
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Leaving this Hell-hole


" I can't believe they permitted us to go out." Emily said, jubilating at the news they got from the head master.

"It's just for three hours." Zeke said with a pout.

" What are you going to do when you get out?" Xavier asked.

"As for me, I'm going to my father, I haven't seen him in a while," Emily said, smiling to herself.

"I'm going to stick with you might get lost," Ezekiel said, putting his hands on Xavier shoulder as they walked out of the temple.

" Finally, we are out of this hell-hole." Emily said with a sigh.

"The air outside smells nice," Zeke said as he inhaled while outstretching his arms.

"Don't be a dim-wit. It's the same air, Tsk." Xavier said, slapping behind his head and walking ahead.

"Ouch, can you ignore me sometimes, i will appreciate that." Zeke said and bid Emily goodbye, then ran after Xavier.

"Wait up," He yelled.

They walked through the market, taking in the view and impressed at their cultures. people walked up and down in haste. but that was how market places were, always busy.

Xavier suddenly caught sight of a fortune telling booth, and it reminded him of the time he took Athena out of the castle walls, He still remembered vividly about Athena's blood being the answer to a war, and him, becoming a powerful general.

"What?" Zeke asked.


"You just scoffed while looking at that booth. What were you thinking about?" Zeke asked.

"How fake they are." He replied.

"Should we go check our fortunes?" Zeke asked with stars gleaming in his eyes. He had always wanted to try it, but he didn't want to do it alone. Fortune tellers were always so creepy.

" Forget about it." Xavier said and walked ahead again.

"This kingdom sure has weird cultures," He said, noticing people dressed like a panda.

"In Melech Kingdom, Pandas represents peace and ease." Zeke said.

"And that's why we are the largest kingdom," He said again, pride evident in his tone.

"My land has a kingdom filled with fire-breathing dragons." Xavier said, and Zeke eyes lit up in excitement.

"Yes, I heard about that. Is that your kingdom?" Zeke asked.

"No, my kingdom specializes in weapons." Xavier said nonchalantly.

"The, that's lame"

"Weapons that are capable of killing Dragons," Xavier added.

"impressive," Zeke said.

"I don't think we should." Xavier said.

Come on, just for energy, we won't cross our boundaries." He said again.

"How about we have a little drink before going back," Zeke suggested.

"I don't think we should."

"Come on, just for fun, we won't cross our boundaries,"


"I think we crossed our boundaries," Xavier said in a drunk state. His eyes were spinning, and he looked completely intoxicated.

"Pfft, we only drank, one two, three, seven bottles...yea that's a lot." Zeke said, counting the bottles. He was also drunk, but he had a strong tolerance to liquor.

"That looks like fourteen bottles, or is it twenty-one?" Xavier asked. He was seeing doubles, and he looked like he would collapse any time soon.

"Tsk, tsk. You are so drunk." Zeke tsked at him mockingly.

"I'm not drunk, you fool."

Xavier said. A hiccup escaped his lips as soon as he said that.

"This is not the time for denial. Let's get you back to the temple. You're not in a good state, and it's getting late." Zeke stood up from where he sat. He hauled Xavier up from his seat and put his arms on his shoulders, supporting him.

He thought he was bad when it came to drinking, but Xavier was worse. At least he could stand on his feet, but Xavier's mind could not process a single thing right at this moment.

As if reading his mind, " To be honest, it's my first time drinking." Xavier said with a silly smile plastered on his face that made Zeke want to punch him.

"Wait here," Zeke said and left Xavier for a moment to pay. Xavier lay on the wall, and then he heard a whisper. He looked around for the source of the whisper, but when he didn't see anyone standing close to him, who could have probably whispered in his ear, he went back to laying on the wall.

"Xavier." There it was again, a whisper, calling out his name. He looked around, and this time, he noticed something weird. There was absolutely no one around. It was like they all vanished, leaving him there and all alone as the whispers got to him even more.

Xavier staggered outside the drink bar. He ran his fingers through his dishelved hair and looked around. The streets also looked empty, and it was getting late. The sun had gone down, and it was getting darker.

"Xavier, come to me!" He heard the whispers again, and it came from the dark alley on the left side of the drink bar.

He walked towards the alley with unbalanced footsteps. His eyes were a bit blurry, but it was clear enough for him to see he was walking towards a dark alley, and it was very narrow.

"Maybe I should go back." He halted and said to himself, he turned to leave and then he heard the whispers clear enough, it was her, the voice he longed to hear.

"Xavier...My prince jerk."

"Ath... Athena?" He called out, creasing his brows to try and see her clearly. he couldn't believe it. She was standing at the entrance of the dark alley with outstretched arms.

He ran towards her to embrace her, but she suddenly vanished. He looked around again, and he saw her standing farther into the dark alley. He rushed to her again, and before he could reach her, she ran to the end of the alley, which was a dead end with a huge wall sitting there. She stopped and turned to him. He also stopped and looked at her with a smile on his face. He couldn't explain how much he missed her.