
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
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77 Chs

What's wrong with this?


A year had passed since the king sold Athena and Rose to Stones kingdom,but somehow he still worries about their welfare,they grew up here and had always managed to impress him,a side of him figured they'd fit in just fine anywhere but another side of him couldn't help but worry.Most of his fear was based on Xavier,what excuse was he going to give to his son for selling off his best friend for some Metals.

King Aaron sighed as he took a sip from his wine while his mistresses played with him in bed.His mind drifted off to the Dragons kingdom.Nathan had already drafted their offense and defense plans but for some reason the war they expected couldn't even be smelled.

A knock was heard at the door disrupting his train of thoughts ,Prince Elvis,his third son walked towards the king's bed and bowed.

"leave us," He said to his Mistresses and they obeyed,he stood up and walked over to where his royal robe was kept,he put it on and walked back to where Elvis stood.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I think it would be best of you hear this from someone else,your Majesty,I just came to fetch you." Elvis said with a bow.

They went to the meeting hall,the high table was surrounded with high ranked ministers and commanders so whatever they called him down here at the middle of the night,must be serious.

Everyone stood up upon seeing The king and bowed.He sat down first before any of them sat.


"According to my sources Your Majesty,King Darius has been Impotent for some time now,unable to conceive a female daughter again." General K said.

"However, there is a rumor going about that He had a long-lost female child,a Dragonkeeper and Crown prince Devarn himself is in charge of looking for his Rumored sister for over a year now." Crown prince Nathan said and King Aaron threw the scroll they handed to him right on Elvis's face.

"This is nonsense,Typical...I knew Darius and he did not have a female daughter!" Aaron said.

"Your majesty,don't you think he had the girl before you became friends?" Strategist Luke asked and Aaron turned to him with creased brows.

"We were friends since we were five"He said and they all nodded with their mouth shaped in an 'O'

"How about when you became enemies,I mean what if he had a child after the brawl between our kingdom that is a logical explanation,then she will be Seventeen." Elvis said and the elders at the table nodded.

"Your Majesty if the Crown prince of the Dragon kingdom himself is looking for this rumored princess/Dragon keeper, do you still think it's nonsense and typical?" Prince Joseph asked and the king was silent for a while.

"If they somehow manage to find this lost princess,maybe things could change and we would not have to be scared of queen Irene dying and the Dragons going berseck," Strategist Luke said.

"A female Dragon blood princess," King Aaron said with a scoff.He abruptly stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"When you all are ready to discuss something much more serious,then you know where to find me,I would not sit here and listen to this absurd words." King Aaron said and left.

"I think we have to investigate this ourselves" Prince Elvis said.

"You're right, what are we going to do now, Brother?" Joseph asked.

"What we can do." Prince Nathan answered.

"Which is..." Alex asked,He was now the General's first-in-command and had earned a seat at the Meeting hall.

"We need to help them out,but it will be done undercover,since the king and King Darius are not like before and the king also looks like he is against it." Prince Nathan said.

"Then why do you insist we help?" Alex asked.

"Because we need that hope if not we might most probably burn to ashes." Prince Nathan said and they all kept quiet, supporting his motion. "Dismissed," He said and everyone left the hall.

"Hey brother." Jackson, Alex's best friend called running to catch up with him.

"What was the meeting about?" Jackson asked,throwing his arms around Alex.

"What it's always about,Politics."Alex said and earned a frown from Jackson.

"You never tell me anything again,you seem to have changed since you were given that damn badge,it's like that little amount of power has changed you...Or is it since Athena was sold." Jackson said and Alex halted.He turned his gaze to Jackson and saw him smirking.

''And you also know as the First-in-command I could punish you as I please, Right?" Alex said and Jackson's smirk instantly faded,it was Alex turn to smirk as he walked away.

"Hey let me help with that,it looks heavy." Alex said to Sarah when he sighted her carrying baskets of harvested crops.

"No it's fine,I am almost at the kitchen anyway." Sarah said.

"Nonsense,I can't let a pretty four eyes like you carry thes, you'll get exhausted or worse you may hurt your back." Alex said and flashed a heartstopping smile at her as he winked before taking the baskets from her and walked ahead.

Sarah frozen and gulped as time slowed down,the sunlight as if on its cue flashed on Alex's face and it glowed, tiny golden hues from the sunlight danced around him as he walked away, She could clearly hear her heart thumping In her chest.

"What are you standing there looking at,come on let's go." He suddenly said,jolting her awake from her trance as her train of thoughts crashed.

"Huh,o...okay," She replied while stuttering and when he turned around her hand touched her chest.

"What's wrong with this?" She whispered to herself and then shook her head to erase that heavenly sight that was still somehow lingering in her mind and then placed her hands on her red cheeks.

"I'm just tired,that must be it." She said and walked to catch up with him.