
l shot it

She started looking for her hair pins on the bed."There they are ",she said going over to the other side of the bed.

She then went over to Rainey and stretched out her hand indicating for him to give her her phone back so he extended his hand to give her the phone but when she was about to grab it he stretched his hand higher and Elma also stretched her hand but it was not long enough to reach her phone so she stood on her toes but she couldn't hold on for too long so she ended up falling on top of Rainey on the bed.

Elma quickly stood up took her phone,hair pins ,purse and went to open the door.She quickly unlocked the door and opened it,but it was not opening."Ehh.....can you come help me open the door ",she said.

Rainey came and tried it but it was not opening too.

"What did you do to the door",he asked

"I shot it with my gun and killed it........is that want you want to hear,I did nothing to the door ",she said laughing at her own joke

"Let me call the room service",he said

Shortly after talking to the room servicers on

the phone he turned to Elma and said"They said there are some electric technic difficulties happening and they would repair it in an hour.

"Oh no I can't spend any second longer in the same room with you,so for the next hour you will be in the bathroom and l will stay here....deal",she said stretching out her hand.

"Relax I won't do anything to you your already not my type trust me",he said sitting comfortably on the bed enjoying the discomfort of Ema..

"Okay.....but I still need to make my messed hair",Elma said feeling relieved.

She went to the bathroom mirror with her purse,she always traveled with a comb,lip gloss and some cream with her in her purse.

So when she got there she poured some cold water on her face and started making those two like puff buns and put the silver clips on them.

After that she put the cream on her face and adjusted her clothes and put on the lip gloss to finish the look off.

After that she came out of the bathroom and went to sit on a chair near the bedside .

"Wow she is looking really pretty today she does have a shapely figure", thought Rainey while looking at Elma.