermist and that's it",

Robert turned to her surprised cause he thought that she was not in support of his decision.

"you are going to convince him?" he asked curiously "of cus trust me" she replied with a mischievous grin on her face.

Although it would not be easy at all to bring them together but she will try her best. Nate is madly in love ❤️with tiana while silvermist is addicted to her work so making them fall in love won't be an easy task at all.

hi readers this is tip blossom❤️❤️ and I hope you enjoy this novel

Judith_Okaforcreators' thoughts