
The Marriage Agreement: Mr. Ceo has got a new wife.

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT.] ________ "Sometimes it takes two opposites to make a whole." *** Stephanie is an impoverished adult, for whom, no matter how hard she tries to work, she is always in debt. Life is simple with her grandmother, but once they receive a lease, she throws away her pride and accepts the Marriage proposal from the notorious C.E.O, Oliver Black.  The only problem is, Stephanie did not know that she was virtually selling her soul to a devil.  _______ EXPERT: "You will be my wife." Stephanie's eyes widened, the man was speaking utter nonsense. She waited for him to laugh, to say that he was simply being humorous but his expression was stoned. “Excuse me?” She blinked, taken aback, “Are you insane? You can not possibly be sane if that is what I heard you say.”  The man continued to scribble on the paper, disinterested in the girl’s outburst. “You will marry me, I fell in love with you, my assistant.” He said casually as if it was somewhat ordinary.  Steph grasped her knees, “This is sending me insane. I did not sign for this. I will not be one of your subjects.” “Trust me, shortcake, I wouldn’t want you to be. Bite-size isn't my type." He opened his desk drawer and searched through his files, took out a folder and placed it in front of the enraged girl, "I thought you would be a little more excited that you're being hired."  "Hired? Is this what this is? How is marriage a part of this position? I was assigned to be an assistant."   "And you will be." He leaned back into his chair and crossed his legs, "Like I said, you will be an assistant whom I fell in love with. Sweet office romance, a story everyone loves." He then sighed once staring at Steph's blank expression, "I am being blackmailed. A rumor is supposedly to be released about me where I can possibly lose my company if it were to escalate. I do not have much time. If you open that file you will have the information on Samantha Campbell she is the one trying to sue me," He huffed, a regretful snicker on his face. "It was only a one night stand, however she was just begging for more. I told you, women find me rather appealing." And with that agreement came rules. "But one thing to add if you are to agree," His expression turned serious, his grey eyes dark and casted, "Do not fall in love with me. I will not return it. This is strictly business, no strings attached. Do not expect me to fall for you.”   *The cover does not belong to me. Credits goes out to the rightful owner.

Cloudii_Skies · Urban
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12 Chs

Blackmail [Part 2]

OLIVER TOOK A SEAT BUT SAT in silence, only staring at her menacingly.


"No? well then, do you know why I brought you here?" She scoffed after getting no answer once again. "Oh come on at least make an effort. We haven't seen each other for so long—"

"And I preferred it that way. It was much better then."

She blowed off an agitated sigh but concealed her irritancy with a smile, continuing,  "I was working as a waiter here after my father and I had an agruement and well I met you, sitting alone by yourself—"

"Again I preferred it that way."

"—So I served your table. A handsome man, all alone, I thought you would be nice but instead you complained immensely about the state of the plate I served. Said that I should be fired. You know what I thought—"

"You were right to quit. You weren't any good." He said emotionlessly and casually as if his words weren't meant to anger her.

"Dick." She gritted, "That's what I thought. You complained about the smallest things and well I was scared of you."

"Of course you were."

"I  thought you hated me until that one day when I saw you again. You were angry and I was angry too and that led to—"

"Why am I here, Samantha. None of this is the least entertaining to me. What? You think this is a nice little memory lane trip because if I recall correctly…I fucking despise you. And you despise me so lets not smile and accept the fact that every time we see each other we want to ruin one another. I want to ruin you, you have no idea how many times I dream about having you dead. So this little meeting or whatever the fuck it is is over. I'm leaving."

Before he could leave she grabbed his wrist and he immediately took ahold of hers.

 However she didn't let go. "Oh come on, look at where you are. You wouldn't want to make a scene now would you?" She whispered quietly, looking around at the people present.

"Fuck you." He sneered.

"I love when you get physical with me but that can wait." She smirked, "This won't take long, I promise." Then her eyes went to his crooked tie, "Let me fix it."

"That isn't for you to do." He shoved her hand away at the attempt and she shook her head, a sly expression playing on her face. One of trickery and games.

"I'm afraid it will be, you better learn to get comfortable with me now my short tempered lover."

He snickered at the word lover, "What are you saying, Samantha?" He sat down again and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You know you're very selfish, just how they say you are. I always loved you, you never returned that. Call it a one night stand if you may but its deeper than that now. If you leave me," She lifted her purse from her lap and unzipped it to remove her phone, "This will be leaked." She clicked on a video, one that made Oliver's jaw twitch. He gritted his teeth and reached to take it from her hand, however she waved it away.

"Take it if you want. I made a fuck ton of copies."

"Is it money that you want?"

"Of course, when will I ever deny. But the thing is I don't want it temporarily. I want more than that. Think more darling."


She leaned forward on her elbows, a sinister smile on her face, "We're getting married, love." She smirked and cross her legs when she leaned back into the chair, "Surprise! We'll finally be all together. Daddy will be happy to meet you again too."


Oliver chuckled, "Never in my fucking life am I ever going to marry you. This Samantha," He gestured to the both of them, "Will never happen."

She shook her phone in his face, "Then a scandal would."

"So you want me to marry you? Can you possibly be more pathetic."

"I bet you're so angry right now. I know that you think you're mighty where you stand and that no one can reach you but now look at where you are. If this were to leak you'll only be known as a cheat, not to mention a liar am I not right?"

"Outsmart me? Leak it if you may, I'm not going to marry you."

"Excuse me." She batted her false lashes.

Oliver hadn't been as low in his life, a million thoughts went through his head on how to get through the situation. He knew she was right. He would be nothing if the video were too leak. So he thought of the only thing that he could, and he wasn't even sure if it would work but…

"I will be getting marry Samantha but not to you. Sorry but I already belong to another woman." He smirked evilly, sitting comfortably in his seat, now with his legs crossed. "I cannot marry you when I am already to be married to someone else. If that were to happen, you will be known as a liar am I not right?"

" You can never be a man once in your life can you. You're a liar."

"No that's you."

"You're not married. I'll post this right now. I know you're not."

"Think what you want. If you think that I'm not then go ahead but guess what will happen if I am. You'll just be another girl who wishes to have me and therefore the news will be washed away just like the many others. Unimportant."

Samantha slammed her palms down on the table, "Don't think I am done with you. Once I find out you're lying I'll post this video and you're going to have to marry me you fucking moron."

"You're making a scene now Samantha. Try to enjoy life without me in it though I know it'll be hard." He lifted a glass on the table and poured out the rest of her champagne. "Cheers to finally going our separate ways."